Ploutarchou Nikias. Life of Nicias; with introd., notes and lexicon by Hubert A. Holden

발행: 1887년

분량: 315페이지


분류: 미분류




e. g. 1 5 5 ην δὲ Λαμπρίας, ὁ ημέτερος πάππος, ἐν τεπίνειν

7 9 nasos. I et II 5. De consol ad uxorem c. D. ἡδη δὲ καὶ περὶ τὰ τοιαυτα ro λην

εὐστάθειαν πεδείξω, ὁ πρεσβύτατον των τέκνων detroβαλοῖσα καὶ πάλιν ἐκείνου του καλοῖ αίρων os μοῖς προλιποντος.


et PlutarCla Coinrnen Ced his philosoplaical studies at Athens, unde the tirectioni Anarnonios, vim a fesso v-phipit anted Themistotclds, a descendant of the heroo Salamis δ' in the ea A. D. 66 vhen Nero Va travel-ling in Greece . O the Completionis his studies under Ammonios, e returiae frona Athen S, where the Deedona of the cit iva Conserre dipon him, to his home a Chaironeia, inhere e Continued his literar phirsutis. Notion aster his e venti a voyage to AleXandria' ' on his retur Dor Iulii Chae vas se te by his scien d s. 3. In lateryearS, Onae tina be re A. D. O hesai avisit oestat an Ronae, viatCla exercise Considerable influencein his aster se H malce a genera referen Ceto his visit in his Lime of Dran Menes '' Where aster Plead- in the necessit for an author Iulio has undenalcen toconi pile a histor of Some Oreign Ounir frona materials no ready to his an but dispersed in different places, stat he liould reside in sonae historicali lanious, ulti-Valed an populous to uno vhere e Can have uni iniit edacces to book of ali cinds, and whereae caninis pichu trusi vortia insorimation o Such parti CularS, a reStupo popular traditi On-h says of hinas et η μεῖς δὲ μικρὰν

Οἰκουντες πολιν και ἶνα μη μικροτερα γεν ται, φιλοχωρουν-

τες, ἐν δὲ Ῥωμη και ταις et ρὶ θ 'Iτοιαν διατριβαῖς υ



σχολης ουσης γυμ νάζεσθαι περ την 'Pωμαῖκην διαλεκτονυπο χ ρειῶν πολιτικῶν κα των δια φιλοσοφίαν πλησιαζοντων,οφε ποτε και πορρω της λικίας ηρξάμεθα 'Pωμαῖκοῖς γράμ

pa in than he had time sor' . The bove passage is for Plutarch's life in more than ne respect instruCtive. In the sirst place velaave his o vn Confessio that lae vas buta indifferent Latin scholar, a faC Whicla, o a nothingos his defective mettio os employin his Roman ulla orities, is proved by ui error into vilicia he falis, as osten

γε κάλλους δὲ ' Ρωμαῖκης ἀπαγγελίας καὶ τάχους αἰσθάνεσθαι καὶ μεταφορας νομάτων καὶ ἁρμονίας καὶ των άλλων, olim λόγος ἀγάλλε - ται χάριεν μὲν ηγούμεθα κα οὐκ ἀτερπέν η δ προς τουτ μελέτη καὶ ἄσκησις οὐκ εὐχερής, ἀλλ' οἶστισι πλείων τε σχολη καὶ τα της Θα ἔτι προ τὰ τοιαυτα ἐπιχωρεῖ φιλοτιμίας.


One iniit so the date os his visit is ive in inetreatis inritae sicili Danina ais' '' ivlaere in recordin an instance of Won tersit sagaci ty in a dog, whicli e la adhina self vitnes sed in the theatre o Marcellus at Onae,

H. . c


Συλλας Ἀαρxqδόνιος εἰς 'Pωμ ηι αφικομένω μοι δια χρονουτο ποδεκτtκον, ως Ρωμ αλι καλοῖσι καταγγειλας δεῖπνον αλλους τε των ἐταίρων παρέλαβεν υ πολλους κτλ. At clinat

V c. I 5. δ' VIIIa I. V c. I o δε κίονες ἐκ του ΙΠεντελησιν ἐτμήθησαν λίθου κάλλιστατεπά ει προ τ μηκος ἔχοντες εἴδομεν γὰρ αὐτοbs θνησιν. ἐν δὲ Ρώμη πληγεντες αὐθις καὶ ἀναξυσθέντες υ τοσουτον ἔσχον , λαφυρίας, ὁσον ἀπώλεσαν συμμετρίας καὶ του καλοῖ διάκενοι καὶ λαγαροὶ φανέντες.



