Selections from modern Greek writers in prose and poetry

발행: 1857년

분량: 242페이지


분류: 미분류



sor ali ages. In the agon os death, aes, at the moment When the

astor his deassi Hellas also aliould receive a partis his preolous rema a. esolongi presses in her arm the urn thathiad his sartina a symbol os hisciqueri ut ait Greece, in mourning an inconsolabie, rendera hic dy bach to the wit ecclesiasticat, civit, an militar honors, cro ne&withlior gratitude and edewed illi heroears Learn, most nobi maiden, stat chiesiain bore itin thei aliouldors to thochuroh that thousanda os Grecian arriora line the waythrough,hichaho procession moved, With arm reversed asis the would War against the ver earin hic analchedaway thoi faithsul Dieny the surround his bier, and swear neve to larget the sacrifices your sather made, an neve toallo. a barbarous and tyrannic Aotrio tramplo the spol Where his hear remains A thousan Christia voices are at this moment mised, and tho temple os thomost ira refounda


rigo 100. παρά than. - Μ- ων Tho Gree alphabothas o letter hicli exacti expresses the notat B stisneares approach is it is by the combinatio μου. Byron a

- δὸν .... του the ye of the historian has me Men revnation enatave by barbariana, and especialimis barbarianarooted for ages in the natio itfessi reed is irae - χώει


Costas Bolgares Was a rotheris marcos, and like him, distinguished by gallant , generosi , an single-heariod devotion to his country. e furvived the revolution, and serve the ountr in various Ways unti 1853. o iodbelove an regretted by ali his countrymen. His uneral as attende by the civit, ecclesiasticat, an militar auctorities at Athens, and the edoquent discourse of ericlos Argyropoulos, then Prosessor of La in the University, ainc a member of the Cabinet, a pronounce ove hia dy, ascit lani the church, surrounde by a multitude os the mos distinguished persona in Athena.

rige 109. κατακυριεύουσα, hic Overm ters. - Κώστα Con3tans, commoni calle Costa. Puge 110. ωμίαζε την φωλεάν, resembla the est. O, servo the constructio of the accusativo with a Word os like

Pag 11 l. V .... αἰχμάλωτος, His ather, Muos Botzares, commandisca regiment of Sordiotes in the Seven Isianas, then unde the goverament of Russia, ent overito 'eirus, vaneis a far as grapha merywhere caltering deferaan terror, an alarmin men the ovr of AH Paelia, where his son aikeptis a prisoner. - την τίλσσον φύσιν, the indomittable nature.



rige 117. δι- .... φιλοκερδίας, bee se, during his isse, he osten propose t pay the debis of othera, ather hamis

M suspecte V avarice. - εδδει- , defrauded. -- Κυβερ- του the Governor oriresident, i. e. Count apo 'latrias, Whos assassination is describe in a subsequent extract. Pag 118. Ως .... σημαίαν, As a militam man a re di sentative of theseople, as a member of the goverament, or a senator, he was patient, a conciliator of the contending p-ties, but always aithfula his sag. - Η .... υποτροπῶν malife was threatene by frequent attacts on the Iuno.

Page I 19. ὁ παραλαβων .... εξομολόγησιν .h reetive thelas eonfession of thes in man. - λεπτολογιας, minutire, Orparticulara.

ALEXANDER SOIITsos has sor many years been consideredon o alio ablest,riter in Greeco. ther member of the uisos amit have distinguishe themselves in literatum an in the public semice. The prose of Alexander Soulsos seem to me superior is his poetry; and of his proso writings, the 'Eξόριστος, o Erile, is most admired. Tho tornis laid in me time os apo D'Istri . ouisos as a mos determine enem of the Mortuato resident,


and the Romano ino a tho coloring os politica passio an projudices. ut sto livin delineation os character, sto graphic pictum os nature, the natural dialogue, and the interest os the love-atory, Which, it se exceptionalis travagances, is et managed, ill alWays miserit an attra livo book to thos Who ars no indifferent to the ortune otthomellent people Thora te is olear, easy, and scholarly, Withoutaeing pedantio.

amat hamist. - Αει- .... μας, M littis id genitimari isaeortis of description o account of the number of meh


beneflt. παράμερον τόπον, ametire ποι - ως - . . . . δαέ in 'acis he had been inspired by some inferna demon. rigeram. ευρίσκων .... μερικγ ding the peris of genera persecutio against the Constitutionalist a stting


ahal hane se a liber .

In the concludin passage, the writer inova no lituo po eros pathetio description. Tho se specimen o modern Gree poetr hero P sente are offere so tho purpos os giving the mader omenotion os the variova stylea hic popula poeu has as-


forth i. e. that tho consecrate Waser ahould bo mught orth, aised by the rieat is hi sorehend - a ceremonycorrespondin to the elevation os homost, in the Catholic


Ρage 50. The Thres rora in ades. - his lituo poem contain many truces of ancient conceptions and traditions, speciali concerning the oster orid, 'n isoni t be explaine by referring to tho ingerin remainso the old ellente ideas amon tho eopte os odern


Charon and the Ghoata. - Thiaci another os hos popula ballada hic Ombod the traditional ideas os antiqui , altered by the long lapaeis ages, an adapis to modem cireumatancea. ere Charon a choraeman carrying Wisthim, to the realms of the deparied the spirita os tho Mad.

Page 152. Me Onw. - ὁ -oireris, a frequent Arm, iusto popular dialecta, so the nominative singular, Charon.

me and their ives, patra. The missiain in L e. - his is another ver character- istic ioco, an exhibita in a trihin manne tho lephtic sentiment in regata is love.