장음표시 사용
III. The Epicurean Matheniaticians Aster Polystratus there is again a brealesin ou knowledge of
rment that probabi belong to the late hir or early secondcentur is the introductioni niathen a tic in to the Epicurean school. Basilides an his pupit Philonides hecanae annotis asEpicurean Imathenaaticians the alter bein a men o Apol
an it is possibi that Philodenaus is here folio vin a traditionestablislied by the ea riter Epicurean naathernaticians Basilides an PhilonideS.IU Zeno of Sidon, Dexnelmus an Philoderatus Frorn the en of the seconi centur to ille micidie of the
Philodenatis analysis o poetr an n Lisi i definitet On1pirical It is losely unite ivitii his lex of the nature f
tha here Philodenaus is denying the hora an practicalvalues attribute 1 to nausici Plato Aristolle, and the Stoics. The ar o poetry, a Cordin to Philoclenius, differs frona nausic in that iis effect de penusin both the ound of the wordes
iarit an practice, but insist that the peculia natur of artor science es in Unaetho and the transnaission o certain COITanaon mia Cipies applicabie to particular cases. V Philo
naedicine an navigation An essentia qualit o ali aris is that the be derive entiret frona experien e Ven in theeXAC aris the basi principies are learne through fanailiam ty
Anaong the nipirica elenaenis in Philodenatis ethica wmting shouM also Iemnentioned the Craticisnam Platonic dialecticin the work On Uices.' This craticisn is quit in the spirat of
This brie surve of the work of Philoclenius has lao vn theextent to xviii h the later Epicureans eniploye 1 thei enapira aln ethod in ali the branches of philosophy. Certa in technical