장음표시 사용
os latitud0, Ahould e Chosen in toachin Ancioni Greeli are queStions on hiuli much may b sui imithout arri vincat an positive result. Eu I sup- posse thoro an e no doub of the expedien y ost achin Modern Greel in connection,ith tho Ancient, a the principat angvage no spolien in tho East o Europe and est of Sin a a Curious and ver interestin monument of the national vitulit ofth Hollonio race, a the organis thei rapidly devol-opin literature, and a the instrument of publio instruetion, Whieli has attaine So SurpriSin atro thin homellonio Lirigdom sine thes Revolution Thisiungia age ut eas ought to e taught with tho pronunciationis the people who write an speati it whous it in society in the pulpit in the legislativo us-Sembly the profeSSor' Chair, and the public press. Poloso his resaco,ith the folio in passage stomon of the hapter addod by morio mitti's Historyo Groece, on the State os education and the language
of the bove-enumera ted bravehes the elements of the An cient Greeli grammar, and translations rom Anulent into
Iodori Gr00k and the Latin and reneli languages. I. The Gymnasia, in hiel the Latin and Greeli re continued, With phil0sophy, logio ethies, physieg, genera history, mathematical geography, and the Frenuli German, an Englisti langunges The Universit of Otho, hieli is organiged
stylo an olearnes of method. Rangabes expound the nostris Witti learnin and aste Manouse lectures eloquentlyon history. Pericles Argyropolitos, no the Minister of For-0im Assairs, is a mos able professor of the nW. Professor Κontogone is profoundly verse in Biblica literaturo, and expound the Hebrei Seriptures to numerous an attentivo classes. Man other might e mentione in term o greatand jus commendation. alio Greela, as spoken a tho present day, is substantiali the langvago that Was spolien in the Alexandrino and Byzantine period und iis preservation is ne of tho most Surprisin instances of tenacious nationality. ut ther aro important distinctions betaueen the ancient and modern whiel, gro out of changes in the structure, no es than modifieations of the me ning of ords. Nearly at the Word nowemployed by educate Greelis are the fame Word that ereused by thei ancestors; ut the gramma of the langunge is modem. Fro the time o Homer doWn to si or evencenturios after Christ though the language underWent many modiscations it retained nullange iis essentia charaetoris- tie. and sor a stili longo period, amelyn to the id ille of the fift00nth century the grammatical struetur of the langvage, as emploJed in literature, a stili undisturbed although the combinationi rhythm an accent had somo timebes ore eased to mari the pronunciatio . his perio en braeos abolit aventy-sive hundred yearS.
In the language spolien by tho common eoplo the old
not trae the changes stet by top, o Want of documenti; but it is ortain that tho popular poech of the Byzantine
Empero Manuel Comitenos and this has not ni thogrammatteal but the rhbethmica sorins of the popular poetryat the present day. The changes that too placo in thespoken angvage elare the Welfth centur are, Q. Sevorat enses of the ver Were sormed by auxiliaries, as in theother modem languages, instea of ein modissi som of the oot of the verb; e. g. ἔχω γράφει, θελ γρύψ, ει, I have et ritten, I shali orite, in Stea of γεγραφα, γράψω. 2. The increased se of reposition to expres the relations os cases instea of expressing the by changes of terminationi the words. 3. The diSappearance of quantit a theprineipa rhythmica element in poetica composition, and the substitutionis aceent, a in the other modern an ages, and perhaps the introductioni rhyme. 4. Various hanges and corruptions in the ound of the voWel an diphthongs,especiali the representin the long et si different tollersor combinations o letters ε, η, ι, , ι, ι Whieli Originalty, Without doubi mere distinguished rom uel other. In the successive period of the oecupation o Greee by Romans, Goths, lavonians, reneli, an Turhs, many ord fromthe languages of these races ound a temporat Iodgement
