Ploutarchou Nikias. Life of Nicias; with introd., notes and lexicon by Hubert A. Holden

발행: 1887년

분량: 315페이지


분류: 미분류


δρόμω συντείνa εις TO στυ και προσβαλων τοῖς aρχουσιν ευθὼς κατ ἀγορὰν ενεβαλε τον λόγον. 'Eκπλήξεως δε καὶ aραχχὶς ως εἰκός, γενομενης tra1 μεν ἄρχοντες εκκλησίαν συναγαγόντες εἰσήγα γον τον&νθρωποπι ς δ ερωτώμενος ra ου πύθοιτο σαφες Ουδεν εἶχε φράζειν δόξa λογοποιὸς εινα και ταραττειν την πόλιν εις τον τροχον καταδεθεὶς στρεβλοῖτο πολύν χρόνον, ως πηλθον οἱ το πῶν κακόν, I ως εἶχεν, παγγελλοντες. οὐ τω μόλις ὁ Νικιας επιστεύθη παθὼν Δ πολλακι αυτοῖς προεῖπεν.



συγγράμμασι τούτοις, lae reader os illi conii, i iti On'.


πεζος οἰχνεύων, ἁλλα παρὰ χρυσον ἐφθον, ς φησι Σιμωνίδης ἁκήρατον οὐδἐ μόλυβδον ἔχων, i. e. but the saltialess, theadulterate friend of base alloy revere an cringe to hi laetters, whoi he clares no more te vitii laan a s Oina ala vitii a Lydianchariot' or even Heau' to se Simonides' expression vitia resined

Tilmaeos himself to Aristolle, ultor lae called ψιμαθη σοφιστήν, as olf)ios XII telis s. ne of the characters delinealed by Theophrastos is stat of ὀψιμαθία se note in ebb' edition p. et o a. O the se Os τις lil e the Latin aridam, vitii adverbialforce to limit, illae by Strengilaening Nealcening the effect of


tiae adjective o vhicla it is ot neci, See ny note to Xen. Cvrop. I iv

I a. 19. εν τουτοις, mere in ' i. e. in reprehendendo lallisto ol,

dictionen ini putarn Gelle; . κατὰ τον Δίφιλον, ' accordinito Diphilos', o se lae vord os Diphilos'.

21. A. Me in eice in his misso va critica Conricoratur ivrecratur p. 38 Supposed ita at these line had liginali te sere iace o Timaeos hirriseis, hi titie aster variis saxv liis nai Stalces fi ag DI CODIDI. I P. 26ὶ

and thought laevonight have been a id os sonae pot-lJelli e parasite stuued vitii Sicilian lard'. e that ascit imay 'laere is litti do ut it that Plutarch in lais applicatio oscillem to lae historian interi s

στρατηγον τι ἔχοντα τοὐνομα detro τῆς νίκης γεγονέναι Οἰωνον τοῖς Ἀθηναiοις, ντειπόντα πρ ς την στρατηγαν, a for in .stance, hera e professes hi laeti es that the resti sal os the coiri. In and of the expedition by a generat, Whos nanae vas dei ived ro in Victory, vas nainous to the Athenians'. The genera ni eant is fcouis Nilcias For the predicate ut Stantive oύνομα See Hi


Ἀθηναέων ... μια νυκτι οἱ πλεῖστοι περιεκόπησαν τα πρόσωπα.

These Henanae orial D statues of the god Herangs, vere talocis os ma leabout the height of the hii man figure. The seper partovas ut into a head saCe, Deci and Iust the o ver pari vas est as a. quadrangula pillar, hiroad a mel ase, vi thoiit arrns hiody or legs, but vi in lae significant in arte of the naal sex infroni They vere distri latite in great Linaber throughou Athens, an alivaysin the nioAt Conspicuous siluations standin beside the uter doors of private laouges as vel La os temples-nea the nios frequented porticos a the intersectiono C s wab s-in the pul)lia agora. They vere laus present to the ye of every Atlienian in ali his Cis of intercoimnaunion, et ther sor hausines o Pleas ure, vitii his sello N- Citigens. The religi ou se eling of the Greellas considere the go to beplante or torni C diate triviae re his statue stood, o that the Coin Pani tonsiti P Sympath an guardian Ahi o Heranes, Iecarne associa ted vim mos of the manifestations o conJunci se at Athens, politi Cal, Sociat, Commercial or gynanasti C. Moreo ver the quadrangula HShion of these statvies, inployed occasionali sorother Od besides Hernies, vas a naos ancient relic hancte do vn roin the pri imitive rude ne S os Pelas iari vorti manship and wa1 popular in Arcadia as vellas peculitari frequerit in Athen S. GROTE HISf. V NGE Ol. VII p. 227 f. ecl. I. The sanie historian has o in excellent observations Cn the violent excitententandreligious alarna produce diu Athensanthis actis nautilation. Se also Thiriwalrs Hist. V Greece III P. 39 C l. a.

