Selections from modern Greek writers in prose and poetry

발행: 1857년

분량: 242페이지


분류: 미분류


NOTES. 18spolitan consul Bogliaco exacted rom semiae compliances of a moro humiliatin descriptio : o do notisouc so thopersect accurae of suo chames, although ali Greeco pro- etaima them, and with too much appearanceis truth The fastis Ramaga endo on ednesda the Isth, and tho Grand Admira celebrated, o sto night os the 18st, is a splendi entertainment, the approach os the oon otBayram, hic he was no satextoaehold. Surrounde bytho Nood-staine trophie os Scio, he had orgouen hovicinit of tho Greelis, ho, since thei previsus saltum, lay in tho arbor os sarra, meditatin a plan sor his discom-fituro. have noWrio narrato ons of the movi extraordinar militar exploit recorde in history, and to introduceto tho reader' notice, in tho person o a oun riariotesallor, sto mos brilliant alter of heroiam stat Greece in an ago has had o boastis; a heroism too springinis mste pures motives, unalloyed by ambitionis avarice. The

Greeha mero convinced that, is thondidiso by a decisivo Nomparalygo sto urhis fleet bosors ita junctio Wit statot Egypt their istanda mustio exposed to imminent danger:

lino Canaris fisara atready distinguished by his conductat Erisso), and Georgo epinis of Hydra, it thir -tWo






NOTES. Imaeas avng, and there a performe throughout the eit a divine service by the whola people, unde the standar of the eoumtry, and wit retes of Gnclis to Liberim V in the

bvitaings of the est to heaps of ruina, the libram to ashes, and the blaomin andraealtis feId into a Iand of ostensive



Page s6. γε- -- θυμα, havingraecome a sacrisce. In the Ancient Greeli, the genitive os the nou Would e sed in this conatruelion. The occasio on hic this oration κα delivere Wa oneos great interest to Greece, and on account os the poeticaleelebrit os Lord Byron to the wholoe worid. The solioWing mage hom m inest os the histor os odern Graece, appended is Smissi'amistor os Greece, ill place the readeri tho right oin os vlewrio stud the orationis Μr Tri--upes undemiandin y. The realeat aenaation a create by the advent os Lor Byron, an his early deat attesolongi give a pro-sound interest to thia chapter os Hellent history, hic amuch longe period os active service might have stile tot piro. The mos indulgent udge mustias severe cenaureon an parta os Loes Byron' life But his euer naturebomito, en Dom the delusion os tho passions an hisgood angeliave bim an opportunit os orownin his life altrio stior sor himself and so the worid Mith a radiant an glorious olose He ad formeri travelle throughGreoce, and celebrate ita pus achievementa, as et aspalate it present degradation, in the mori transcendent poetr os modem times. II Was Galed by no enthusiaamos lettere an romantic ouili ho ne thoroughly tho conditionis tho Greelis, and no manaad judge thoi saulisos character Wissi more severi . tende Wissi his poetical genius, there acinior Byron a qualit os practica modsense, Which, in ther circumstances, ould have made him eminent in the usines os publici privato liso. With misgood senseae scrutiniete the conditionis Greeoε, and mu-aoned ut the probabili is his poWer os rendering her a orth servico in stat hour os hor peril. e came to thoconclusio culmly, without passion, Without enthqsiuam, Without delusion stat here mas a fiet in hieli ho couldadhievo a good eyon tho value os an poetiea succeas; and havin come to this conclusion, he sorthWii consecratod


his thoughis, his time, his ortune his persona exertions toste cause of Greece. e set sat Domine or o tho Moeos Iuly, 1823, and ten day aster arrive in Cephalonia, and thenco despalched messengem to mali particular inquirisa into the stato os amatre in Greece. In the mea time hemade an excursion to Ithaca, an examine mith interest theantiquities of that roch capital os Ulysses hingdom. Und- in here a number os families Who ad scape hom thomassaero os Scio, Dom atmos, and ther places, he sur-nished generousty the mone sor mei relies ne of his messengere brough him a letter Dommarco Bolgares, rit-ten oni a seniour bosore his heroi deam. In this letterho sus M shal have omething to do is ni t against acorpsis si or seve thousand Albanians encampexolos tostis place. The anaster to-morro I mill et ut, it a

