장음표시 사용
sus, quod Θηβαιγεν ne Griticula quidem esse putabat vid. ΚGen. ac Gregor. P. as . d. Schnes. Lobeck ad Phryn. P.
I 62. Qii e noλλου ωλεσε ήλασε Flor. I. 2. στρατηλάτασJManifestum additamentum grammatici, qui Satis se prodidit illo 'se, ii od ineptissim una huic loco est Ceterum hic versus in libris Adrasto tribuitur Theseo adscripsit Vale enarius.
ripide esse mihi satis manifestum videtUr. IT . ii Marsilandus Legebatur v. De pronominibus r)xείνων Π ηαραλλήλου positis dixi ad Med Ias6. I s. δεδορκενα Martilandus ex V Iso. Legebatur heδοι
I 8O-I83. τόν θ'-δίκην χει Ineptissima haec est Praecedentium sententiarum amplificatio, quam ejiciendam SSe bene intellexit Reiskius, falsus tamen in eo quod ex alia tragici fabula illatos hos versus esse credidit, quos ipsum dicendi ge-
in omnibus quae superfurit tragici fabulis, Iphigenia Aulidensi
excepta, interpolationis exein plum. Nam hos quoque VerSus non ab Euripide esse profectos, sed ab scriptore multis seculis recentiore, omnis et cogitandi et eloquendi sententiasque inter se connectendi ratio oeet, omniumque maxime verba PoStrema ostendunt o Ueία πόλει πολλαὶ διώλοι τ' ἐνθεει στρατηλάτου. Neque ἀψη . oci verbo usus esset Euripides v. 36. ubi nihil narrandum, sed ratio tantum est reddenda Praeterea verba IIeλοτί- ηαρεὶ χθόνα . I 8 . loco in Commodo Sunt collocata. ectis autem his versibus Adrasti oratio aptissima finitur sententia v. I 6-I s. quana in fine collocari potius quam mediae orationi inseri oportebat. I 8 . μη Canterus. η μη libri, nisi quod Ala Flor. i. Is O. τά- ικτρα γαρ δέδορκ HOC EX V. I b. Sumpsit scriptor
Is 8. Elmstet coria Parat Andocidis verba P. S. d. eis.
et a I. ψώντων θεῶν Tu, inquit, filias hospitibus dedisti,
oraculo naonitus, ideoque sic, ut qui esse deo crederes mox autem e Peditionem Suscepisti, neglectis attini monitis, ut si nulli essent dii Refertur hoc, άντων θεῶν, axατιμάσα θεουσ. v. 23O HERM. ara. δῶμῶ σῶμα Pur. A. B. Flor. I. 2.2aS. δόμου codices *όβου Ald Melanippae D. 2. παιδασθυραίου ε δόμου exrησατο Com Purat Matthiae.
qtait Ur, hic, Ut nani Personalia alibi, ut plures quod fieri solet MARΚ.2 3. τεθνάτων debebat τεθνεώτων ut eis ius Heathius. Legebatur Te θνατῶν. κομίσαι Martilandus , μισα libri.2 S. ἰώ μοι λάβετε, epere, πέμπετ, δείρετε libri rin Tere Se τε ταλαίνα χέρα γεραιά; nam sic libri) Delenda sunt haec verba, quae librarius aliquis intulit, et loco quidem valde absurdo, leviter interpolata ex Hecubae v. a. ubi legitur, λά-
aps ἀμψιπίτνουσα Scribebatur δμψιmτνουσα. δειλαία. tiod dactyli mensuram habet, restitiait Hermannus. Legebatur heιλαίαν. 28o. κέταν Scribendum lxta cum Martilando. Ceterum mihi non videtur dubitari posse quin hic quoque versus hexameter fuerit. Fortasse igitur, eιλαία, qui parum elegans in fine praecedentis versus duetylus est, in hunc versum translato sic haec sunt redintegrandR.
aso e χάραι Canterias Libri eσχατιαιφ. Vetat autem Theseus matrem fere diem,SSiHerefraris cσχάραιφ Cereriε, quia nihil triste coiiveniebat sacrificantibus unde chorus ad Clytaemnestram Iphig. Aulid. I 8 p. dicit, non lacrymetri decet
in Sucris vide Plutarclitim in Fabio. 3. 8 F. Sed praecipue
Hanc Theseus occidit in Cromyone Corinthii agri vico Vide Plutarch in Theseo. BARN. Sis e*eυρέθη v Scribetadunt e*ηυρέθ .
