장음표시 사용
6. IV can re adit imagine Iulias a pro unil inpressio must have been rnade pon lutarcla I llae reat City ivlaicia vas the laeari an Centre of the wOrid' activity, vitii it glorious nam an associations ' iis beautila an magnificent si his, o so naucla rona solatet expressions ' a sto in his ivliole method of spealcing of the B Ornan OIVer, and the pro und interest ut cla he manifeste in Roman histor at a later petiod of his life Heregarde the Roman empire a a Specia Creation o Providen ce ' for helpin men to las ting eace an undisturbe possession of thei properi aster a long and dreary period of Vartare. 7. Fror themo is and busti os Rotne e re turn edto the modest an quiet place of his birili ivlaere hespent the re maining years of his tranquil life He madea potnt O undenaicin iis lumbi est ostices at arsi '-entertaining a he id the Stron convictio that theexerci se of publi functions vas the dui and the prope reducation o Man. Subsequently h be Canae it αρχων επωνυμος forma Ore than ne ear μ' and was nona inate byliis sello v-to vnsmen to the ossice of Boeotarch He vas
lilce vise hos en to ossiciate a pries of Apollo a DelpH a stili algiae testimon to the ivortia of his Character-andat a later periodis ἀγωνοθετης at the Pythia garnes ρ'.
But his public uties id not lainde laim frona Inal ing
8. In me retirement os a laappy domestic lis Plutarchiad abundant ei fure for the pursuis of his favorinteliterar an mora studies. ut ais sessi virtves vere activel employed for me good of others. Besides talcingliis nil sta a re in the civi an religious uties of his station lae lisbursed the stores of his earn in liberalty di fusing knowledge in an age vhicla Stood greatly in nee do education. His pro hin synapas lay vim lae oungna ad thera a sic of thei spiritua directio a Pleasant ne his leCttire oona vas pen to thos ivlao, longin to Order
as separate reati ses anxit is lain ta at lae ivere nomere fio v declamations like hos o ordinar sophisis, l)ut earn est et iis, a Sisa spiritual physician, to laeal the
nent uriter in Biographu, Histor o Philosoph sor his
vere originalty vrit te or ad lecto On orne particular ΟCCaSion, Sonae festive event in lae Circi Os his aCquaint-
an Ce or at the Spectat equest os sonae friend- 9. As to the Claro nological orcle os tris vortes veare est ver naucla in the laric Most of them natis have beeno trien in his riper ear after the rei gn O Donaitian. For the date of his Biograptates, laere is an important passage in that of SI ID C. I, ut iere, after describing the batile of Orchomenos Mugiat in B. C. 85, he
vilicia e says c. I ab δ' οἶν ἐμοὶ περὶ ποιημάτων ε ιπόντι πρόην ἐπηλθε νυν προ σἐ γεγραμμένα πέμφαι διεν θην and that de audiendo vhicli egins laus : την γενομένην μοι σχολήν, Nixανδρε, περὶ του κουειν ἐπέσταλκά σοι γράφας also the γιεινὰ παραγγέλματα or de sanitate graecepta. si Trencli I. c. P. O7
