장음표시 사용
llicet in an way to throw light upo the Character and lispositionis his hero. While the interest of the earlier historians, Sucia SHerodotos and Thucydides, is talcen in villa the doingsan destinies of politica CommunitieS,me a re Comparati ael indifferent to tho se of individuals-a factiasilyaccounte for by the Circumstances of tiae age in Whichthey Ved When lae State vas ali in ali and the individitat entiret merge in it But a change in his respectia se in a. early as lae solio vin Centur Vlaenit hecanae the fashion to Connect great Veni and achieverments vitia the ames of individuals so stat vhile Marati)6 an Salamis vere describe a victones of the Athenian eopte an not o Miltiades oni and Themistotcles, Timotheos is frequently spoice of sthe Conqueror of erte beta, Chabrias of NaXOS, and Iphitcrates of the Spartans r. In me time o Theopompos, lae historian of hin Philip ve n greater pronainence iven to the Characteristic o individuals, and thei actions imore caresuli delailed whil in Plutarch by vhos time the Greelc a a nation vere politicali estaced and ali interest in their Counir extinCt,
Π Demosth a . Aristocr. I98 p. 686 των ἔργων των τότε Οὐδενός, γάνορες Αθηναῖοι, ἀπεστέρησαν εαυτούς, οὐδ' ἔστιν οὐδεὶς ἔστις αν εἴποι την ἐν Σαλαμῖνι ναυμαχίαν εμιστοκλέους ἀλλ' Ἀθηναίων, ουὁ την Mαραθωνι μάχην ιλτιάδου, ἁλλα τη πόλεως. νυν ὁ πολλοὶ τουτ λεγουσιν, os Κέρκυραν εἷλε ιμόθεος καὶ την μόραν κατέκοψεν 'Iφικράτη καὶ την περὶ Νάξον νίκα ναυμαχίαν αβρίας. CL Aesch.
14. Soriar, laen, in laeabis of thias, whicla, ascithas been Seen fornas Onem ita SeCon Series, ve possessa interestin addition to the Chapter of Thucydides that relaterio him. Plutarch resuppos es in his readersa cno vledge of the main incident of the Campaigns in ivlitCl lae vas engaged the insormation vlaicia te ivesis ratiae of a supplementar CharaCter. A descriptionτων μαλιστα κατωρθωμένων ἐκείνοις SC Tlaucydides and Ρhilistos αγωνων καὶ ναυμαχιων και η μηγοριων iis reignto his plan a brie an Cursor Viei of the hie tranS- actions of his iero' lis is enough for hi purpose, vig.
την κατανόησιν θους και τροπου.
composed ais histor of the period viae Nilitas lived.
spicit an liberality, and of his splendi dedicator sisto the service of Apollo and the deities, vitii ther proos of his stron religious sentiment. The peculiarshynes an timidit of his Character illustrate by quo-tation frona Contemporar Corni poets. His sondnesssor seclusio an distilce of socia inter ourse traceable
C. C. 6. In thi sectio an account is ive of the earlier militar Career of thias Even a a genera hesought his hie strength in the avoidance of an Inishap, an his Characteristi Caution cepi hina ut of Omedisastrous Xpeditions u hile he wa successsu in severat not unim portant minor enterprises Ane dote illustratingtherunselfistines of his Characten D. C. 7-C. . The astat o Pylos. Rejectio of
the Sparta proposais of ea e due chi est to leon's factious opposition to licias. His resignatio of the command o his politica opponent tangs os os credit an prestige to hina, While it increases his opponent's
and a place is conclude vhicli is anae aster Nilcias, a bella the hie instruiment in bringiniit about.
But his capture o Epipolae and the rapidit vitii vhicla
not been sent to im besore. It is resolve to end Eurymedon at On Ce and Demosthienes in the pring.
