Selections from modern Greek writers in prose and poetry

발행: 1857년

분량: 236페이지


분류: 미분류


following out his plan os punishing indiscriminalely the uitly


NOTES. Page 96. γε με,ου θυμα, having ecome a sacrisce. In tho Ancient Greeli, the genitive os the noun would e sed in his construction. Tho occasio on Whicli his oration Was delivered Was oneos great interest to Greece, and on account of the poetical

eoupes understandingly. The reates sensation a create by the advent os Lor Byron, an his early death a Mesolongi gives a pro- solan interest to this hapter os Hellent history, whicli amuch longe perio os active service might havs suile toinspire. The mos indulgent ud ge muStias Severe CenSUreon an paris of Lor Byron' li . ut his belle naturebegan to walien Dom the delusion os the passion an hisgood ange gaveaim an opportunit os crownin his lisual too hori sor imself an sor th worid Mith a radiant an glorious close He ad formeri travelle through Greece, an celebrate iis ast achievenients as et aspallite iis present degradation, in the mos transcendent popirnos modern times. He Was iste by no enthusiasmos lettere an romantio outh he ne v thorought y the conditionis tho Greolis undiso an had jud ged their aulisos character Willi more severity. Blended illi his positicalgonius, there Was ii Lor Byron a qualit os practica good sense, hieli, in ther circumstances Would have ad hi meminent in the usines os publicis privato lis . illi his Dod sensuae scrutinige the conditionis Greece, an rea- sono out ille probabilit os his poWer os rendering oris Worth service in that our os her perit He came to the conclusion alnaly, villio ut passion, Without enthusiasm, without delusion that here a a fiet in hicli ho ouldachio vo a good cyon the value os an poetica succcss and hau in come to this conclusion, he orthWilli consecrate d


his thoughts, his time, his ortune his persona exertions tolli cause os Greece. He se sat froni Leghor ori tho 24tho July, 1823, and ten day aster arrived in Cephalonia, and thene despulche messen gers to mali particular inquiries into the stat os assair in Greece. In the mea timo emade an excursion to Ithaca, and examinod with interest theantiquities os that octi capital of lyssus hiragdom. Find- in here a number os families ho ad scaped rom themassacro os Scio, rom Patmos, and ther places, o sur-nished generousty the money for thei relius one of his messen ger brough him a letter rom Marco Bolgares, writ- teri ni a se hour bosor his heroi deuth. In his letterhe says hali hau somothingo do to-night against acorps os si or even thousand Albanians encampe Delos tothis place. The day astor to-morro I Will et ut, illi a se Chosen companioris, o meet ou excelleney. o not

sellow-citigens, whicli God grant ou willio find ill- undod andri thankbou stili more so the care o have so kindlytalion os them. di no Ombarii sor Mesolongi untii tho end of December, havin temployed the interventia time in correspondiniwith the friendios Greece, the Greeli gov-ornment, and the ead os the disserent parties by hosedissensioris the condition os the country a much endan-gorod. It is impossibi not to admire thecius and comprehensive views develope by Lor Byron uring thes montiis os proliminar arran gement sor his great enterprise Thewisdom os his conduci in rosusing to e drawn into the schemos os annos the factions and the sagacit with whieli ho enotrated an basile thei intriguos o securo his adhe.

Sion, the earnesines os his exhortation to concord and union, an neve bo sussicienti pratsed To the generalgovernmen os Greec he writus: Me have ear some

This refers to his havinitaken into his pay a bod os in Souliotes, who had been homeless sine their deseati Ali Pacha.


NOTES. rumor os ne dissensions nay, os the existendo os civilwar. With al myraear I pra that these reporis may besalse or exaggerated for I an imagine n calamit more serious tha this. You have ought gloriousty et honorabi toWard you sellow-citigens and the worid, and twill the no moro b said, as has been repente so tWothousan years that Philopoemen a the las of tho Grecians. et not calumn itfel compare the patrio Greeli, whon restin from his labors to tho Turhisi Paelia, homilis victories have exterminate d.' Anyto Maurocordatos hesays Paria very uneas ut earing that the dissensioris os Greec stili continuo, and ut a moment when sit might triumph ver everything. Greec is at present placed et veen

three meastares: ilheroo reconque her liberty, o beeomea dependeno os the foverei gras of Europe, o to return to a

uary, 824 havin narro ly escaped e in captured by the

Turkishmest. The whole population wolco med imis thesiore the shipstare salutes as e passe ; an Maurocordatos, at the ead of the troops, and the civit authorities of the place gave im a receptionis heari ascit a sui osjoy, and scorte him in a bod to the hous whieli ha boon prepared soraim. His conduci, in the id si of tho dissicul-ties by which he was at once surrounded shoWed the fame coolneSS, good SenSe, and generoSity Where generosit could bo serviceable thalaad mari ed his Course eve sine he en-gage in the enterprise. The suppression os discord, and tho diminution os tho inevitabie horror os War, by temper- iniit, illi sentiments of humanity, to osten orgoite by the Greolis, as wel as by the Turiis, in the momentis victory, were tho si s objecis helaxataeart. He leti opportunityescapo os inculcatin an illustratin this spirit he m. ployod his innuene successsul ly, in induc in the overn-men to et ome Turhisti prisoners, ho ad been longlanguishin in unguons, at liberty, and restoring them to



their Diends. Other he relieve by pecuniar aid, and othors stillae providod the means os sendinito thei homes. His ample income was employe Without tint, an ut thesam time illi excellent udgment, in the public service. It is an interestin incident in his literar iis e that tho last

