Ploutarchou Nikias. Life of Nicias; with introd., notes and lexicon by Hubert A. Holden

발행: 1887년

분량: 315페이지


분류: 미분류


P. Thucydidὀs VII gives a graphic description os the

περιπιετεια properi means a sud de Change os fortune 'generali Dor good ton ad hen cecit is frequently used sor calami ty' missoriune'. Dion Ant. R. 2.6ἄλλαι τε μεγάλαι καὶ δειναὶ περιπέτειαι ' πόλει συνέπεσον, Polyb. I iii II, xxiii I xxxvii 2 ταύτης ὁ μείζω περιπετειαν ἐν δ καιρω κατα θάλατταν οὐδ' ι 'ooησθαι συμβέβηκεν II lv I 3 τὰς πλείστας μῖν ξηγεῖται των περι πετειῶν Ου ὐποτιθεὶς αἰτίαν, III i 5 τὰς μεγίστας ἐπεμηνοχέναι συμφοράς, υκ λίγοις δῆτὰς ἐκπληκτικωτάτας περιπετείας, lxxxvi 6 μάλιστα τότε οὐ πάθους κατὰ την


CL Xen Cyr. II ui II, VIII VII, Herod. VII 18 ILUUan Timon C. 2 πῶς γαρ; ὁπου γε καθάπερ πο μανδραγόρα καθευδεις, Plut Tib. Gracch. C. I, , defuerie c. p. 2 F και τί δεῖ τἄλλα θαυμάζειν, πιπιυ γε τῶν θηρίων των ἀγριωτάτων ὁρῶμεν πολλὰ και τιθασσευόμενα και χειροηθη γιγνόμενα τοῖς πόνοις, ritu et ign. Corei p. p. 56 και τί με δεῖ καταριθμεῖσθαι Oι ν καὶ ελαιον-o που γε και ὁ πυρός, δοκῶν εινα της ξηρῆς τροφης, μεταβολὴ και σήφει και δια κυσε τολυγροῖ γίνεται.


acre o Philip o Macedon, an appears o have occupie a leading


urg erant. Ceteroquin dictio Dilai quidem insolens est ἁναμάχεσθαί τινι pro resu are alicaι Reifice . It is dotibi sul vliether ither Ste vari' 'gaue the ther generat to understand o Hait Stone's submittexto the ther that are admissibi versionS.

Although I have retaine παρεσχε in the textrivit Sintenis and Belcher, I

preser παρέστη the reaci in Suggested by oraeq-onc vlexve trivitii favou by Sintenis-a be in more in harmonyxvith δι και συνεχώρησαν. orae thus paraphrases the Passage σω δἐ και το Παρεσχε εἰς το Παρεστη τρεπτέον,ζῖν η τοῖς δ' ἄλλοις πρατηγοῖς πό ια καὶ δόξα παρέστη, ς ὁ Νικίας, προσδοκων προδοσίαν και πιστευων τοῖς ἐν Συρακουσαι φίλοις αὐτos, Oύτω σφοδρως παραιτεῖται τον ἀπόπλου δι και συνεχώρησαν μεῖναι. 'Οτι δ' Ουτός ἐστιν ὁ οὐ τοὐχωρίου, διδάξει σε Θουκυδίδης VII 493. ἀντιλέγοντος δε οὐ Νικίου κνος τις και μελλησις νεγένετο και ἄμα πό ια μη τι και πλαν εἰδὼς ὁ Νικίας ἰσχυρίζηται Amyot' verSion SeeIn to suppore this reading -ries austres estimant que Nicias ne 'opiniastroit Potnt ins sernae nient a contredire aupartenient, qu'il ne e fiaSt en quelque ChoSe qu'il eniendoit de dedans la ville,s'y accorderent auSSy'.


1. l. et παρεφυλαττriti Stationem a ba vas keepingi arit'. s. it, Gracch. C. 6, 2 διανυκτερεῖσαι παραφυλάττον - τας Galb. c. et την παραφυλάττουσαν ἀεὶ σπεῖραν, tu se noteto Thei n. c. 26, I. 2. Eτε δή c. I l. 29. μή sor οὐ see note to c. I l. 22. 3. εξέλιπεν va eclipSed'. g. μέγα δέos, a grea caii Sem alarna , nona o accus in apposition to the



