Selections from modern Greek writers in prose and poetry

발행: 1857년

분량: 236페이지


분류: 미분류


NOTES. 203 and the Romanco hows the colorin os politica passioris

and projudices. ut the livin delineation os character, the graphic pictures os nature, the natural dialogue, and the interes of the ove-story, hicli, illi se exceptiona extravaganees, is,et managed, Will alWays mali it an attractivo book to thos who are no indifferen to the fortunus ostiis Hellent people. The style is clear, easy, and Scholarly, withoutaeing pedantie. Page I 2I στάσου, top. - τους βράχους th cI S. Page I 22. εβυθι δεος εἰς σκέψεις buris in resection. τ ψρματωλικην στάλην, the Armato lic costume. The Armatotes Ἀρματωλοί were, unde the Turiis, a bodyis armed natives, Who ere charged with the des iace an protoetion os the

worth of description on account of the number of such

good schoolmaSter. Page I 24. Συντακτικὴν, Τερψιθεαν, ille o books the sor- me a syntax by Theodore Gaza, the atteris gramma by Neophytas Ducas. - ἀνεμ υλον, the windmili. - Συντaraaτι- κός, a Constitutionalist. Pag 125. Διοικπρο thgiovernor i. g. Os the province. - Κερκυραῖα 'Αρχη, hi Corcyroean overninent, i. e. the overtiment os residunt apo 'Istrias, ho was a native os Corsou the ancient Corcyra. - Ουστανελλaν, thesiustanel la,

the par os the recti res correspondinimost early to the



Κυ - Κύριος.

Page Ι40. κουμβων εἰς-o φύλλον της θυρας, eaning Ponthe post of the oor.

In the conclud in passage, tho writer lio sis litti poweros patheti description. The se spodi mens os odern Greel poeir here presented are ossore so tho purpos os giving the reade fome notion os the various stylos hicli popular poetr has S-


sume in reece For a genera account of tho popularlangvage, reser the reade to the Introduction. Thoybelon to different ages, Some of them originatin in tho Middis gus, and thers, a the rst perhaps, elongingto the perio immediatet solio Wing the conquest os Greece' by tho TurhS. II colleague, r. Sophocles, is no engage in a very interestiniand important investigatio into the popular langvage of Greece, in connection,ith hicli ho is preparinga revise lex os the poenis, an a dictionary. The worti, when completed willae a valvabis contribution to the philologica literatur os our timet sine there is hardi a scholarno living whos studies an persona experiences o eliqualis him sor his dissiculi ask. The sirsi posem concilio Capturo os Constantinopi by the Turiis. t embodies a popular prophec of the restoration os St. Sophia to the Christia rite, in prophee no appa ently on the poin os sulfilment.

Page I 49. Μεγα Μοναστηρι, the Grea Monasteri a designation ometimes iven to the great metropolitan hurchos St. Sophia. - σημαντρα, Olmdingolates, 'hicli,ere used bosor the invention os elis, and whieli ven no continuetoae sed in som paris of the East. - καμπόνες, bells. - Νὰ

μυστικως εἰκονίζοντες, a πι ζωοποι Tριάδι τον τρισαγιον μνον

προσέδοντες - ναβγη ὁ Βασιλέας that he Lord should comeforth i. e. that the consecrate Waser hould e brought sortii, aised by the prius to his orehe ad , - a cerem onyeorrespondin to the levatio of the Host in the Catholic


Pag 150. The Three rapes in ades. - his litile poena Contain many truces os ancient conceptions and traditioris, speciali concerning the the worid, and isoni t be explaine by referrinito the lingerin re mainsof the old Hollonio ideas mong the eopte os odern Greece Charos o Charon the old ferryman os the Styx is here change into eath.

the popula langu age, is applied to the ancient heroes, and


Charon and the Ghosts. aliis is unother os hos popula balladiwhicli embody tho traditional ideas of antiquity, altered by the long lapse os ages, an adapte to modern CircumStanees. Here Charon is chorseman carryin Withhim, to the realms of the departed the spirits of the ead.

Pag 152. Μόνε, only. V Xόροντας, a requent sorm in the popular dialecis, o the nominative singular, Charon.

men and their oloes, pali S. The Chiestatu in Love. - his is another ver Characteristio ioce, an exhibit in a trili in maniae alio lephile sentiment in regaryto love.



insuli, the cuchold. - τὸν πούστη the minion, in uia sense.



Pag 156. The Luria os Demos. aliis balla describes tho dati sceno os arulephi, and exhibit the stron contrasiso I lopliti passion and character. The ero oscit destresto bo burie in suci a manno that ho ma sire rom historia iapo tho Turhi a tho a me time, tho simple oveo nature, an feci in sor it charnas, re exquisitet e X-


NOTES. 211 presse by the closin linos. Usu oin the ollowin litoraltranslation sirs publislied in m continuationis Smith s Histor os Greece, p. 640


NOTES.wounded. The surrender os avarino sollowey an nollon aster, the hole Morea, Xcept the neonque rabie

War-Son os Rhegas. - Constantine Rhegas has been calle tho Tyrtaeus os odor Greece. He a bor at Velestino, a mali town in hosfaly in 1 53. Eari inclis lis,en to Bucharest Wherea lived a par of the timo en-gaged in commerce, and a par of tho imo holdinitho ossideos rosessor, uriti 1790. Ho was the principat oundor os the Hetaeria, and publisbe lyrica appeals Whicli caused anim mense sensation throughout Greece. In 1796, o sint to Vienna, thon the residerice of many opulent Greel families.whomae erideavored ovous to actio in tho causo os libertyand nationality. e corresponde&willi the riundios Grecce ali ver urope, an a the sam time publishod a Greeli j ournal, cndiniat his energies to the patrioli purpos os rogeneratin his country and race. The itomata Ministora Vicima discovored his projecis, and donounco hi in to the

Austrian gavern men a a Conspirator He Was de livere Lupto tho uri isti authorities, o bo serit o Constantinopi ; but