Selections from modern Greek writers in prose and poetry

발행: 1857년

분량: 242페이지


분류: 미분류


narch. - μὴ νύφωσις, the non-elevation the reventiono the elevation. - κόμμα ς, section, division clara. - οικειωποίησις τῆς ἐθνικῆς ἐξουσιας, the appropriatio of the national verriment. - Συνέτρεων oλιγαρχίας, the following causes eo-operate against the esitablishment of the oligareis.

the oo was est open for fundamenta chan es.

σίους, regular* hosen inuities. The or means litorallypIenipotentiaries, and was osten applied to tho member os

the successive national assemblies. - συδεμία ἀριθμητικὴ d--λογία. o numerical proportion. - ἀντιπροσωπίαν .... μέρους, the representationis that pari. - στελλομενων παροστατων,

sent, o by the provinces, like the representatives, ta direet by the Areopagus, havin equa power an an equa vote illithe provincia representatives. - ἰθεωρηθη νόμιμος, Ma regard edis tegat. - Ηρχισε .... συνελεύσεως It wanis labora, unde the residenenos Maurocordatos, o the 20t of De.


rigo 2 ἐκάθηντο .... τάξιν, the sat voted subscribed, in the orde they had received by Iot. - δωδεκαμελ' ἐπν σπην, commission of twelae members. - καὶ κηρυγμα, and

e katio proclamation. - ἀνεξαρτησίαν, inde rideme. - ειδε- μων των τοιούτων, arille in suo thino. - ἀνεξιθρησκειαν tOLeration in religion. rige 63. ἰδιώκτησιαν, rivali proper . - σωματοδ-λειαν,κ. . . persona servitude, tortures, and On cation. δμυξε .... ωερων, i Ordaine that any person unde arrest

-- έδια, it directed that the ordinar an extraordiis amsessiona of the esunei aliould e public lut that, o the δε- mand of e membres, they shout be secret permitte Gerymembera propos bilis in Oriting through the president.


προσωρινην ἔδραν, the provisiona seat. Page 68. δωτελῶν, se ali. - ἐρωτωσιν, annihiliaion. προεδρον του συμβουλίου - υπουργῶν, President of the Counotos Ministres. - την ἔναρξιν των μνασιῶν του the pening fias proceedino.

Page 69. In connection,it tho inest of Scio, and thetor ibi traged enacte there, I selectriho solioWing passages hom Gordon' excellent Histor of tho Gree Revolution asat ono the est commentar on and explanation os tho texi. Os at tho Ottoman provinces, stat aheltere is specialprivileges, prospere unde an in spito os Oriental despot. lam the mos nourishin an Mautisu Was Chios Thatisland 30 miles in lenoh, 12 inareadth, an separated Domino horo os Ionia is di struit os aevo miles, contained a largo an mell-buit city, 68 villages, o convenis, Θchurches, an a populationis 100,000 Greelis 6, o Turhs, and a mali numberis Catholica and Iows It capital situ-ate on the easter fide, an at an qua distance rem thenorther an souther extremities, as remactabio sor the aut an solidit os ita difices 30M00 peoplo resideditiore, includinxia them ammedans and Israelites Celebrate sor iis fertili , and the anchantin aspectis it γνdens, Chios carrie o a bria trado in sit an fruit Domstenco Constantinopte a supplied it oranges, lemons, and citrons 'ut the mos valvabio productio os the coun- tr is um-mastic, expresse Domih seed os a species flentiscus, a substance ighly fige by the aster ludies, Who amus their indoleno by cheminiit, deriving rom that practice a much gratificatio a thei malo relation e oy


by inhalin the sumes os obacco. scit is peculia to onct districi, the 22 villages urnishin mastio'ere an appanam os sto Imperia Harem, hilo tho remaining 46 belonge toste metropolitan hum o Constantinople. he characinaeos tho Chians partook of the osines of thei climate, uno the delicac of tho producis of thei soli. ild, My lively,