the noducated eople, as in nil other eountries, numerous eorruption an vulgariSm prevail; ut o more than in En and France an Germany. The genera charaeter filio language is the Same a Constantinopte Athens, Thebes, and Delphi. aliore is no subjee in Whieli more attention is ive in the schoolco Greee than the language. The present Hellenes are like the Groelis of id, in his respuet no mali par of the usines of dueation is devote to the mother longue. It vili readit be pereeived that the angvage of the great od of the eopte is a popular an age, and assueti, differs a good ea from ilia spolien in cultivate sineioty. I Wil also e casti undorstood that the state osthings unde the Turiis vas not vorabie to the eultivation
intrusive elements. There never asin timo When even thopopular peecti Was ot in by a the reator par of iis Word and phrasos, genuine Greeli Some of the more enthusiasti in their classical geat oped to restore the language solutoly ascit a spolien by Demosthenes. r. Buchon, With pleasant exaggeration, says: Ῥhilolog is the passiono ali ho reo studenis in linteVer depariment. A phy-Sician, an advocate a professor has osten euom n ministero state beetius he had a good master of his angvage. Greeli gramma is a the basis and summiti nil in- Struction No content With havinielimina ted ad sor- eigia ords, the Athenians endeavor o approach the ancient langunge a near a possibie, in ords, in ornis, in tho Shape of phrases, and in inversions Tho paludin ofGreoli philolog maret to the conques of a grammatical forni, a to a teli province The dativo ad disappeared,
ν r. vehon verstates the matter Wissi regari to the norist. Instea os ding early extinguished, it maintainest iis ground and was used nolint in iis auris signification, ut in great mensure ook hu
catio an reformatio has gone Steadit on though th infinitivo has notoet returne fro iis emigration the noris is restore to perfect ealth. In Shori, the sage of the Ian-guage may O be considere as stablishod. Severat os the recent grammarx thos no of the loest authorityin thens ire admirabio specimen o philological hid. The eourse of natur has no been violate by orcing ponit the ancient constructions, hil Turriis ords, liho thoTuta themsolves have been underemoniousi turned ut os do s. In the mea time, the natural rowth of the lan- mage, an iis application to the largor ange of thought required by the superior civiligatio of the age, has mado it necessar t enlarge iis vocabular by copiolis rast fromother SOurces. Wheneo hould thes dras is e mades Obviolisin no fro Englisti, Freneti, o Italia, but naturalina tho Grook scholar instinctively dedided Do the abum dant ealth of the Andient Greel . Thus tho or sorsteamboat Was ad of the two audient ord Whieli signis y
place of the perseel. The infinitivo v as neve v liolly lost. It was andis sed illi in neuter artiel as in the Audient Greeli in a substantive sensu. ut in prope infinitive sensu is expresse by the subjunetive vitii the partietuis L
Gree literaturo, an Prosessor angubes Ono o Greeli antiquities. The nationat histor is uel studied an severat ver able and well-Written ortis have recenti appeared. Prosessor Paparrhegopolitos has ritie an ex ellent sum
ture, pronouneed them the mos genuine poeti' os artiessseolin and nsophisticate natur iniur times. Sine then, inueti has been added commemorative of the event of tho vnr, an severat ther collections have been mado. It illnoti long ho vover bes ore his periodis popular poetr Willhavo passed, and the dialeel in Which the Song are composed vili have beeome through tho generat diffusion of education, obsolet curiosities, sor the reges relies of the mousing antiquarian. They ought, heres ore, to e at nee laeed be-yon the reach o casualty. The popular isse, to hieliallusion has been mado, includes that of tho lephis and Armatolos lis o tho flands as Wollis the mainland lis in the valleys, ns avellis o the motanta ins and the poenisu hiel doptet it run uel indefinit oly into tho Turhisti times. Love and arriage, funerais, east S the Jung seene, thegor 's v sor absent love the ' of Victor and reven , he
seon of this popular Hellent Iise, and ver feeling of this