장음표시 사용
plicit an natura seeling, an redolent of the mc Desh-neas of the Dee, Wil Way amon tho ountians Thesestorein is litorali translate homo collectio publishediast yeari Zampelios, a Gree genuemamos Leucadia It
Pago 156. The Buria os Demoso This balla describes
the deat acono os a lephi, and exhibita sto atron contraviso Mephti passion and chaeraetor Tho hero os it mireato bo burie in such a manno that ho maffire rom hialom upo the Tucts at the sam time, tho simple loveo naturo, an seolin sor ita charma, aro exquisitet ex-
War-Son o Rhegas. - Constantine Rhegas has Menealle tho Tyrtaeus os odern Greece. e a bom at testino, aramali town in Thessaly in 1753. Early inclisehe wentrio Buchareat, hemine lived a partis the time en-gaged in commerce, an a partis the time holding tho ossiceos roseasor, unii 1 90. e Was the principat ounde os themetaeria, and publiine lyrica appeat whicli caused animmonae sensatio throughout Graece. 11 1796, he wentio Vienna, then the residenceis many opulent Gree families, whomae endemore in rous to action in the cause os liber an nationali . e corresponde&With the frienda os Greeceat ove Europe, an a the amo time published a Greehjournal bending ali his energis to the patriolio purpos ofregeneratin bis country an race. The Ottoman inisterat Vienna dimovere his projecta, and denounce him to the Austria govemment as a conspirator. ejus deliveredipto tho Turhis authorities, to e sent to Constantinopteri ut
tho guard who mereri conduci im thither, probabi in thooxecutionis secret instructions hom tbe Turhish govemment,put imo deat a Belgrade aster a violent strumlo, in .hic ho hille severat of the murderere Thus perlahed, at the age of sorty-five this patriot an poet, surrendere is foverament callinillaei Christiano a merciles despot. iam, hic unti a very recent perio neve scrupte tocompascit end by treacher an blood.
poeta among the odem Greelis. His onga in tono and spirit ammo unlik thos os Anacreon though a superior in delicac os seelin to the poema,hichisam unde Ana
Christomulos M a native salelsoum inmacedonia, an bolonge to one os the principat families in that part of the counto. e lived hoWever, much a Constantinople, amon sto anario Greelis, an appeam is have occasionali reside on one os the rinces istanda ea stat ci , it κε may judge is allusion in his poema. e rote a treatiae, emitte th Molo-Dorian Gree Grammar, in Whie hoendeavore is pravo that themodern Gree is one os thonumemus dialects of the Ancient, and that ali os ita peculiarities ere to beriound in tho Soli and Dorio.
In his poetio compositions, he adopte the spolien, no tho learned languam os e Greeis. ne of his countrymen, RiEoa says of him Christopoulos, a charmin poet gi duit a gamimagination captivate every d by the Garmos his veraes. The ala poeu Whic love to expres haesinaturally, and rejecta very affecte or ar-setcho exprematon meonde the viem os Christopoulos. His Anacreontioodes, in the mos familia style, Were an objectit admirationand delirat is ali ho Greelis. The omen themaelum supporto his system no by learne dissertations, but by the weasum the experieneo in massing the fugitivo ioce of thia poet But thos in attempte is imitato the simplean popular anne os Christopoulos, havin Mither hisgonius nor his learning fel into a triviai and vulgaristylo, Whic Was condemne is albentiolane men .ho destrod
tationis tho Anacreontio eginning Λέγουσιν αἱ γυ-κες -