2. l. 10. ἐκ πανσελήνου το φῶς ἀπόλλυσι κτλ. asterieinga sullisa oon it suddent loges iis ligiat an assui De ali oris of


lbanishment, vas ounde on his reatis concerning the gods, viai clabegan villa the proposition περὶ ἐν θεῶν υκ ἔχω εἰδέναι εἴθ' se εισὶν

q. l. 23. Plato the distin istae Murule os in AcademicSchoo o philosophy, live seoin B. C. 29-3 8. His lis an l

as vel as uncte toritae vis os Dionysios me ounger, has hieen tol l by Plutarcii in one of the naos interest in os sis lives, on vlaicii thet,eautila poeni of Vor is vorti is Munded. He vas bor albout B.C. o8, and in B. C. 38 in his Ist year, viae the etae Dionysiosol,laine tiae maxinatim os iis dona inton through the Pythagorean hirotherhood os platiosophersae cani into inter ourse cilla Plato-theni a visit os en ivir an cui iosi tyrio Italy an Sicily- vlaose con Versation ima te a naarhed e pocli in sicli se Tlirough laina Dionsoon learne to hate the Dionysia despotisna an conceive l large politica an re rimator vlexus. Plutarch Dion C. 4, 2 telis Sthat lae vas πολλεὐμαθέστατος ἁπάντων των II λάτωπι συγγεγονότων, and c πρατον ἐγεύσατο λόγου καὶ φιλοσοφίας γεμονικης προς ἀρετήν,

ἀνεφλήχθη την ψυχήν. II altere i liis habit an exclaange theluxur and splendour os ricli Sicilian or the sinapi sare laecona inga Votar Ostiae Acadenay II even prevalle Lupon Dionysios Ptolisten to the discourse of Plato, h, ut ilia despot reSente the Philosopher' vie usin the anieliorationis societ y, and becante hoS-


iderio his person, so that he narro ut escaped cith his life Dion maintaine the confidenceis Dionysios Pand was employed by hinii Severat assa1rs of trus and importance, and visited Alliens and thecities of centra Greece On the death of the despot, Di 6 becarne

the prirne minister and the confidentia monitor of his son and Successor DionySios II. Mi earnest exhortations inspired Dionysios vitii a lisposition to vard philoSoph an an earnes deSire t see and converse initia Plato, inlio reluctanti consente to visit Syracuseso a secon time pon thei invitation in B. C. 367-366, in theliope that he might have influence enough to brin about an a1nend- menti thorough resorna of the govemament. But in intrigues of

Ρhilistos and other et Dionysios against Plato and Dion succeede to veli, and the despot no onlycios his inclinationto vard politica improvementit ut hiecam violenti alienated froni Dion, and sent hin into exile. et in spite o liis fornier reat-men by Dionysios, Plato vas induce to Panhina a second visithis hirduo Syracuse- maint in hopes of procuring the restorationo Dion, lio in the meantinae ad gone to Peloponnesos and Athens, uliere lae continue to receive regula remittances of his p perly But the intercession o Plato ni serve to exasperate Dionysio II and at lengili provolce hin to confiscat the whole of Dion ' properi an to give his vise in spite of her o vn decidedrepugnance, to ne of hi favourites his last utrage oused in Dion the determination to avenge himself, Dionysio an emancipate Syracus frona despotism into liberi a the head os an armel force. In B.C. 357 he mustered his ramal band of oo me atZalcynthos in landini in Sicily vhere lae Dund numerous adherenis, made triumphat intry int, Syracuses during the absence of Dionysios in Italy He vas Chosen genera hi the Syracusans, an Succeeded in de atin the forces of Dionysios viththe asSiStance of Herataeidhs, formeri a genera in se ser sice of the despot an no v conanaander of the Peloponnesia fleet Butilio intrigues o Herakleides and Dion' haugiat rananners an particulari his relationshipuo ille Dionysia family, vlaici arouse the mistrus an antipath of the Syracusans, len to his depositionas genera and subsequent retirement frona Syracuse in montias aster his aretvat at that city The incompetency, lao veVer, of Heral cleid ξ and the nexu generat an a rene vel attach by the generat os Dionysios compelle the Syracusans to recali hin froni Leontini, whither he had retired, and to elive ove to hi rei again his ornae po ver but unsortunatet he ook no Steps to realis anymeasure os popular liberty though his honest intention vas to give Syracus a Constitution ,-in Malcholae ariStocrae an democracyshould, a sar a PosSitae, enjo e luat privileges an be cepi ine luilibrium by species of royalty is austere and repulsive manners aised againS him persona antipathies every Haere Hefellis victim to a conspiracy, organised by his intimate friend the Athenian Kallippos see c. I , in havin live oni about a earaster his expulsionis the Dionysian dynast frona Syracuse. 31. Ἀρα εκ Ζακύνθου, setting ait Doni Zalcyntlios'. Valcynthos


