Perí hierōsýnēs (De sacerdotio) of St. John Chrysostom

발행: 1906년

분량: 257페이지


분류: 미분류



2. The neκt edition is quali void o cratical importance. In Isa in publislier uiger Rescius brought ut, a Louvain a teXt of the de sacerdotio, ofwhicla the editor vas icolas Clenard 3. In the two editionscius naine n mention is made os the manuscript on vllicli in texi is based. In Isis a te in advance vas made, , he David Hoeschel published in edition os the de sacerdotio based on the reactings o certain specifie manuscriptS:


principies by vhic in editor vitas uide in in sor-rnatio of his teκt He states that he macie a caresulconation os ine alatinus arui Augustanus, removing thei errors, fissing up ei lacunae'. am appendin ana aratus criticus vi hicla he had compile smin ine

. Aster Hoeschelio separate editionis the de sacem dotio appeare 1 sor more than a Centvry. ut in 16IO, eleven ear aster the publication o Hoescher book there appearest thes farsi volume GD the a reat aeditioni Greel of the complete voin os hiγsostoni bySi Henr Savile . his , oin has usti earnec sor Savile a reputatio as ne os the mos eminent Greelc

libros dition e consuli, errara sussuli, lacunas explemi, lectionis


INTRODUCTIO XXXIXscholam that this counis has produced an in many wSPeCis It exhibit a scientific Conceptionis the cluties

of an editor vhic itis out be difficultri parallel untu

talcen by both editor an pranter-Jolan orton ine

os in editio is sat 1 to have cos Savile 8 ano, RS a result, this sumptuous undertakin has been called by Hassam, no vnredisonat ly, inerarsi gork of learningon a great scale publislied in England Savile telis us that is in basis of his o vn texto ui de sacerdotio he sed inat osmoeschel but laad corrected t. vii the id of tivo manuscript at Oxsord, one in the librar o Corpus Christi College, in other in that os ei College. The amount os nexu materialinat he utilige in the case of this reatis Was thus comparativel smali but his κtensive cnowledge of patristic Greelc, an his found Mudgmeant, helped in noles in the de sacerdotio than in ther portions os his edition. is texi is ne of the mosi trusi vorin inathas appeared an Phave neve distere Pisoni hini villi-out laesitation.


xl INTRODUCTIONAt in en os in eight an concludin volume os Savile' edition there are Latin notes, both cratica and explanato , o me die ac They are by the editor amicertain os his Englisl meruis Jola Boys, Canon os Ely, Richarcimoniam, an others. s. Whil in England the edition usi described vas bella passe through in press in French Jesuit Fronto

Ducaeus Fronto ci Duc vas engage in aris ona similar asic. His edition vhicla included a Latintranslationis in Greel original, vas test unfinishe at Fronto' eis deain but was complete in siκ volumes by Federicus and Claudius oressus. In I 636 an edition

Vticiant readings an notes, in Latin are to beseund ait in en os volumes I, 4, and 6 os in originalectition. The L atin translation, vhich vas by Fronto himself, vas hase ominat os Germanus BriXius Is 343.

Accordin to ulter, in his Mor es of En lanae, e


INTRODUCTIO NEFor in textis in de sacerdotio, Fronto sed ine Augustantis os oeschel, adclin readings roin t vo Regii libra' os these ne vas bought y Franciso inis is styled by Fronto F' ine iner vas Mughthymen ID Fronto styles inis ΜS. M', e also hadhesore hina 4nembranae nobilissimi viri Fri Olivarii' M'): and in vetus interpretatio, hic lae consuli edin the edition publishe at aris in Isa by etrus Gromorsus. The editi it pris epoto vhic Fronto refersis noto that o Isas biit in Louvain edition os 329, whicla te usuali Cite a L. Ο Ι Ο.6. In the ear III Jola Hughes, Fellow of estis College, Cambri ige brought ut an edition os in is sacerdotio, opis academicis, impensis Edrai. esse δ' The book contain the Greel teκ of the realise, viin Latin translation. refiκed to the textore valvabie dissertations o in Christia praesinood also amiseos Chrysostor talcen roin Cave' historia litteraria, whichina in turn been borrowed ston the lis by Savile included in his editio of the wocts of hγsostoni. Νotes, hiefly os a critica character, concludemus hes'

France .... hen Fronto Ducaeus... cause them to h printed there vithimplici sa1in and Nim obedience...only oining inereunt a Latin translatio an forne iner inconsiderable additions': p. I. G. Scheid Moptimis cir sostomi editionitius Dissert. Wittent ergo. 35. Jeffer Was a bookseller. The ille of this edition is S. Ioanniscius tomi Ariarapiscopi Constantinopol ni de arce otio libri L Graecere mine accessere disseriationes qua an prooemiatis de Unitate facem dotari, em S. cir sostomi visa e cel eo mi avra historia luseraria desumta. Editionem Grnamis, motionemque inerit Ioann miser A.M. Col item apud Canti rimensis socius Cantabris ... I IIo.


