장음표시 사용
tantum interfectos trecento Commemorat, unde Scribendum videri possit ἀνελεῖν una Corae, deleto μέν Sed i ne equitatum quidem corni nena orat itaque Timaeuna aut PhiliStuna Plutarchus secutus est.)Da. l. 16. τοὐτ' εξεργάσασθαι του τοὐτ' ἐξεργάσασθαι coni. Reificius prohiante chae sero. 19. λεῖμμα ἔλλειμμα ut uSitatiorem vocem malit Reislcius.
CAP. XVIII l. 23. v δ' ἐλπίῖος με γάλη Si e ην δὲ δι' ἐλπίδος 27
τοσαύτην, r. ὁ εμβαλόντων cum grauesses, Lyrι ad ruinatam inaeso' lunam conster=rabantur, cet. Madvig). Idem antea coniecerat Solania ad i. probante Reificio tui etiam πολλῶν ante V. πολλά sv inserendunt putat. Sed nihil nutandum : vide notam exeg.
a. l. 6. κρατεῖν uigo κρατησειν Coraes. Si quid nivitandum, quod minime puto, malim αν κρατεῖ, Δ scilicet acile excidere potuit post GN. 10 omittit Corae cum C. 35 a. l. 21. μετάξουσι Scripsi cum C pro Vulgato μετατάξουσι quod, ex illographia scilicet ortum, ita videtur Stare POSSe, Si de ordinis agatri r non de edi mutatione ij ουλεύσεσθαι una Xylandro et Mureto Si Be o βουλεύσασθαι viilgo Si Si cuna tibi is quoi in olbliqvia post ἔφασκεν reSPondere pote Si rectae rationis βουλευσίμεθα . βουλε s σασθε. - . l. 24. παρέσχε tun libri Sirae vulgo: π α ρε στη Cornes, cui lectioni fave bat olim et ipse intenisius il 27. συνεxώμησαν post Amtotum et alios irae Co: συνεχώρησεν Si cum libris.
1 l. 8. γινομένη B Co γενομένην tacue i. a. l. s. συντυγxάνουσα Sirae post Coraen leget)atur συντυγχάνουσαν. l 12. πρωσυμφορῶν auctore Bryano Si: E Co: προ συμφορων vulgatum Si qui comparat Athenae P. I x καὶ
πιστεως malit coraes quod interpretatur καὶ τοῖς συνετοί μόνον πιστευόμενος : ReiSkiu ' Pro μαλλον η accipit. a. l. 22. Ira vulgato διατρίβοντα DuStra malit Reificius κατατ ρίβοντας.
CAP. XXVI 1. l. 6. sιάσcσθαι post Steplaantina Si De Co βιάσασθαι .
2. l. 15. x πεμενε Si De διέμενεν Si λ; πέμεινεν CoReificium secutus cetera Muret et fandro dehientur, ante quoS vulgatae exhilbebant, ψευδῶς καὶ ἔδεισε μη των πολεμίων. gQ l. 30 αὐτο τ oy Iuretus 33. εἰς την ἀναγκαίαν loδίαιταν malit Reislcius, hi in Sequens τα μικρότατα, victum IeceS- Sara uva h. e. euin Plaeter quein Illius altu titii praesto est, et quo S recti Ses uti, sanae tibi pereundum Sit, quia nae oris Copia nuda detur I 'o σῶμα vulgo: σωμα RI . s. l. 9. λαμπρυνόμενος Si vulgo ante ei Sicilina lib1. χρῆται vulgo: κέχρηται inali Ric.
sed conserri ut et intenisius Pelopid. c. 33, et Alex. C. 33 εμπλεκόμενοι καὶ περισπαίροντες αὐτοῖς καὶ π ποις, en Cyr. VIII vili et
q. l. 1. κελευσθεντας Sch Si Cum n ex ras et Cn, probante G. Grote, Cl. huc. VII 86; καταλευσθέντα St Co Be vulgo. 3Α. I Ocu SIISPectus. παρεντο Mure tu probante C. Mulier; παρέντω Corae Si vulgo δι' ἐν os sine καὶ Coraes, ut Sensus Sit πέμψαντο ἔνα των ἐαυτο φόλων πρις τον Κικίαν καὶ Δημοσθένην, των φυλάκων συ χωρησάντων την εἴσοδον τ*πεμφθεντ0, αὐτούς εαυτοῖς ἐπενεγκεῖν τον θάνατον. intenisitas in strii mentum requirit ut ξίφους post ἐν os, quo tibi duces mortem consciverint: μηδεν ὁ των φυλάκων παρόντος imperius quod in textum recepit Doelaneriis : πέμφαντος δέλτον κα των φυλάκων παρέντων Madvigiti de καί transpoSit Provocan ad C. II.