Zantri vas one of the Ionia istancis lying of the west coas of the


Plut Dion c. 22 5 ὁρμητηριον δ' ην η Ζακυνθίων νησος, εἰς ν Οἱ στρατιωται συνελέγησαν κτακοσίων ἐλάττους γενόμενοι, γνώριμοι ὁ πάντες ε πολλων καιμεγάλων στρατειων καὶ τοῖς σώμασιν σκημένοι διαφερόντως, εμπειρία ὁ καιτόλμη πολύ πάντων κράτιστοι και δυνάμενοι πλῆθος ὁσον ἐλπιζεν ξειν ἐν Σικελία Δάων ὐπεκκαῖσαι και συνεξορμῆσαι προς ἀλκην 32. υδεν διαταραχθειs. Plut Dion C. I , T τοῖς με περ ι Δίωνα θαυμαστον ουδὰν ν λογιζομένοις τὰς

ἐκλειπτικὰς περιόδους και την γινομένην os σκιάσματος απαντησιν προς τη

σεληνην και η γης την ἀντίφραξιν πρb τον γιλιον. The interpretatio of the phe- nomenon by the oothsayer illas-ViZ. σημαίνειν το δαιμόνιον κλειψίν τινος των ν ἐπιφανῶν, ἐπιφανεστερον ὁ μηδὸν εἶναι της Διονυσίου τυραννίδος, ης τολαμπρον θοσβέσειν κείνους εὐεις φαμένους Σικελίας-Serve to quiet theapprehension os theramesi force viaici accompani ed hi m.

These lines are quotest by the clioliastin Aristophanἴs's Pax Io 3 aet σχίζα γοῖν ἐνημμέν ' τον Στιλβίδην πιέζει- vhere the nam is Sed sor a representative os lae pro session os prophet in generat. 38. Φιλόχορος Plailochoros B. C. 32o-26o was a celebrated Amenian writer, known best 3 his Ἀτθίς συγγραφή), or vortia noli histor an antiquities of Attica stomilae earlieSt times to the reig of Antiocho Theos. He et theostice of ιεροσκόπος at Athen in B. C. 3o6. Durinilais life he was abiiter enern o Demetrios Poliorkὀtδs, whos Son Antigonos Gonatas instigat ed his deat a The reserene in the passage se reus is to his vorte περ μαντικης in soli bookS, Containing a collectionos the ancient oracles an an explanatio of the Various modes faeivinatio Clem Alex. Strom. I P. 33 D ed. fl). Athenae. XIV p. 6 8ij. The fragi nent of his various xvorks areaix en in Didot'sFraevienti stor Graec. I p. 38 -P. I 7. 39. καὶ πάνυ, vn maxinae CL Xen Cyro vi 3 illi note. 0 πολέμιον, inimicab', adverSe'. s. l. 1. ἄλλω τε καί no in iis usual sense of especially', but 'an besides', i. e. a Sciane se explain SQ-Praeterquana quod signum pSuna Per se non maluna erat, Plutarchus dicit Athenienses etiam non So lumini lunari obScuratione, tamen tuto abire potu-


1SSe S Nicia moram non ultra triduum illud in eclipsibus sollenne Protraxi SSet των περὶ λιον. .. ετ ιοῖντο φυλακην, the toolchee o sola anc luna phenomen sor three Jay sonlyi'. Cf. Diod. Sic XIII et των δε μάντεων ἀποφηναμένων ἀναγκαῖον εἶναι τὰς εἰθισμένας τρεις μέρας ἀναβάλλεσθαι, ναγκάσθησαν καὶ οἱ περὶ Δημοσθένην σσὶ καταθέσθαι. 3. Αὐτοκλείδης Valesius o Harpocratio P. 27 PropoSed to rea Ἀντικλεiδης hiecause AthenaeOS. P. 473 I imention the alter is the author os a vor entilled τὰ Ἐξηγητικόν, Cl. Plut Alex. C. 46, Or. P. 365 F biat Harpocration mention Αὐτοκλεέδης also s. v. ὀξυθύμια, παλαμναῖος, προκώνια διεγραψε Sc. λόγ*. ἐν τοῖς ἐξηγητικοῖ Sc. βιβλίοις, in his Book on me interpretation ofoniens'. qq. Eλλην σεληνηs ἀναμενειν περίοδον CL huc. VII 5 Νικίας οὐδ α διαβουλεύσασθαι ἔτι ἔφη, πρίν os οἱ μάντεις ἐξηγοῖντο, τρὶς ἐννέα ὴμέρα μεῖναι, ὁ πως ἄν πρότερον κινηθείη. 5. ῶσπερ, lavassatana. 6. ἀποκαθαρθεῖσαν, leared Dor darkneSs', 37 restore t heroa Sual brightneSS'. τὀν ... uetro τῆ γῆ ἀντιφραττόμενον, ivlaicia is revente Dona heing see by interpositio of the artia'. f. Aristot Meteor. I, 8, 5 σοι αντι - φράττει η γη στε μ ὀρασθαι etro του λίου, lut Dion C. et 'ris γῆ την ἀντίφραξιν προ τον λιον.

