Perí hierōsýnēs (De sacerdotio) of St. John Chrysostom

발행: 1906년

분량: 257페이지


분류: 미분류



the Consent of the presbyter o deacons arui orders his to render an account of inose revenue to the provincia synod ChWsostor divelis pon in necessityo takins precautions against a possit te charge of mis- appropriation os in fund of the Churcii an his o vn later experience illustrates the importanc os ine δ The right os Church patronage a veste in the bishop. e, as a ule, coliate to in benefaCes illiin his diocese, conserring bry Ordination to a Particular litte, the spiritualciurisdiction vllicli ire v viin

N. C. c


Chrysostor describes a tengin the difficulties and anxieties eni alte by the protectio of vido us and virgins in partiCular.

11 Finalty various other letalis os the bishop's luties may be briefly allude to inus e vas expectedio hei hospitalityrio strangers. The virtve os hospitalit is strongi inculcatec in the ex Testament, ind vas practised nos liberali by the eari Christians.

No vhere, probat ly, have the responsibilities of the Episcopa ostice been more suli se sortii than in the


describe Wiin yeater eloquenc than Chrysostoni the privileges of that office, alui the opportunities sor good afforde to him vho holdscit.


hood in 362, though he aster vatas returned to his cluties, has long been regarde a closely alcin to the de scacem dotio sor Gregor talces the opportunit os describing the inportance anci in responsibilities of the riestly office Dor in sani potntis lex acinat whicli ve findi Cli sostom. An κamination os in is sacerdotio and the de si ea fide by fide heius many clos parallelS

Thus the topic os voluntar retirement is handie in bothis these voins in the sanae way in both veran alistis the chies herestes prevallins in the Murtia centu : in both in suggestion that ill-regulate violenc against

any give heres may trive us into a heres os opposite tendency' in both a long and elaborate encornium 11POnine character in Pu ork of Si aut . The ae se a date Don 362 and in de sacerdotio a xv have seen is bout a quarte os a Centur lateri The question os an indeblednes os the later to theearlier Vork annot pe haps, he definitet decide& butit Seenis ait an rate probabie unaa Chrysostoni vas acquainted villa the de o a'. e probata kne v fand sympathized illa the actionis Gregornos agiangusin resignin his se in 38I, a se v ear besore in de sacerdotio vas umiten: and is so, hi Synapath may have turnec his thous his to vard the work in vilich

Μigne xxxv o6 asseris stat both in de sacerdotio in 1 ine exulascarioralis see belo vhare a mere expansionis the aestima.


INTRODUCTION Hia. The de ossis ministrorum frat Ambrose in three books date bout 39Ι), is a manualis Christianeret vhic derive great importanCe rona the notae CharaCter, vide XPerienCe, an Statesmanlike vie us fit author. lae ori os the reatis is suggeste hyCicero' de inciis, o vhicli it present an interestingand instructive ContraSt. Resemblances o Chrysostom have been detected ina vork d. virnitate sacerdotali, attributed tori Ambrose This vo k lio Mever, is Spurious an os late date.

3. Si Jeronte' lette to epotianus D. ii date 394 contains an interestin discussion os the uties of the presbyter an monk of that time. 4. The exula o mra pastoralis o Gregor the Great Bishomo Rome 39 to 6o4h vas uritie by him so the instructionis his clergy, an is os specia interestio Englislinae hecause in Alsred thought so highlyoscit that he himself translate it so the se of the Englisti clero os his time. The original voin, whichat ne time vas give to vel bishoria his Consecration, resembles the de sacerdotio in the emphasis vi hichi lays iapo the necessit of the stud os individualtemperaments by the praest, and the value fa knowledgeos human nature 3. Si ernari os Clairvauκ, vlio die II 33, rotea voin entille de moribus et ossicio episcoporem, vhichhe addresse tomen , Archbisho of Sens. The de consitaeratione also present many oint os resemblanceto the vota os Chrysostom.