acute, industrious, an proverbiali timid the succoedodalthe in commerce and literature the semiae mero notodsor thei cham an grace, and the whole eople bus and contented netther ought nor istie sor a change in thctirpolitica condition. Constantinopio an Smyrna thousand of Sciotes ound employment a bonimen, gurdenem, an handiora iumen' and there, as in tho est, he hadestablished the wealthiest an most considerabio Greeli commercia houses Ardent promotors of education, and --sionatet land of thei nativo land the rich citigens, spurigno expense to embellislicit, ad Munde in thei town asplendis college, library, museum, Irinting-presses, undhospitals From that moment there Was an en to


against thoi orave temper an lukeWarm patriotism theis coasta ero continuully disturbe by the visits of insurgentcorsairs, and the incursions os the Samians, hic gave thoottoman 1scors and troops a retex sor reneWing their barbamus acta. In tho monili os Ianuary, 1822 Vehibristia assume tho command of thesisland an to a certain degre restore ordor the hostages itherio dotaine mero ex hange sorithera, and the Primates, illing ut an sacrifice to purohas partia repose, agree t pay a monthlystipendis 34,000 piastre so the charges os the garrisonand the rishala ousehold, Without rechoning the sumssqueege stom the communit is indirect methods . Gn tho night of tho Myos arcti, Logotheti and Bournia, armin With a flesilla of eight briga, and thir claunches, orsaholevas, effected a disembarhation to tho out os Scio. Version dissor issi regar to tho Orco stat accompanted stem. It was then stated in Smyrna, at M00 later accounts diministis it to 2,500 and the mos moderato reporta mali it amount onlyrio oo Samians and 150 Chian

exiles, it tWo ieces os cannon; ut 'his las estimatoaoεm altogether inadequale to the number os transporis.

anis, entere the city. The ciuetens, verWhelme missi consternation, aliut themaelves u in thei houses. HOW-ever, hen, at three houm aster noon, tho Christia stand. arda ere orno throuo the street in procession amidat


to gius quarter, sevenisen ero subsequently made prisonem.

steriori . . . . .


NOTES. 185

man vhil sto rebellion os an istand that it prigod solitoly extremel incensed the ourtis Constantinople, apprehensivo test tho Christians in Lesbos, Wh ure numerous and bold should solio-us example, and thus extend the seat ofva io in vicinit os tho capital Tho Capita risha received instructions o putri se immediately, and the petiygovernor of Anatolia ore ordere to sorWard thei contingenta missi tho ulmos expedition to cheame. Neve Mero firmana obeyed missi more alacrity intelligenco os the re- voltis Scio excite a very atrons seelin throughou Asia

Minor, delachment os imops covered tho mads, and the ancient servor os Ialamiam seomeda revive Ol and oungsse rio arma, and a regimen os insanuy, composed entiretyos Imams, a men to mare through the streetam Smyrna in gravo an silent procession a novel spectacle, hichdrow team homilio eye of themoclema. It would, nevedilheleas, bo an error to suppos that affection sor thei religio an empiro ere uis ni spring that induce tho Asiaticauis to move so promptly Samos laymeare tost continent stan Chios, an iis inhabitanta ha give infinitet greater cause os offenco; ut the were oor and bravo the cistes, o the contrary, mero sto iches andinos effeminate os Ray s. enco, heneve it a pro-

posed to invado the ormer, rudonco effectuali tempored Μohammedan enthusiaam; in tho cas os the lauer, stero Was lituo hanc os an obstinate resistance, and tho ceditiant os an immenso boo . Is sanatica te tho an os the denso columna stat iso the directio os chesme, rumans an vagabonds fille tho centre, an brouot ptho rear.

monaced by an arm os thirinthousan Onomana assem-bled noli opposite inore disguisin rea terror unde amas os confident resolution the insurgonta ero mintly pressing the siege of the cavile, hen, o sto inorning of tho