Olympieio at thens as unfinished, ivlaiCla xv kno v that Hadrian Complete sonae time bet Men A. D. I 25 and A. D. 3O '. There S a passage in Artemidorus Daldianus vlaicia refers to his deatliq/. Io Tl aere is sufficient eviden e that lutarch's votas vere much rea and sed oon aster his dealla. Aelio Aristeides μ' ille celebrated laetorician of the SeCon Centiary, and Polyaenos, timor of the στρατηγη- ματα, borro Ved larget fron hina He is quote by A. Gellius and Galen ' an referre t tb Tatia therapologist in his λόγος προς Ελληνας. In therar Centur vesin Athenaeos Constantly quotin or mal in tacit rese ence to hina, also orphyrios the neo-Platonist, and Elinapios '' Stobaeos in his collectio made extracts of ali cind Don his vorks, includin Some that are OSt. Macrobius in his a urnalia has made Constant Se ostiis Table-talic. In the th centur he vas Caresullyrea by Sopater the ounge of Apanaeia, me eigh in andi velfila book of vhoSe κλογα διαφοροι Contained extraCis froni his vritings, among ther froni his os lives of Krates, Daiphantos Pindaros, Epameinonda : also stom
liis philosophica treatis περι φύσεως καὶ πόνων, and Domanother περὶ ὀρ' ς, a fragment of vlai Claris Mund in thei Zongegium os Stobaeos. It it remat lcabie stat Sopater
vhicli containe an a Count of ne Greel and ne Rona an aero, solio Ked by a Comparison συγκρισις)D filaei respective merit anc Clainas to distinction. Sonaeo these Books have been lost, a that containingolae Lis of Epanaei non das-conapared vitii that os sonae sistinguished Roman perlaapsine of the Scipio s- vhicla appears to have been the fars he vrote, and also that os
his σύγκρισι is antinii the Lives os Themistotclἴ and Camillus. Pyrrhos and Marius, Alexander and Caesar, Pholcion and Cato minor, lavini been iit iter clost in dest
3. imo an det ucullus. 4. LySander and Sulla. 5. Derno Sthen δ and Cicero. 6. Agis and Κleomenes, and lae Gracclii. 7. Pelopidas and Marcellus. 8. Ph5hion an Cato minor. 9. Aristeides an Cato maior. It wid be observexiliat in the ab ove sis no et is laeoni o ne in Whicla the Roman ero talces preCeden Ce fine Greelc the est ire pla Ced in Claron olog .cat orde in The econ Series of ara Vipes, Iuthiciri Vere notivnt ten at the suggestion o friends, but for his ivnsatisfactio an in provenient a lae latim sei record in the Introduction to the me of inloiadu, ἐμοὶ μὲν της
των βίων αφασθαι μ ἐν γραφης συνεβη δι' ἐτέρους, πιμένεινδε και φιλοχωρεῖν ηδ και δι ἐμαυτον, σπερ ἐν ἐσόπτρω
τη ἱστορία πειραμενον αμως γε πως κοσμάν και αφομοιούν
στρος τας ἐκείνων ἀρετὰς τον βίον-an partOOlc. Dama ore distincti ethica CharaCter την προς κατανόησιν θους και τρόπου ἱστορίαν μῖ), Compris e the folio ving
The Limo Epam ei non das is quoted in Agesilaos C. 8; laose of Scipio maior in Pyrriaos C. , os Scipio minor in Tib. Graccla. c. et an C. Gracch. c. Io. VeiaVem authorit except the spurious catalogue os Lamprias sor coupling the me os Scipio vitii that os
12 Dion and Brutus ' I3. Timoleon and Aemilius Paulus.14. lassopoemen and Titus. Themistotcles and Camillus. Caesar an Alexander. Agesilaos and ompeiuS. Pyrrho an diariuS.