Cf. Xen Cyr. I ivra μικρου κἀκεῖνον ἐξετραχήλισεν. πάντων

i et ἀφέμενοι του πολλοὶ προσέχειν τον νουν Hier. VII II οὐδεὶς πώποτε ... τυραννίδος ἀφεῖτο, Oecon. VI 6 ἀφέμενον της καλm

ὀψεως. 2. διεμαντεύετο, H Pirrat iri. καθήμενos: s. c. I l. 27, and actu to the instance there giVenaliat Philop. c. 5, 3 ob γὰρ ξειν αὐτον ὀ πω οικία και τείχη κενὰ φυλάξει καθημεν os ib. 17 V Cleom. c. I, 3 ἀλλ' ἐν Αἰγύπτ* καθεδούμεθα πυνθανόμενοι,

trireme accordinito huc. VII 52, 7 4 acc. t Diod. XII 13 se Athenia fleet was 86 triremes Strong. 6. περιλαμβάνοντεs: cfrauda c. I 2 6 villa note αυτοί, Isset. 7. τα παιδάρια:Diodoro has a simila statem ent in reserence to the fina batile intiae reat Hamour. συμπαρείποντό τε τὰς πηρετικὰ ἔχοντε ναῖς

παῖδες ελεύθεροι, τοῖς τε ἔτεσιν οντες ὐπό την των νεανίσκων λικίαν

καὶ συναγωνιζόμενοι μετὰ των πατέρων XIIIo J. Grote hi inlcs at Plutarch inust liave confused ne batile vitia the ther sor his account an hardi be made to harmonise initi Tluicydides. Ieadd It is to the recollecte ilia both lutarcii and Diodoros hau


probabi rea tiae description of the batiles in the reat Harbour

Sol. c. 9, 1 ἀναχθέντα συχναῖς ἁλιάσιν, Timoleon C. 8, Ι σῖτον μικραῖς λιάσι καὶ λεπτοῖς ἀκατίοις ἀποστέλλων, Alciplaron Epist. Ia, et υκ ἀνεχόμενος των ξύλων τm ἁλιάδος, Diod. Sic. 3, 2Iτων ἐλαχίστων αλιάδων υκ ἐλάττους. n. l. 10. γνωρίμων C. I. I 8. 11. κατελάμpανε, Wason the oint foveri alcing ' HA.4 832. Cf. C. 3, 2 C. 2, 3. 13. ὁ θεῖος avrιncitius eius. 17. τον Εὐρυμέδοντα ... διέφθειραν Euryni edon, vho Was in command of tiae milli Athenia division in attemptin an evolution to ut flant the en enly'clest, eare thelan to naucla and was inne u against it in ille reces of Dask5n where, being to sar os froni the Athenia stationto receive any an assistance, lae vas Stain an his division destroyed Thuc VII 5a, Di d. Sic XIIIo 3.

Q. l. 31. παμὰ θάλασσαν cf. huc. VII 52 ἀποχωρησας ni γε 38τον πεζον πρὀς την θάλασσαν καὶ παρέταξεν το μεγα στρατόπεδον:the albandonen theirint rencla naeni in the higher g tindi Epipolaeane suci par of it a xvas eares to the outheria clis and confine thenaseives to a lina ite sorti faec space lose to the laore,

τείχη ... Hράκλειον, hei Enes that reached to lae tena ple os Heralites'. his vas piol)abi in the quarte calle Tycci e Wherei appears rona Cicero or in Verrena IV 53 . that there verenian temploes, thoughi he cloe no mention thi anaong ollaers. That i stoodin laletharotini is evident frona the expression in l. 36


Cf. C. O l. 12. This could hi ardi hi true sayi Vrangliam os a laero, vliose labour inust have generali implied os sensive operations. Os Theseus, however, his reat imitator, Plutarch remarici C. 7, 2 ahat onmettingis froin Troeeten or Athens, he resolve to actinino the defensive.'