장음표시 사용
di there is motion, there is Oid, ' Ibid. 192.
then analytic. The Stoic are right in sociar a the hol ctiat
syntheti trullis can be establighed a priori, and thus have thenecessit attachin to analyti trullis A further craticisna whicli Sextus has to offer against the Stoic definitior of the sigi as a proposition an o dialecticas en iotic, is that the Stoic linii Signification to the fornialleve exclusively. β' his restra Ction votita linii nate a large par of the fiet o synaboli Ana. On the hun)an levet, there is
the validit of the adnionitive Sign whicli has iis basis in the
recognitior of the applicabilit os scientific aetho to the problern o philosophy. The ei nullast on the episteniological
io tho reein o philosopli fron the absolutisti an deterna in istic vieivs vhicli donii nate Greel thought. Vith the Hellenisti perio os disintegration o ovi systenas and de is
De Lacy, P The Epicurean Analysis o Langu age. Am. Journ Philol.