The treatis is cast in the omnis a dialogues on ine modet os inose of Plato belween Chrysostoni an Basil: but Choesostom has byria ine larger hare allotte tohini, and in the later book Basi is sor the mos par a

The style os the de sacerdotio is ighi elaborated,

and bears lea traces of the care Whic Chrysostomtook xvit iis composition. It long and osten complicate period are constructe o the basis os inertiles os Greel rhetoriC. ne sentenc ina be cite attenm in illustratio of this καθά περ γαρ ι σωμάτωνερῶντες, ως μ ὲν ν πλησίον εἶναι, των ρωμένων est, χαλεπωτεραν του πάθους την βάσανον εχουσιν, ταν δὲ ως πορρωτάτω των ποθουμένων αυτούς ἀπαγλωσι, καὶ την μανίαν σπήλασαν ούτω καὶ τοῖς ταύτης ἐπιθυμουσιτης ἀρχης, ταν με πλησίον αὐτης γένωνται, ἀφόρητον γίγνεται το κακον, ταν δε ἀπελπίσωσι, καὶ την επιθυμίαν μετὰ της προσδοκίας σβεσαν ' In is sentence ve have a Caresul a Se os παρίσωσις an παρομοίωσις

as in Isocrates himselfoster traces of the influence of the inetorica trainingos Chrysostoni pon his urit ins sona be een in erepetitionis vordiso in salie os emphasis, an in the



The frequentisse os similes an metaphors is characteristic os the Syria school an no one emptos inem more frequently than Chrysostom Τhe voc uua is in de sacerdotio contains, achefiis in elevation os in subject an Style, cenain voriis hic are more frequent in poetry than in Prose . Hereas ain mare rem inde of Plato.

Chrysostom, ascis reported nighil studied ...the sam author, an had theam to cieans a cura ilous vehemence into in sine os a musing sermon.'For in source of inis statenient se in Editor' note.


The solio vin historica personages have been identi-fieci vithii Basi os in dialome I put first e vie whic seenis to me in Si probabie. i The Basil vho ecante Bisho os Raphanea, a lovi in Syria notria froni Antioch. his suit ine conclusion of the dialogue uliere Chrysostom PromiSesto visit his scienci rona timeo time. In inis inere Would be no difficuli is ne vas at Antioch, the inerat Raphanea. IV fin a Basi bisho os Raphanea present at the Synod o Constantinopi in 38 I, eight years aster the probabie dare ei in consecratio of the Basi os the de sacerdotio. This is the vie v vhicli seenas to have gaine generalacceptance. It i adopted sor instance, by Fronto Ducaeus, BaroniuS, Tillenioni , ontiaucon, Barden


a Basi in Greetit, bishomo Caesarea in Cappadocia This lex is thought to gain suppor homo passage in the historia Socrates but Socrates' vorcis, rightly Considered, meret prove that Ch Sostoni Masintimate vith Basilis Caesarea the have no reserenceto the die sacerdotio. . The great Basil, vla via bor in

Chrysostoni's sellowstudent. Oreove the consecrationos Basi a bisho o Caesarea uould naturali talce place ait Caesarea noto Antioch an is, as Seenas Certain the iis sacerdotio va writte aste 38O, it uould scarcet have been possibi sor Chrysoston to excludeat reserencerio Basir note vorthyaepisCopate a CaeSarea

37 379 hac the Basilis the dialogue an Basi the

Basilius. It is clea froni the dialogue iself that the


The distance belween Antioch and opsuestia in Cilicia)

3 It has also been et inat the character, and

ineresore in narne, o Basi is a pure figment of Ch sostoin's imagination. t is staretnheyon questionthat the pisode on hicli the de sacerdotio is baseclis an historical one, not meret invented an so ithas been talcen by an vervvhelining naajorii nos inose

I. V. is of the mos important Editions. I. The de sacerdotio vas prinieci separatet longi e re in appearance of the rs complete edition os the work os Chrysostoni in the original Greelc. nisa in editio princeps of the de sac. vas issue Domine tanting res of metien, at Basle. It containeditae Greel teXt, vii a prelator letter addressed by Erasmus to Vilibald tricheimer, the learne humanist