H had 00 hauritu froni thuae ginning by a presentiment that he was destine to clos his lis in Greeco. In takingloavo os his friend in Italy, o more than ne expresse diliis apprehension. The sirs indication of his atting 0althwas givei by a violent convulsion, n the 15th of February, while ho was conversing with a se friend s. his alarmingincidunt create doli mos serious anticipations and ordByron was urged to retire o sonae more health placo untii his ealth hould bo restore d. In epi to ne of these jondi invitations o say I cannot qui Greece hilo

country, a the ne S rapidi Sprea fro province to province, testiste ho dceply his generous devotion to their cause ad sunt into the caris of tho Greulis. In his ast thoughis, indistincti uituro in the brohen wordi vhicli,ero ali the dissolvin organs could convey the nam es os his frionds, his iso, his aughter, an os Greece, ore con- sused ly id glud, - aughter uni Greece e re the very



i cedo in os our nation. The orator oes on to speah in the mos scolin man-



voice caepired. What Grecian ear is no brohen, Whon it recalis his se eneci

astor his eath Hellas also hould receive a par of his pre-elous rem ain s. Mesolongi presses in her arm tho urn thathoid his uari as a symbol os his oves; ut ali redeo, in mourning an inconsolabie, render his Ody buck to thoowith occlusiasticat, civit, an militar honors, crownud withhur gratitudo and ede ed illi heroears Learn, most nobi maiden, that chic stainsior itin thei shouldors to thochurch ohat thousand os Grecian arrior line tho waythrough,hicli the procession move d With arm reversed asi tho would war against the very arth hicli natchoda va ilici salthsul riony the sui round his bier, and swcarne verrio orget tho sacrifices our ather made, and novo toallo v a barbarous and tyrannio soo to tramplo tho spo whoro his cur romatiis. A thousan Christia voicos aro at this moment alsed, and the temple soli Most High refound s


Page 100. παρά than. - πίψων. The Greeli alphabet has o letter hicli exacti expresse tho Englisl L; theneares approacho it is by the combination π. Byron s

nation ensiave by barbarians, and speciali by barbarians roote for ages in the nation iise , reed by tse . - χάνει


Costas Bolgares Was a rothor os Marcos, and like him, distinguished by gallantry, generosity, and ingle-heurted devotion to his country. He furvived the revolution, and Serve the cohanir in various ways, tanti IS 53. 0 ted belove an regrettud by ali his countrymon. His funerat Was attende by the civit, ecclesiasticat, an militar authorities at Alliens, und the loquent disco urso os Pericles Argyropoulos then Prosessor of La in the University, sine a member of the Cabinet, a prono hince ove hisbody, ascit a in the church, surrounde by a multitude fili mos distinguishe persons in Athens. The sese ne as ne of the mos impressive I ver Wit-nessed The buria service of tho Groeli Chureli, the ostsolemn an assectin in an sunera Ceremony, a performed by tho venerabis Archbishomos Athens, an a numerous bod of tho clergy. A procession was then sormed, andescortod the deceased, with his arnis and militar insignia byliis sido. the strongi mari e sace ooking up to the ver-

Constans, Commoni calle Costa. Page II 0. μοίαζε ν φωλεάν, resemble the est. Observe the constructio os illo accusativo with a word os lik0

Page Ill. V . . .. αἰχμάλωτος, His ather, Misos oletares, commandinia regimen o Eouliotes in the Seven Isiands, then unde the overnnient fiussia, oentisve to Detrus,adu ance as far as grapha, verywhere caltering meat an terror, an alarmin even the our of AH Pacha,

where his son das heptis a prisoner . - θν ἀτίθασσον φύσιν,

the indomitable nature.



ready - εχρημάτισε μελος, Serve a member. - συμβιβaστικας, conciliatory - οτε περ ποτε rehen mor than ver. - διαζυγιον, Separation.

Pag 117. διοτι .... φιλοκερδίας, ecause, durin his life, he osten propose t pay the debis of thers, ather hanciobe suspecte of avarice. - εδολμύθ', defrauded - τοῖ Κυβερνήτου, themovernor o President, i. e. Count apo 'Istrias, whos assassination is described in a subsequent extrael. Page IS. Ἐς .... σημαίαν, AS a militar man, as representative of the seople, as a member of the government, or aS senator, he was patient, a conciliator of the contending parties, but alway faith fulcio his sag. - . . . . ποτροπων, His life was threatene by frequent altachnon the lungs. Pagees I9. ὁ πaραλαβων .... εξομολόγησιν, oho received thelas confession of the dying man. - λεπτολογίας, minutiod OrparticularS.

ALEXANDER OUT Sos has sor many years been considere dono os the ablest,riters in Greeco. ther member of the Souisos sumit have distinguishe themsolves in literatureand in tho public service. The proso os Alexander ouisos seem to me Superior Ohis poetry and of his prose ritings, the 'Eξόριστος, o EXile, is mos admired. Tho stor is lai in tho timo os apo 'Istrias. Souisos Was a mos determine onem os the unsortuate resident,