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LNTRODUCTIO XVII93O quotes in passage viaicia is cite by George os AlexandriB. IV also find references to the reatis in the solio ving : 4 Si Geroine, uritin in 392, telis us that he had rea Linis vork of Chrysostona. e kne v Chrysostoni byreputatio as a prolifi author'
s Isidore os elusium fisth century), a discipleis
6 Socrates, the aurcii historian fisth centu )StateS, RS IV have Seen that Chrysost orn wrote laede sacerdotio during his diaconate.
πυκνω ηκριβωσεν, στε πάνταs...ἐν ταύτην τὰ οἰκεῖα εὐρέσκειν κατορθώματά τε καὶ σκώμματα.
XVIII INTRODUCTIONbut also on iis responsibilities. As Bisho Gore has vel saidy: Chrysostom is emphati in asserting thatori, cloκ is os no avat to justis a Christian ,κlyuntes iis praesthood is secured by proper ordination. Butos lie iniis hevus himself to be alive to the spiritualdignit of the praesthood, in virtve allice of iis sacrificialand of iis udicia powers, he is quali alive to iis responsibilit sor individua fouis, layun immense treSSon the necessit for considerateness, sor genti and patient et Dadaptation to the different character and need and wealcnesses of men ivliether of higii or lo vestate.'
by ah Doctrine of the Host Eucharist.
Non os the ather talces a more exalte vie v stliis Sacrament than Chrysostoni. At the moment, laetetis iis, when the rea and wine are conseCrated the heavens Pen and the anget come do vn to earth and he quote ivit approva a repor that angelsiad actuallybeen Seen villiin the sanctuar at the time that the Eucharistic sacrifice vas eing fiered. The greatest purity, he argues, is heresore require of thos ivlio participate in that service, While the praest 3ulio celebrateS
INTRODUCTTO XIX Villi regam to Chrysostom's doctrine of the Eucharist, there has been much discussionis to vhether Ceriain Passages in the de sacerdotio favour, o domo favour, inedoCtrine of Transubstantiation Thus, sor XamPle, heSay to each of thos present at the Eucharist thou seest
tua Lor 1 sacrificed, and lyini besore thee), and the praest
sollo vin tapon the consecration The Roma Controversialist who Cite his passage os Ch Sostona, among thers, in Supportis Transubstan
XX INTRODUCTIONsorne thera an inat hos things may asit leviunxvar me into error That vas in ancient athers' Care, as it S ur stili, to instruct theseopte notri loolet aret o the out vard elements biat in thenario eye vii h
Lan indet te sto the kindnes os Dr ason sor an illuminating discussionis the actuat vor lingis the passage in question iii ). Drmason talces, sor κample theus of the word φοινισκομένους This, he thintcs, probat lyreser to bein sprankled villa the blood, no ases have explaine it a loci ut at an rate it cloes no reserto the colour est pon the lips of the eopte by the Eucharistic species. Dis, he renaarlcs, in the Sanae regionas the word 'blood, no in the regionis the wor vine': an is heresor no intende literalty. The phoideros Transubstantiation vovi no say that the 'γlood of Claras literati3 reddens those ullo receive. The isone vor 1 in the passage is metaphoricat, it is a least
INTRODUC NON XXI possibi to suppos that thera lS Rre, .g. τεθυμένον
Transubstantiation and the had O ear even ister that theor ha been soranulat e 1 of their vord be ingunderstood o suppos it. Their object vas to impreSS, notrio define. o Penuence, Confession, an Absolution. ΡenitenCe, as a system os discipline, ad iis originanc sanctio in the ex Testament aen primarii in the proniis os Christ o vhicli Chrysostona, as velave Seen, malce reserenCe more than nCe Severa passages in the de sacerdotio recognig the nee lis penitence: ut Chrysostor also insist that the praest natast study the Varying Character of men in orde that his disciplinenaa be flective
I regar to consession, Ch sostor taugiat that it might e made either mediately, to the primi or immediatet tomini. Confession to the praest is implied in the de sacerdoti, , consession to God is allude to in other utrilings: sor example, the de incomprehensibili Dei
Persecutis of hereti . Chrysostoni laeta that heretic oughtio tot persecuted on account of thei bellese, ut holita by gentie
συνδούλων των σων, οὐδε ἐκκάλύψαι τοῖς ἀνθρώποι ἀναγκάζω τὰ ἁμαρτήματα 'τ συνειδὸς ἀνάπτυξον ἔμπροσθεν του θεοῖ καὶ αὐτω δεῖξον ἁ τραύματα, καὶ παρ μου τὰ φάρμακα Θησαι. de ac iura απερ ν ἐργάσωνται κάτω o ἱερει κτλ. quote aisne P. si n. 5 . Chrysostom feein to talce so grante the justice of ephiesil acts reser re to arid cloes no inean to commit Odo a compulsor submission to What may have been an must sacerilota act. See
employe to denote both . In the soliosvin analysis procee accor ling to the orde in viaici the topics discusse appear in the article mishos in the DictionarFos Christian Ait urti . i. Titie. Besides ιερεύς verandia προστάτης' ὐεπίσκοπος' ὁ πατηρ' laesides periplarases sucti as ὁ την ἐπισκοπην λαχών ii Electora. IV hea naucli of thos in elected Chrysostoni an Basil to the office viaici, Ch sostoni decline to fili. The electors, via are describeci Some-
a reacter ἀναγνώστης, A sinalia exceptionat case is mentione byrat Augustine Ep. xlii). Instances os
neXionos in metropolitan: victi hirn in ali probability, vere associate i Some os the Comprovincia bishops. v. Place of Ordination. The consecration os Basiltook place in Antioch Fror inis ve nia inser at Basir se lay victi the province viaicia ad as iis metropolitan in Bisho of Antioch sor at this timethe metropolita se of a provinCe vas usuali in placeos ordination os bifliops whos sees et wiinin that provinCe. his has a bearing on ine question vilich
is discusse in L ais to the identit of the Basilis the
vi. Remova b resignation Chrysostoni argues in savouri voluntar resignationis his se by an bishopustio is conscious o serious gulit'. Xample os resignation are not vanting sor example Gregorros agiangus, ulte archbishomo Constantinople, voluntarii resigned utin the consent of in Counci o Constantinople soalso eletius ivlientishomo Sebaste in Armenia Atthe sanae time the eeling of the Church an stronglyagainst resignation, a bein tantamount to giving putori sor Christ . vii Remova b deposition. his is contemplate asain alternative to voluntar resignation in the passage Iust quote Dona the de sacerdotio. The round on vhicla deposition is based in his passage Seen to Iethos genera irregularities vllicli affecte ali clergy, and therefore inclusivel bishops alSo we ma note
that the 38lla Apostoli Canon deposes for negligence
The horne o Basi vitas at this time, at least in Antioch and thehishoricam stillae for the ordination cp. ἐλθόντος in in preVious notet. de sac. iii Io ἐχρῆν δὲ...μη περιμένειν τα ἐτέρων κρίσεις, a ποτε συμβαίη καθαιρεσιν κανον ἐργάσασθαι ἁμάρτημα, ἀλλα προλαβοντα, ἐκβάλλειν ἐαυτιντη ἀρχηs.
β In the administration o discipline the biflaoptook the legi l the presbyters otain a subordinate place unde hini, and orna in his Councti Tlae,shop, however, vas the late an ordinarily the sole audge in therars instance in cases of excommunication and thisis borne ut by the is sacerdotio , apari froni a maSs f
γ The inconae in i offering of the Chureli, an iis alnis, vere in therars instanc unde the dispositio of