44 g 1. l. 6. καὶ τουτου ias οἰκετας ἐπώλου στίζοντε vulgo καίτοι ἔς ς οἰκέτας πάλουν, ἐπώλουν στίζοντες temere coni. Reislcius. l . ἀλλ' etio civis Sirae ob πολλοι δ' ησαν ι Sch post Coraen, dein postea o μη τουτo; ἀλλ' ο λέγοι v. λέγοι δ' requirit Si L. a. l. 23. 8 et Pit1 Si Co De Reificium secuti δέ Si vulgo. τοὐς Καυνίους cli Si Co De eodem auctore του Καυνίου cum libris S Si R idem in notis revocandunt cense Schae- senis i 25. 8εxεσθαι Si Co e post uretum Xylandrum et Amiotum μάχεσθαι Si cum libri S li 27. παρεῖναι καταγαγεῖν Reislsus C cum n Iunt et AH. παρεῖναι και καταγαγεῖν Si Be Illud αἱ ex ditio raphia ortum Videtur; Vide not. ad C. 22, 3.
omen or the Sicilian expedition 13 Aegeis, an Athenia tribe, 13 et AEGESTA Segesta), 12 I 1 3
his speeclarat Sparta, 18 5; his
9 et bovillain in the batile ne arAmphipolis, Q
EUPOLIS, the a1 Iidas os, si 5 EURIPIDES, Stor about thedrama os, nil the Athenian
Pinsoner in Sicily, 29 et his epitapli on lae Atlientans,
poses to endrilae Atlaenians tot he quarries an to ut laeiri V generat to deatli 28 IEURYMEDON, the Athenian generat, cille in bal l le 2 et EUTHYDEMOS, an ossicer alio serae unde Nilcias, Joi nec in coninaiSSion villa hini 20 IGONGULOS, the Corintlaian, conaesto lae Syracusans, 19 I killed
KVTHERA, fland of 6 LAIS, falce captive at Hylchara
NI IAS, Sonis Nilceratos, ne os Aristotie' three great pati tot S, 2 I; ounger jaan Petilii se , I,ut osten his collearate in the varS. 2 et the ol illi puthina sor xx arci as a barrier against the insolence of Kleon,
M.' his natura timidit an lex e Ssive caution 2 3 lais dreadispeciali of sycophantS.ε 22 et applies his reat wealth to the piri pose Os Populari ty, particulari in pus licexhilbitions 3 I, et his votive osserings, 3 3 enhanchises a StaVe, via ha appeared vitii applaus in the character os Dionysos, M.' his regulations vitii respectrio the choriis ita at vas Sentri Delos in honour os Apollo 3 lae consecrate a palm-tre in bronge and alleceo ground to Apollo, 3 6 lais piet anaounte duo superStition, I his wealth depended hipontiae silve mines in the disti icto ILaurion, liis liberali tynotini to thos xvlao deServecthis bountsh,ut to stich as naiglati, ablerio do in harna, 3; his seclude lise 5 I; hi re-taine Hieron heeps up the popular notion ilia hecis everintent hi Pon State careS 5 2, 3 his lis is reatly one fiteat
is sto, in resolving 16 8 gain Silae peninsula o Thapsos and et poSsession os Epipolae, hi eat ing the Syracusan RValryas vel as insaniry, 17 I; his rapidit in circunivallation os Syracti Se 17 2 durin his itines Latii achos is des ea tectby the SyracuSan S, 18 1, 2;
18 Gylippos offers hin amas conduci, fae xvii qui Sicily, 19 et Nilcias deseat fasiat generalin his fit si en a gement, biliis beaten in the second,
SPOndence, an applies to the Attaenians ei ther for anothera rna Or eis to hie recalled, 19 I; the Athenians en hina re in foro ement an dia one byEm ymedon 20 I loses thes oris of Plena myrion in ivlaichthe Atheni an stores Vere
D. to is imbitio his to conae atone to a decisive action, 21 2,