ille biUnge statue o Titus Quintiis Hamininus, opposite the Circus, villa the Greel insCription on it or the

tae states that he had himself heard many Roman narrate lao v in obediencerio an oracle bidding the Romans et Uina Statue of the visest and the bravest of the Greel cintheir o vn City, lae had rected in the forum livo bronge statues, ne of Allcibiades, the theris Pythagoras q. 4. At Rome Plutarcii becante acquain te ivitii man eminent men, an also rene ve hi acquaintance vitii severat vhona he had known besore in reece, as vitia Favorinus, me reno vned laetoricia an philosopherno ivlaona lae dedicate his reatis in tiae principie of Cold ' περὶ του πρωτου ψυχρου and a loSt tracto in mend-ship', and vitii Sextius Sulla o Carthage, υτ μουσῶν

initimac xvith Gaius Sosius Senecio, ne o Pliny's Correspondenis' 'o vhona Plutarcii dedicates severa ofliis Zaraiae Lipes δ' It was a lais suggestion alSo thathe compile his Fmposiaca Record of able talic', liel at entertainiment in via icta e played the part s


ilarough Gallia Cisalpina, via ere in famil of es tritas vas vel known and visite me batile-fieta o Bedna- cum Brixellum' , Ravenna, Chere lae a v the mari lestatue o Gaius Marius Fundanus, anotlier Hend wlio is lae principat interlocutor in the dialogue bout ἀοργη

'Ρώμη μεθ' υμων καὶ παρ' μῖν ἐν τη Ἐλλάδι, παρούσης ἄμα τραπέζηs καὶ κύλικος, φιλολογηθέντων συναγαγεῖν τα ἐπιτηδεια. δὲ Frona II I, I it is lain that Plutarch vas once a Patrae viti hirn an in V I, spealcs of thei hein in acta ther's compa ny at AthenS. Agat in II 3, I ae telis iis that Sositis vras presentis the marria ge eas of his son Autobulos ἐν τοῖς Αὐτοβούλου του υἱου γάμοι συνεώρταζεν ημῖν παρὰ ἐκ ζαιρωνείας ἐν αιρωνεία Voltcimania ὁ Σόσιος Σενεκίων .δ φιλαρχαῖος, Sinnas VII Q cf. ib. VII 2, 2, Sueton S.

c. 22.


raCter and the Counterpart os Plutarcii tins et in his domestic lisericis probablyrio be lentili ed villa Minucius Fundanus, a discingit istae mend of li ny taryounger' . A common friend of Sulla, Fundanus and Plutarch vas P a C Cius, o vhona the treati Se περ ευθυμίας os tranqttulit of mind is dedica ted a distin hiis laedforensi spealce an a mend of the em peror''. 5. Plutarcta' occupatio durin his residen e at Rome vas ah in to that of the ancient graIIImatic S, Iuliorn ve houid describe a lectitrer o private tutor ready togive advice to any one Consulting in on questions of practica morali ty, a sortis plab Sicia of the oui able tomalce a diagnoSis os a diseased in ora Condition, ne of ille dornesti chaptains of heathendouid a Bisho Ibi lat-λot calis laern ready to et I ali vho ought his assistanc a thei spiritua director an adviseri e laad cultiva ted in a greater o le S degree, lae three brancheso stud recogniZed by the ancient S, Vi Z. mathematiCS, rhetori an philosophy '. ut his attention vasta ainlygive tota ora an religioli Speculations in ali of vhiclitie ooholi mos profotin interest the ne en an dainam lais lis and writ in Iste in the duimination fiae

δ' Voltcinan I. c. P. I.


Jud ment, vas naiSChievous, scit ad nos a direct moraltendency his stetorica precept an his rules of historica criticism re allice baSed pon morais; loes te findhimself in presenCe of sol ne physica phenonaenon or Confronted by a Paestion os erudition the solution is obe ound ni by recurring to mora prinCiples Eventiis ules for the preservatio of health are so the nostpart observations oscinora hygiene. I he attach the Stoic and Epicureans it is to vindicate providence and

σθαι C. I; προς γεμόνα ἀπαίδευτον C. 3.

Heere de fontibus et arιctoritas vitarunt parallelarum utarchi Commentatio rineta P Oem. P. 5 etc., Trencla l. c.

P. O. 43 I. c. P. 43