Perí hierōsýnēs (De sacerdotio) of St. John Chrysostom

발행: 1906년

분량: 257페이지


분류: 미분류





exile in the ear 4 δ. The occasion vllicli eventuatly led to in compositiono the is sacerdotio is describe a considerat te lens in in the pening hapter of this realise an a briefflatenient vili suffice aere' Chrysostona ha been onine potni os entering iapo the monastic lis in company viil his intimate men Basil, viae he learni at hean Basilina been Cliose sor consecration a biShops,

deeri Sense of the weight and responsibilit is ine


X LNTRODUCTIONpriestly office, and of his o vn navorethiness, nimie hirn

the deception whicla his mend ad practise l. evisite Chrysostor in the eranti' celi vhere the alterhad apparently talcen refuge Ache struggled villi his

emotion, ChrysostonanturSi into laus later, an expressed his legisure at the suCces of his tot but bein re-proached by Basi in language of great dignit ancigentieness, lae proceede to desen an to explain his

by the duplicit whicli Chrysostoni ha 1 hewn,-or, is the account is parti limaginary, vas villing to ethought to have lae vn,-it must notra e fors otte that severat of the ather talce a viei disterent froni urow o the Suhuec os pious fraud. and that ivliat Chrysoston Carried ut in practice had been advocated


upo the eau responsibilities os in episcopa office, conabine i villa his xv ianfitness, a the ause of his desertionis Basil si 'o vi I 3). In these eloquent andinovins descriptions of the dignit os e praesthood lies e main interest os in present Ois it is inesexvlaici have give it iis ille περὶ ἱερωσύνης, and whicla

mali it fiermanent valueri in Clergnos ever age The date viae the evenis bove describe took place is probat ly 373'; a year o so laesore Ch Sostomlest Antioch, an entered pon that se of monasticretirement vhicla, is ue have Seen laste untd 38O. The late os the composition os in de sacerdotio is a quite distinci question and Dona ancient times disserent opinions have been hel on inis subjecto. Someliave assigne the work o Chrysoston ' diaconate

present edition. II. Internat evidence of the de sacerdotio.

P a Socrates' the Church historian fim century), and George os Alexandria' sevenili centu ), teli iis that


ina in treatis περὶ ἱερωσύνης vhiCh ve POSSCSS. For no oni is ther no evidence that Chrysostoni vrote more than ne voin On his subjeci , aut thecontextis the passage in in sermon in question lae sciose similarit ivitii the topic hancile in the de sacem dotio, a the folio ving analysis of the passas e vili prove. Chrysostonicis spealc in os in audacii nos Κin UZZietili, who transgresse against the Lor his God, and ventini in temple os in Lord o bur incense pon thealtaris incense lan is te to spealcis the ostice of the praest a greater tha that of the cing ἱερωσύνη γὰρ καὶ αυρος της βασιλείας σεμνοτερα, καὶ μείζων ἐστὶν ἀρχη'. The throne os the praesthood is set innotinearth like that of the cing, ut in heaven τίς ταυτάψησιν αὐτὸς ὁ ων ουρανων βασιλεύς οσα γαρ ανδησητέ φησιν επὶ της γῆς ἔσται δεδεμένα εν τοις Οὐρανοῖς' καὶ Oσα α λυσητε επι της γῆς, σται λέλυμένα εν τοῖς ουρανοῖς gain, ο δεσποτης i.e God επεται ταδουλω i.e the PrieSt), καὶ περ αν ουτος κάτω κρίνη, ταυτα


stae v that the is sacerdotio is later than the time os his retirenient 37 38O). It is also later than his diaconate 38I-386) For at Antioch, as ves kno v


srom Chrysostoni himself, Heachin mas no sar of the sit os a deamn biat vas confine to the bisho and the wiser of the presbyters ' ence in sermon inquestion is certaini later than Ch sostoni' ordinationas presbyter Bardenhewer places it in 386. Tiliemoni Midmonifaucon incline to placerit later Stili, in 388. Thus 386 is in Dominus post quem so the date of

the a sacerdotio. The terminus ante quem is assordeo by erome, Iulio, in a vori avritte in 392, reser to theis sare otio is at rem1 known to litui' An xve must apparenti placeolae eminus ante quem earlier han39 inii de to allo v the reputationis the book tinae toreach Jerome. ence verinis that the de sacerdotio vas vritte bet veen the years 386 and 39O.

clainis of the praesthood are o Strongi enapha. SiZed, and iis prerogative so glo ringi described. Again, this vas also a natura momen sor in to se forthio the wori the true motives of his actio at the

Homni in I Cor. 9B: ἐπεὶ ad νυν τοῖς ἐν ἀφελεστέροις των πρεσβυτέρων τοῖτο i.e τι βαπτίζειν ἐγχειριζομεν, τον δὲ διδασκαλικον λογον τοι σοφωτέροις and sor in biclaop, omni in I An. 599 D.


his variolis cluties, are ais deSCribed.


XVI LNTRODUCTIONBOOK VI describes ine cluties of the praest a contraste livitia thos os in montc. The responsibilities of the praest are Shewn to beareater so the fouis of othersare in his keeping. The erce character of ine Marsare Carrie On by Satan against manicind is also delinealed. The book end with a promiSe giventa Chrysostor that he vili assis Basil by his counse in sulfilling the luties of his office.

et Suidas tenth centu singles ut the de sacem dotio sor pratis on account of iis rei mirata style an iis tost eloquence' e also quotes froni it two Passages os considerable tength' 3 innonymus Scriptor vitae Chrysostonii' aster