Solon an Publicola. The lost Lis of VDIIus Whicla ivas promised in laato Marius C. 29 3va probabi Writte besore hos of Solon an Publicola. Aister he had exta auste in his
Series of Taralle Lives utit te by him; but ni t vopatriare Compri Sed in inis, vir inose of Demetrios and Antonius, Coriolanus an Allcibiades. It was nolinti aster the completion o ste se three series at in biographer feein to have turne his attention to prehistori times and the a traveller in
β' Dion . et ἐν τούτ*, δωδεκάτ τῶν παρα ληλων ὁντιβίων. 7 Denretr. c. I, 4. Oεις δὲ την μὲν εὐδιαστροφη ἐτέρων ἐπανόρθωσιν Ου πάνυ φιλάνθρωπον οὐδὲ πολιτικὴν γουμεθα, των ὁ κεχρημένων ἁσκεπτότερον αὐτοῖ καὶ γεγονότων ἐν ἐξουσίαις καὶ πράγμασι μεγάλοις ἐπιφανοῦν is κακίαν οὐ χεῖρον ἴσως ἔστι συζυγίαν μίαν η δύο παρεμβαλειν εἰ τα παραδείγματα των βίων, υκ ἐφ' doντ μα Δία και διαγωγὴ των ἐντυγχανιντων ποικίλλοντα την γραφήν, ἁλλ' σπερ 'Iσμηνία ὁ Θηβαῖος ἐπιδεικνύμενος τοῖς μαθηται καὶ ob εἶ καὶ ob κακως αὐλουντα esίθει λέγειν υτως αὐλεῖν δεῖ καὶ πάλιν ούτω αὐλεῖν οὐ δεῖ ..ούτω μοι δοκοῖμεν καὶ μεῖ προθυμοτερο των βελτανων ἔσεσθαι
καὶ θεαταὶ καὶ μιμηταὶ βίων, e μηθὸ των φαύλων καὶ ψεγομένων
muluS, L. yicurgo and Numa, Suali in editions placet first o all. ut lae orde in Whicli the ParaIDI Lives are arrange in manu Script an editions varies and is purei arbitrary. The foti extant Lives of Arto Xerxsis an Aratos, Galba an Otho, togetlaer vitia the lost De of
Her ah les, Aristomenes, Hesiodos, indaros, Daiphantos, rat si an Oilaers vere delaClaed narratives vrat te independenti of eaCla ther, and do no Conae
unde the Categor o Taralget Lipes. The lives inde edo Galba an Otho re place in mos of the SS.
In lae Introduction to lae se of Alexandem he
TI . c. I σπερ ἐν τάις γεωγραφίαις, Σόσιε Σενεκίων, οἱ ἱστορικοὶ τα διαφεύ οντα την γνῶσιν αὐτῶν τοῖς ἐσχάτοις μέρεσι των πινάκων πιεζουντες ἐνίοις παραγράφουσιν τι τὰ δ' ἐπέκεινα θινες
ἄνυδροι και θηριάδεις ν πηλδ dAνηs η Σκυθικον κρύος η πελαγος πεπηγός υτως ἐμοὶ περι η των βίων των παραλλήλων γραφην τον ἐφικτον εἰκοτι λόγ καὶ βάσιμον ἱστορ&7 πραγμάτων ἐχομένη χ νον διελθοντι περὶ των ανωτέρω καλῶς εἶχεν εἰπειν τὰ δ' ἐπέκεινα τερατώδη καὶ τραγικὰ ποιηταὶ καὶ μυθογράφοι νέμονται καὶ οὐκέτ' ἔχει πίστιν
the body, o nausi I be allo xv exto enter ather into me indications os a naan's Character an l)ymaean of thesei portra tiae lis of each, leavin to ther the description o grand evenis an batiles. Again in the Introduction to the dias, virile ae talces the
historia Tiretaeos to asi sor Venturin to emulate
Thucydides in describin the evenis of the Sicilian
πραγus βραχν πολλάκι, καὶ ψημα καὶ παιδιά τι. ἔμφασιν θους ἐποίησε μαλλον η μάχαι μυρώνεκροι καὶ παρατάξεις αἱ μέγισται και πολιορκίαι πόλεων. ῶσπερ υν οἱ ζωγράφοι τα ὁμοιότητας detro του
προσίπου καὶ των περὶ γην δ ιν εἰδῶν, οἶς ἐμφαίνεται το θος, να- δεαμβάνουσιν, ἐλάχιστα των λοιπῶν μερῶν φροντίζοντες, υτων μῖν δοτέον ει τα της φυχης σημεῖα μαλον ενδύεσθαι καὶ δια τούτων ειδοποιεῖν τον κάστου βίον, ἐάσαντας τέροις τα μεγέθη καὶ τοῖς ἁγαιας.
CL also the Lase of Minion . et quote in note 6 p. xiis In Lutro duction to the Lives of he Gracchi.