Capture of the nava station of the Athenians by Gylippo anxiis consequences, an de at o tiae Athe
pondenC of the Athenians relieve for a time by the artiva os Demosthenes, but rene ved by the di fastrous result of his ill-advise attemptispo Epipolae c. Ι). Demosthenes advocates aisin the lege but is opposed by thias. Retreat at lenglia is resolve upOn C. a), but delayed by an eclipse of thema oon C. 23ὶ Victoryo the 3Tacusans in the reat Harbour an death fEurymedon The Athenia soldier impatient to departia lanx c. et ). Fina ei foris of the Athenians and their ruinous deseat in the reat Harbour C. 25ὶ Retreato the furvivors by and unde tryin CircumStanCeSnohil and bravel borne by thias c. 26ὶ Surrendero Demosthenes; rejectio of the conditions of surrenderproposedi Nilcias batile of the Asinaros an Coimplete deseat an surrender of thias Triumphat entr of the victor into Syracuse C. 27 . G. C. 29-C. O. PropOSal o Eurylcles the popularieader, in the Syracusan public assembly-that their victor should be commemorate by the institution os an annua festiva to be calle Asinaria that the laves of the Athenians hout be sol together vitii theirallies, exceptrilios froni Sicily, and that the alter liould hi Confine a prisoners long villa the Athenians in
pressi mentione by the Biographer o include in lae
o Nilcias, and the reasons for the opposition it met vitii Dona le5 and Brasidas, in langua e ClOSel re-Sembling that o Thucydides V 16, vitii suci additionsas naight be agit supplied frona ther passage of the historian. Both speak of the earnest destre for eace fel by Athenians and Spartans allice Thu V I4). The ternis of peace, me reat bet veen the Attaenians an LaCedaemonians the reason ivla tiae allies heldaloo rare relate by Thucydidsis v I 8 L, et an Plutarcii cla. vitia litile or no difference. The trichplayed pon the Spartan enuoys by Allcibiades, therene vat o hostile seeling, and the reat bet veen ArgoSand Athens, re alSo recorde by lauC. V 43-46. In Sectio F vhile the principat authorit is videnti Thucydides, there are here and there traces of
Supplementar matter talcen frona ther authors Thus in h. XII the main faci agree vitta liu C. VI 6-26 the
in the word of Thucydides V 49), but me addition μικρον-των ἀνδρων in Τὰ and the stor of the capture of the registerii LDare a proos that lutarcii eisteriad
tively the ni differenc bein that in Historian sayso the 3o that the ivere lain the Biographer stat iney vere talcen prisoner se note O C. XVI DI), and that Plutarchaives a fetu vord on lyrio in descriptionis inebatue in Whichaiamacho fell, in orde to introduce thenarrative of thie single combat bet veen in and alli-hrates, o ivlaici the historia is Silent. Ch. IX againis a repetition o Thucydides, is ue Xcept the latinis
of the Athenians evelle at the Syracusans. In hiis chapter both Thucydides, allistos an Timaeos areexpressi quote by the Biographer, a his authoritiessor certain StaternentS I 5- Correspomi vitia huc. VII 5-15, hie ni differenC bein that lutarch says
There are evident traces of Thucydides vii et in me firsi par of Cla. XX an in the description fine night attach o Epipolae VII 43-44ὶ The fac of the nioon bein bellin the Athenians, no mentioned by Thucydidθs, is probabi borro ved frona Philistos, ullo
Constituit, venim etiam ita inplexu est ut, etianis in minutis rebus ab eo discederet, tamen uniVerSuna suum iudicium illius auctoritate et exemplo regi pateretur and A. H. L. Heere de Plutarchisontibus etc. Gottin ae, I 82 P. 34: Omnino, ubi Principum historiae nomina lutarchus enumerat, numquam Thucydidi mentionen desiderabis and lasti that o Ernest oppo Thucyd. 823 Tom. p. 57 Plutarctus propius etiam Thucydidem Secutus est et saepe