λακον, ἀλλα γοργον λέπει. Verbi γοργον δναβλ. opponitur . 323. Κοτεινα βλέπειν. MATTH. Temeritatis Athenienses arguebant, qui gloriae eorum minus favebant, quod plerumque infirmiori parti se adjungerent. Isocrate in Panegyrico: δι καὶ κατηγορούσί τινε ημων, μυκα θῶ βουλeυομe- νων, ,τι 'ου ἐσθενεστέρου εἰθίσμεθῶ θεραπεύειν. vid. infra
v. 88. Heracl. v. T . Ad eandem calumniam pertinet βου- λο cog exe τομημένη, quod inverso ordine Constrilendum e-Reρτομημeνη σμβουλοσ. Sequentia, Ut nunc qui leni scribuntur, difficultate non carent; sed legendum opγον ab adjectivo γοργο veterribilis opst inquit illa :- γοργον σῶναβλεπει
33 . αψάλη codices 'αψάλη Ald. 3 I. e eλεξάμην Scribenduna e eδειξάμην cum Hermanno.3 Κούα Gaismi dus. exosethoe libri. I nec ci Elnasleius. legebat Hr πείσων. 3 s. τάδε τόδε Flor. I. g. 8SI. ηρο δου Scaliger et Ohou libri.3S . λαβων δ' Adpαστο δ γμα των εμων λόγων Nempe in demonstrationem veritatis eorum quae populo dicturus sum, de inhumanitate Thebanorum, et de necessitate succurrendi miseris supplicibus. MARΚ.3SS. αυτων αστῶ Elnasleius. De quo jam Mar landus cogitaverat, sed ita ut rejiceret. SST. παρ τλου θ' ημενοσ Tangit hunc locum, et morem explicat ex . 6 g. 68 . et aliis auctoribus, Vesselingius, Dis-
Paret quare u Pra v. 3s. Ethra dixerit, H τάσδ' ανάγκασ Re- σαυ λυ ii, ut iit Thesetis hos necessit fessi I licia lorZOS OZ-υcti vel stricti et v. 33. Mένω τρο αγναἰ ἐσχάραιφ. Illa enim religionis necessitate tenebatur ne posset ab ara discedere antequam Supplices eam liberassent, auferendo ct lxeτηρίαy, quod feri solebat concesso isto quod petebatur Sophocles Cilip . Tyran. I 2, I S. Quamobrena Theseia Cas orat, ut ramo SUP-Plices auferant, ut ita ipse matrein domum educat. MARΚ. 36O. ηρύσμιxου ω νιν ἰγέωσἐγω Theseus, however cloes no conduci his mollier to the niansion o AEgeus, but talies heraehin the cenes, here he changes her ress and oonasteriuariis return in the habit anil citaracter of the Thebanherald. The competitor for the rige of trage lyrat Athens, like the competitor for the rige of equine velocit at Newmar et were compelle to observe severa regulations, whichwere institu ted for the purpos o preservin sonae degre ofequalit in thei performances. The actor tvere Dot ni RS- signed by tot to the severat competitors, but the nun)ber hicheach competitor vas allowe to emplo Nas limite to three.
See Hesychius, v. εμεσισ υποκριτων. In consequence of this regulation, heia ilire Character WCre ali eady on the Stage, a
murti coliti no he introducet without allowing one of the three actor suffcient timerio retire and change his ress Asthe actor merebo allowe to ei e tiae , the v like thoconfidant of Tilburina, it has always necessur to furnish the performer, Aulios Servicos ore requiret in a ne capaci ty, With a decent reason for reti ring Thus, in the Edipus Coloneus of Sophocles, Ismene Oes Way to offer sacrifice atv. Cy, and retiarns in the character o Theseus, after abolitford lines, during hicli interva indipus and Antigone re- main on the stage. Soon afterWariis, v. 8 q, While Edipus, Creon, and Antigone, are on the Stage, Antigone is violently carrie ossi Creon' attendanis, and return a Theseus after about the fame interva a betare. It a b observed that, in his play, as in severat others, it is impossibi to distribute the paris for the three actor foras toruive the whole of eachpart to the fame actor Theseus, at his Seconii PPearance, cannot chooselut be a disserent individua hom his first representative. In the sanae play, indipus Antigone Ismene, and
di ess, and to et tirn ther Tyr hit no the Reviewer lias notieed the cone iii t Andromaclio ostiiripides v. f. i. in hic li Peletis enter mi interrupis a conversation et ween Androniaebe, Molossia rini Menelaus II re are evidentiumu he stagi it the fame time, although Molossiis
the edocandii des in hiel, a thii d
. Whiclitare adoptiadi a sotirili actor un- lii ion, a Medea, Pening os lintrat
Pol unices, are on the Stage together frona v. ag to I. I 6. But it is ore observe that Isniene is notaoni ianite during the presence of Polynices, ut that in his par of the lay, sh does notaspeati a Nord from her entrance to her exit. Tlae Poet Was ut liberi to emplo a many mutes s e thought ProPer. Perhaps this note ma appea Somewhat long andrather irrelevant de cati ni say, ita at the type is mali, and that the re noli critiorum, in thoi interpretatior of the Nec quctrict loqui perεDnti laboret, Horace, have omittet to potiatout the origin of that tale. FLAIS in Qticti feri Deuelem Vol. T. P., S. The Quarteri Revie Ner observations on this subject ad been in ararent naeasure anticipaled by Tyrwhiit, in his commentar on Aristolle ora Poetry Sect IO. . Tyr-whit poliat out a scene in the Choephor of Eschylus, hereoni thirteen verses 88J-88s. Lare interposed et Neen Nospeeches hiclitare spolien by the fame actor, in No disserent
characters. In the fame manner, the actor, ho rePresenis
Ulysses in the Rhesus, leaves the stage after . 26, and re- turn in the character o Parisae fore v. 6 2. It appears homilies instances that the recitation of twelve o fifteen trimeter iambic allowed an actor sum cient timerio retire, to change his dress andri retiarn. Nei ther Tyr hit no the Neviewer has notice the scene in the Andromache o Euripides v. 6 6.), in hic li Peleus enter and interi lapis a conversation et Neen Andromache, Molossus, and Menelaus Here are evidently four actor on the stage at the fame time, althouo h Molossus does no ope his lip after the en trance of Peleus Molossus,
dire experiente, ve,ill venture to compare the tales of the Athenian stage, illi those of the en sington stage, in hichthree men three Omen, and three Child ren, are colantei foroni Six Passen gers. Although his system, arithmetie oesnot ad to the corii r of the,ensington stage, it producedmme duantage on the Athenian stage. A the fame actor