Gree Nochadin squadron, hic counte laurieen rigaandis, achoonora mostlyisarians), immodialet iled and tho Grand Admirat, stretchin his line along the coast, Communicate Wit Velii Halia, and obtaine preciso information respectingrine postum os affatu. Indesd the Greehilenium no mom to doubi their intentionis braving hima sor, ondescryin his armament, the redo te thei firo against the ciladel, and cannon placed a intervata along tho heighis, omne on his hips. Α Tuctis selucca o tW guns and eight men, havinginotri mea the land struch on a ahoat, an iam traho Wholo os iis creW ero iche ossa thoenomy'a uaketry. ara Ali then ordore a disembar-tion, an severa thousan mon lande unde cove os et aruller os his fleet; at the samo instant, Albiaina mado sortie Wit his garrison, and a notitia os bovi continuallytransporte troopa smintho cam os chesmh. Tho Tuas rustie into the wWn, and aster a combat os inor duration, carried, Wor in hand the height os Nurlotti, and the hostile batteries. The cit then displayed a sceno hicli tot be apti compare to the saccos Tripoligeta. ero mus out of the question the victore utchering indiscriminatolyali ho came in their Way shriolis rent the air, and thestreeta ero streWe Wit tho dead odios os id mon, Women, and children even the inmates of the hospital themadhoum, and the deas an dum institution, ore inhumani Hau tered. Flames fim buratin homine churchos ourlotti avo the signa sor a genera conflagration, whic ruge the two solioWing days, an devoured ne of the fines cities in the evant. everthelem, in the midatos his earsul catastropho, the twman generat caused the uses of the Europsa agent toto respectod, and posted guarda at the consulates, her tho Catholica, and grctat number os Greelis, ound an asylum. It is thought that



soldior could n longe discove among the ruina ister victim or lunder, the ver graves havin been ined. Frea hordes ero constanti pouring in hom Anatolia, anda vast massis Tuas verra sto sursace of the country, and spreadire and sWor throuo the villages an monastic retreata. Avarice no contende in their mind with crueity,

and instoad os hilling tho Christians Mithout distinction, theyreserve tho momen and children, in orde to et them asalaves. In the interior someighting occurred; and at Vron-dad and Thymiana tho insurgent aro sal to hau madean honorabio stand It is no leas me ho ever, that themajori of tho Sciote either suffere themaelveario bo flainor bound like heep, or eis dragged on a miserable exist ence in mountain and caverns seekin an opportunit toeacapa by ea, as an os them id, in boat stat amoto thei rescuo rom sum, inos, and ther insularporis



conventa, reduce to aines, atteste sto fiemenes of Μο-hammedan revengo an it a calculato a tho on os

aword, and 45,000 been ragge into lavery amon thelatior ero the emale and children os tho boat families. Not a soW captivea wed thei liberation to tho charit os strangere, an particulari os the merchanta os Smyrna, Who, in theae melanchol circumstances, largetting thei onmilyto the Greeks, ranaomed a multitudo os prisonem; ut this Was, comparativel speining a mali portion: holo car-goes ero stippe orto Constantinople, gypt an Badibary, and sor a long perio tho lave-maris at Smyrna displayed the bustio os activo trado, an attracted ostem purohaaera rom ali paris of Asia inor. The Capitan Pasti at ne moment sorbad the exportationis his mer-chandiso, but, a the oldiera egan is put thei prisonora todeast, o judge it bene to tolerato tho abuso. Mout 15M00 Sciotes, mosumin a state os tota destitution eso edaster tho landing of the Tuas: the majori of them finireached sara, and that place notiaving the meanario su, sis them, ero conveye to ther potat os Greece sine ing, a the universali did, rom ounda, dimase, o Exleast unge an nakedness, their retched light excited the deepest compassion Families me opulent, an nuraedin luxury, Were saturio cour the helter os a uitie hovet, an to crave a morse os read, and many of the oungWomen, mutilate by abre-cula, ore testimon to thoenomy' brutati . et thia rutulit Was more excusabictthan the insamous speculation os som Gree istandem, Who, profitinganthei early arrival admitte into stet barha nono but hos Who could panthem It Wa rectaned, momover, that 5,000 Sciotes ore absent When the revolt egan undinat 15,000 stili existo in tho masti villages Those hoste to tho consulates Wore ave hom deat or almery

but repor states that the ricli,ere oblige to bu very deartho sa&guar afforde them, and licia added that homo