xlii INTRODUCTIOMedition a being the best os alici but in a se v passages he had adopte the ea ling osmoeschel and Fronto. occasionali he had cistere Dor at three editors, and

ha used so the correctionis in texi in manusCripi evidenCe CCumulate by Fronto. Hughes texi is in no respectra eti e than hos os his predecessors hut in his notes he osten advocates the rue ea ling, and supporis his te v xvii Considerable leari in and judg-


7. t is convenient to rechon a an independent

The ille o Thiriby' edition 1s: S. Ioarunis cirrost ni de Mue otio libri T. Graece e Latine quibus disseriarion quasdam praemisu contra librum falso inseri uni Eccleriae Christianae Lura immeasar notasque aeteri Ioannes Humes .ff., Colum ies Canta . Socius.- in aurea priore tua me arior es auctior accesti S. Greminis Nasianaen eiusdem sedis Archieriscopi de eo carrumenso conscri a oratio a lometica. Opera S. Tharib A.B., iusiam Columis alumni. Cantia me, insis academicis, impensis Eium δεσαν Biblio Meian Gr.



was energeti in the collectio os neW materiai and anumber os homilies har Chrysostoni vere so the farsitim published in his edition. His relator remarkSprefixe to ac treatise, aries the se of Ch sostoni viin the disrectae, o dissertations in his conclud ing

to hae satisfied vii the way in vhic he has deali villithe problenis of textua Craticisna. For a long tinae scholars have been ware of theunsatisfacto mature os in critica fide os ontiaucon'sother vise usesul edition Dandri an inus relieve seoni thenecessit os demonstratins it inadequac in regar tothe textis ine de sacerdotio in particular. I nee Ponlyreser to the clear an convincing proos osmontiaucon's remissnes give by D R Field, ne of the nios eminent editor os Chrysostoni, in his editionis inemoniilieson Stiauhew': and wiin his talenient L entirely

pp. xiii sqq. thus p. xiv codices non mota non contulis bonus momachus, sed interdum m inspexit quidem. . . ne unum quidem codicem nominatima Mat, sed inum, duo, ' avos,' hoc vel illud Dore monens, umbris ac timuismis lectorem Iurit' etc. For illustrations of in unsatisfactoo nature of Ontlaucon' apparatus to e se sac. se Burna of Theol.

Studio, Jul 1 6 P. 588. N. C. d


ulter I have been able to est them am nearly allo ine SS. e sed so the de sac. have been in mylian is), I have ound inaccurate, osten Seriousi So. Furthermore, Whil recordin mere inistalces os spelling, of tile or no significance, he init potnts of realimportance. The angvage an style os Chrysostoni he hadiso sufficienti mastere 1 so that he is osten ledio preser an inferior reacling. In Shori, the Cratica parto Μontiaucon' edition is reat whichcit is least possitae


LNTRODUCTION lv accompanie by ILatin notes'. There is aratrons flavouros Luthera theolos: in these notes, in Pine Contrasti et xveen his edition anci Seliniann Eis to hom see surther on is instructive an occasionalinenteriaining. Ιt nee hardi be sal that in scholarship hev n in Benger observations is ound and thorough. e also de a I .atin translation.

Froin Bengel himself ive learn litile acto in methodwhicli he followed in constitutin his text. . spealis in genera ternis of having sed the best os the manu- Script of early date. e raises in Augustanus os whic he made a resta collation), ut res arcis e

Palatinus as interpolated. The versio by the vetus interpres he has sed vit Care, ac perhaps Her thanal eκistin manuscripis. ΜontiauCon' edition vas also

of his teκ the editionis Sas. Benger principi os preferring the readins that

Iohannis cirrostomi de sacerdotio libri sex gram re latine crimque recogniti et notis indiciari que aucti, eo maxin, conrilis ut enoMommm emberricomm alumni, et ceteri qui Novo ratamen o Graece imbuta sunt, ad scriptores criniasticos suavi gustu invisentur faritaque me hoaeo praeparen ur. Opera D. Alberis Bengelis. Iu ordiae I 725. Besides thereuised edition hyclis, se belowhinere have been inan reprinis of Bengella in stereotype 1 inclinita edition in i 8a5, 865, 87a, 1887, 9- .


this recenSion.

The mos important assistance vas derived mira Savile' edition and the editor expliciti states the

Leo Praefatio to his edition p. ix. Iohannis Chus tomi e sace otio Ebri VT. Ex rerentione molis

eram riusdem prole menis, animadverrionibus in erras et indicibus, aridis suasque notas adierit Aenotheus Eri Musam. Lipsiae I 83 . Ioannis cirrostomi opera fraestantissima Graece e Latine. RudoIstad I 837. oin i, ars I xvas ali that appeare os inis ivota. This revise edition vili be reseraec to in future by in designatior, Bened.