tho Ond of December, havinxemployed the intervening timei corresponding Wit the friendam Greeco, tho Gree gov-ernment, and the ead of the different parties by homdissension the condition os the ounto a much endan-

gerod. It is impossibi notu admiro thecius an comprehensive viem developed by Lord Byron during theso monstaos preliminar arrangemonis sor his great enterpriso ThoWisdom of his conduci in resusing to e dram into hoschemes of an os the actions and the sagacit mist,hichhe penetraled and tame thei intriguos is securo his adhesion the earnesines of his exhortation to concord and union, an neve be sufficienti pratsed To tho generalgovemment of Greec he writes: se avo ear somo. his refers in his havin t in into his para body of the Souliotes, .ho hau been hominas sine thola deseat is mi Pacha.



rumor os ne dissenatona, V os tho existence of civil. . ith ali, hera I pra that these reporis an salse or exaggerated fores an imagine n calamit more aerious tha this.' havo ought gloriousty actionomia toWarda ou sellow-chigens and the orid, and ituit the no more bo said, as has been repeato sor twothousan years, stat Philopoemen a the last os tho Gre-oians. Lot no salumn lineis compare the patrio Greeli, When restini rom his labore, to the uinis richa, homhis victories have exterminated. Andriomaurocordatos hoava Lam very uneas at hearing that the dissensions os

Graece alii continue, an ut a moment When si might triumphisve everything. Greeceris at present placo bet senstre measures: Bither o reconque her liber , to comea dependenc os the fovereigna os urope, o to retur in

gage in the enterprise. The suppression os discord, and tho diminutionis tho inevitabio horror os war, by temper- iniit ii sentimonis os humani , to osten Argoiten by the Greelis, as et a by the uas, in the momentis victory, WEro tho sim objecisae hadlataeari. e leti opportuni escape os inculcatin and illustratin this spirit he em- Noyed his innuenco successsully, in inducing the ovem-men to et om Turhisti prisonem, ho ad eo longlanguishing in ungeons, at liber , an restoring them to


stela hienda. iners o relieve is pocuniar aid, and othera stillio provide tho means os aendis to thei homes. His amplo incomo Was employe Without tint, an at thasamo timo it excellent udgment, in the public service. It is an interesting incident in his literar liso that tho lavi linea he wroto are thea memor te ones, o tho Myos Ianuary, 1824, o completin his hirty-sin year. Thora t

II had Mon haunte sminthes ginnin is a presentiment that he was destinexto olos his lis in Greece. Inoahingleavs of hia Diotas in Italy, he more stan onco expressed thia apprehension. The sim indicationis his allinchoatiuWasalvena a violent convulsion, o the 15t os obruary, whilo he was conversing Wit a se Triends. his alarmingincident create the mos serious anticipations and ordByron was urge is retire t some more health place untii his Mali inould bo est ed. In repl to ne of them riundi invitations o says: I cannot qui Greece hilothore is a chance sisy Ming of any even supposed utili ;stero is a talio orti milliona auch as I am, and whilo I canistand at all, I must stan by the caum. In the solioWin monthao oo the sever, hom an exposum to a violentrala, hic in a se days ende his liso Tho dotalis of that last ilines and deat fili ne of the saddes chaptor in the histor os Greece and tho amiction hic sol o thocountry, a the nem rapidi spreud hom province tis province, testifie ho deepi his generous devotion to their cause ad sun into the earis of tho Greelis. In his ast thoughis, indistincti ultere in the brohen, da whicli .ereia the dissolvin organs could convey the ames of his hienda, his iso, his augiiter, an os Graece, ere consuaedi minoed - daughtor an Greeco ere the very


ner os the services Lor Byronia renderes of tho liberalemployment of his ealth of his excellent judgment of his