Her Imolcrates vas ne of the obtest Claaracter in the histor os Syracuse: liis abilities, both as a state sina an a varmor, aused hina to ante in aster ageson a te vel vitia inroleon an Pyrrhos. s. Polyb. XII DK d. HulisCh τῶν δεδυναστευκότων ε Σικελία μετὰ Γέλωνα τον αρχαῖον πραγματικωτάτους ανδρας παρειληφαμεν 'μοκράτην Τιμολέοντα Πύρρον τον ἹIπειρώτην, a PASSage whicla contain an elaborat de lance of him against the adverSe Cristas nas of innaeos.

At the inie of the Athenian invasionae vas ne of the mos influentia citi genso Syracuse in B. C. I lae had been ne of the deputies to the generat Congress os the Greel Cities a Gela on inhicli occasion Thucydides ut a longspeech into his motith IV 58, 5 . In B. C. 415, after theriirs deseat of the Syracusans, he was appo in te xvith two ther genera αυτοκράτωρ Thuc. VI 2 f., Plut Nic. 16). ut ascite vas iansuccesAsul in his projectS, he vas deposed frointhe conaniand Thuc. VI -IO3 . Se also Ni C. C. 26, 28. He vas Stai in B. C. O in an attempta essec his restoration to his native City, whenc he had been


hanishe three ears laesore. s. Longin de sublina. IV 3 p. xa ed. x eisice τοῖς

δ Ἀ ναχις, Οὐσι περὶ Σικελίαν, τίνα τρόπον ἐπιφωνει di C. Τίμαιος ὐπιτι εἰς διν Ερμην ἀσεβησαντες και περικόψαντες αυτο τ αγάλματα, δια τοὐτ' ἔδωκαν δίκην Ουχ ηκιστα δἐ δι' ενα ἄνδρα, ο απο οὐ παρανομηθεντος δια πατέρων γ ν Ἐρμοκράτην τον Ερμωνος πιστε θαυμάζειν με Τερεντιανε ιδιστε, πῶς ου καοῦ ἐς Διονυσιον γράφει τοι τυραννο ἐπει γαρ εἰς τον Δια και τον ρακλεα

δυσσεβης ἐγ-ετο, δια τοὐτ' αὐτον Διων και ρακλειδης την τυραννίδα ἀφειλοντο ', Diodor SiC. XIII a. rote I. c. observes that the etymological threa os connexionbe tween the Hermae an Hermolcrates 1 strange enough hut vhat is os importanCe to remari is the deep-sea ted belles that sucii an actorius bring asterit divine tini Ahinent, and that the Athenians as a Deople vere Collecti vel, re- Sponsi ble, unies the could appeas the divine displeasure. filiis xx a the vie talcen by the historia Ttinaeos a cent tiry an more aster the transaction, muchmore Iceenly vas it presen to thema in is of the Athenians os that day.

πολυτίμητε Δημητρος Κόρη. 32. ὀργίζεσθαι δὲ τοῖς Ἀθη

ναίοις to preserve the antithesis, the ordei Ahould have been τοῖς o Ἀθηναίοις ὀργίζεσθαι, Iut such trajections of μέν are not un- Corranion, alui frequently clue to a visi to voti an aiatus.

τοὐ Αἰγεστεαs, the eo ple of Segesta', a it vas calle by the inlia Ditant theria se lues, laough the Greeles callec it Egesta orAegesta το των Αἰγεσταίων ἐμπόριον Strat, VI p. 266 272), to xv in the V. of Sicil bet veen Panorinos and Drepanon. To streng the the in selves against their et glinoui Solae eopte os Selinus, the concluded a leat o alliance vitia Athens, in thesi rgi Attaenian expedition to Sicil under .ach δ B. C. 26, and there lies of Segesta against thei enenates vas the original object fili great expedition vlaicli ende so disastroust for Athens in B. C.

seo in the destructio of thei city a tradition vel comed by tiae Ronians, via o that account latine a Limire origin villi them. Another versio of lae Trojan stor ascribe the Mundationis thecit tot gestus o Aegestus Vergi Ps Acestes , whoovas sa id toti the son os a Trojan naaid by naine Sege Sta l)yrilae river- Od Crii nisus Tlaough the state in ient of the Trojan oris: in os Segesta Canno i e accepi edis historicat, it is certa in that the eople verenei ther Sic titans the native race, nor Helleni coloni St. Uluc. VII 57 . The irs historica notice ve have os laena is a eari asD. C. 58O, vhe we findoliena en gaged in hostilities xx ith the Selinunt ines. Dici Vir. and Koni. er g P. 9 8. αὐτο SI'. .. ἀνάστατον εποίησε την πόλιν vlaereas hes i. e. Heralelesinlia Lirim seli Sache Lilaei city, ecause os sonae injur done laia i y


εῖναι, ἐμον πατέρα θρασυμέμνονα θυμολέοντα, ὁ ποτε δεῖρ' ἐλθὼν , εχ rorae Λαομέδοντος ἔξ ἴI συν νηυσὶ καὶ ανδράσι παυροτέροισιν