장음표시 사용
tho uard who wereri conduci hi in thither, probabi in theexecutionis secret instructions froni the Turkish overtiment,put in to denti a Bel grade aster a violent struggle, in whieli ho ille severat of the murderers. Thus perished, at the age os sorty-sive this patrio and poet, surrendered by goverriment calling itfel Christiano a merciles despotis m, hicli untii a very recent perio neve scrupled tocompascit end by reacher and bicod.
Page I 61. 4λυτω , Scape. ATHANASIUS CHRISTOPOULo is ne os the mos naturalpoet among the Modern Greelis. His song in tone and spirit are o uni ille thos os Anacreon though a superior in dolicae os seel in to the poenis,hicli as unde Ana
Christopoulos as a native os leisoura, in Macedonia, and elonge to one os the principat amilies in that par of the country. He lived hoWever, much a Constantinoplo, among the anario Greelis, an appear to have occasionali roside ori ne os the Princes istand nea that ity, is v may udg by ullusion in his poenis. He wrole a reatiso, cntille the Colo-Doria Greel Grammar, in Whicli uendeavore to prove that the Modern Grook is no os honumerous dialoel os the Anciunt, and that ali os iis peculiarities crura bo ound in the Moli and Dorio.
ὲ OTES. In his poetic compositions, he adopte the spolion, no thelearned language of the Greelis. One os his countrymen, Rigos, says of him: Christopoulos, a charmin poet giste dWith a ga imagination captivate eve bod by the charmos his verses Thelair poetr Which oves to expres iiseis naturally, and rejecis ver affecte o sar-setched expression seconded the vie w of Christopoulos. His Anacreonticodes, in the mos familia style, Were an objectis admirationand dolight to ali ho Greelis. The women themselves supporte his system no by learned dissertations but by thepleasure the experience in reading the sugitive ieces osthis poet But thoso ho attempte to imitate the simplean popular anne os Christopoulos, aving either his genius nor his earning, set into a triviai and vulga style, Whicli a condemne d by al onlightene men, Who destre di improve the language, an to resciae it Do the corruptcondition into hicli it had salion Christopoulos endowod with the fame qualities of ind,
the sume graces an refinement, as Anacreon, ook him sorhis modet, ithout servilet copyin him. The ligh and ga style the eas an melodious measuro, the delightsul
coloring os the verses of Anacreon his sentiments breuthinia sos an natura voluptuousness at the poetio qualities of the ei an singer, rure found combine in the songsos ChristopouloS. Pago 162. Lover 's Longing. 'Aς γένουμουν, oould that might ecome. - Νὰ βλέπεσαι that thou mightest se thy-