장음표시 사용
Tho Turiis attributod thei passivo resignation notrio fidelity, but cowardico and the revolto Groelis involghe bitterly
against thei crave temper anxiukewarm patriotism their eoasis ere continuatly disturbo by tho visit os insurgonteorsuirs, and the incursioris of tho Samians, whicli ave thoottomari ossicors and troops a retexi sor rene in their barbarous acis. In tho monti, os anuary IS22 VehibPasti assume tho command of tho fland an to a certain degre restore ordor the hos fugos itherio detatne d ero exultange for thors, and the rimates, illiniat any saerisce to piarchas partial repose, agree t pay a Onihlystipend of 34,000 piastre so the charge of the garrisonand tho Pasha's horasehold, Without rechoning the sumssqueeZed rom tho communit by indirect methods
saliolovas, essected a disembartiation to the ouili os Scio. Versioris dister illi rogar to tho force that accompani edthem. It was thon statud, in Smyrna, ut 5,000 later accounts diministis it to 2,500 and the mos moderate reporis mali it amount ni t 500 Samians and 150 ChianeXiles, illi No ieces of annon; ut his ast stimate se em altogether inadequato to the number os transporis. A corps os sevorat hiandrod Turiis de tached against themfled precipitatoly supposing tself attached by 30,000 men; an ut tho exterior positioris uin abandone With qualeo ardice, the insurgenis, rei ni reed by a bod os eas. anis, entere the eity. The eitigens, ver hol med illi consternation, hut homsolves u in their ouses However, hen, at threo our uster noon the Christia stand-ard Were orno through the struet in procession am id st
Noanwhilo tho obsellion o an fland that it priged sollighly extremel incensed the eour of Constantinople, appre-h6nsive os the Christians in Lesbos, wholare numero M and bold should solio iis exam e and thus extend the seat ofwar to the vicinit os the capital The Capitan Pasti received instructions o putri se immediately, and the petiygovernor os Anatolia ere ordere to forWard their contingonis,ith the utinos expedition to chesme. Neve were firmans obeye with more alacrityn intelligunce of the re- volt of Scio excite a very tron seelin throughou Asia Minor, delachments of troops Covered the oads, and the ancient servor os Isiamism seeme to revive Ol and oungse to armes, and a regimen os insaniry, composed entiretyos manis, Was seen to maret through the streets of Smyrna in grave an silent procession a novel spectacle, hielidrow ear frona the yes of the Mostems. I Would, never-theless,' an error o suppos that affectior for thei religion und empire ere the ni spring that induco the Asiatio Turiis to move so promptly Samo la ne are tolli continent than Chios, anxiis inhabitantilia givon infinitet greater cause of ostence ut the were oo and brave the Sciotes, on the contrary, ere the richos and mos esseminate of Rayalis. ence WheneVercit a proposudo invade the former, prudence flectuali tempered Iohammodan enthusias m in the eas of the atter, thorowas littio hanc os an obstinate e Sistunce, and the certain ty of an immenso booty. f sanatic te tho an ostho oris columns that took the directio of chesmo,
rustians an vagabonds sile the centre, an brought p
Ἐxpucting ouris the approach of the uitan' navy, monaced by an arm os hirty thousan Ottomun assem-blo ora the opposite hore, disguisin rea terror unde amasti os confident resolutiora, the insurgent Ivere aintly pressing the siege os the castio, hen, o the morninios ho
NOTES.island with a flest os si line-os-batile hips, te frigates, orlarge corvettes, and welve malle Vesseis of var. Tho
tho Grand Admirat, stretchin his line along the Coast, Communicato with ohi Pasta, and obtaine precis information respecting the postiare os assairs. Indeed, the Greelis testhim no oom t doub thei intentionis bravingitis sor, ondescryin his armament, tho redouble their re against the eitadet, and Cannon place at intervalialong the heighis, opone or his hips. A Turhisti eluce of two uns and eight men, havinigo to nen the and struch on a Shoat, an almos the whole oscit ore wero icho ossa theenemy' mushetry. ara Ali then ordere a disembarhation, an severa thousan men lande unde cove of the artiller of his fleet; at the sam instant, Velii Pasti madere sortie with his garrison, an amotilla o boat continuallytranSporte troops rom the cam os chesme. The Turks rustie into the toWia, and after a combat of shor duration, curried AWor in hand tho height os ourlotti, and tho hostilo atteries. The cit then displayod a sceno whicli might bo apti compare to the fac o Tripoligga Merc Wasout of the question the victor bulchering indiscriminatolyali ho came in their an stirielis rent tho air, and thestreet were streWed illi the de ad odies of id sin, Women, and Child rees; even the inmates of the hospital thumadhouse, and the deas an dum institution, ere inhumani Siaughtered. Flamus sirst urstin Do tho hiarcho Tourlotti ave the signa foris genera conflagration, whicli age the two follo vin days, and devoured ne ostiis fines cities in the evant. overtheless, in the idstos his cursu catastrophe, tho Ottoma generat caused thehousos os the Europea agonis orae respected an poste dguard ut the consulatus, here the Catholics, an great number os Greelis, ound an asylum. t is thought that 9,000 person os every ago an sex ore flain a the Storminios the toWn.
n tho 16tholis isordor ad som0What abuted a thesoldier could n longe discove among the ruin either victim or lunder, the ver graves havin been rifled. Fresti hordes,ere constanti potiring in from Anatolia, anda vast mas os urtis verran the sursace of the country, and spreadiuro and wor through tho villages and monastic retreais Avarice no contende in the iris indiwith crueity, and inste ad os hillinitho Christians,ithout distinction, heyreserve the omen and childron, in orde to sel them assi aves. In the interior som fghting occurre I and at Vron-dado an Thymiana the insurgent aro sal to have madean honorabie stand It is no les true, hoWever, that them orit os thoraciotes illiu sussere thenaseives o b flainor bound like heep, or eis dragged on a miserable exist- ence in mountain and cavernS, Seel in an opportunit toescape by ea, a many os them id, in boat that amoto thei rescue ro Psara, Tinos, and ther insular
Thoro is no in modern annals o rightsul an example of the horror of war a that presented a Chiosci it recalisus to thos darii poetis, hen barbarous myriad rusheddown on tho civilige Worid. Is it Was eas for tho Porte toltisti into hor Asiati subjecti thirs os verageance, it Wasimpossibi sorte to checli thei career, and stay the inundation Astur the complete subjugation os the furvivira inhabitanis, no a da passe Dori Whicli ne bodies of Anatolianvolunteors id not marcii into chesme, Whenc the were wastod to tho fland otio sight of ther Who ad Ono bd. foro, roturning illi flaves an valvabie spoli, stimulato dilici impatience, an sor pWard os a monili 30,000 foro. cisus Turiis roa med about the country huntin do vn miscrabis fugitivos, an gleaning the fragments of thei povorty. Elogoga prolectu the masti villages rom thoi irruption, but four ther cantons that ad equali Aharod tho bonostos the amnesty, ero ravaged by the unrui troops A pop
sword, and 45, 000 been ragge into lavery amon thelatior ere tho se males and childre of the est families. Not a se captives owed thei liberation to the charit os. Strangers, and particulari of the meretianis of Smyrna, Who, in these melanchol circumstances, orgetting their ennii to the Greelis, ransomedis multitude os prisoners; ut this Was, comparatiVel Speuhing, a mali portion: hole car-goes ero hippe of to Constantinople, gypt an Barbary, and sor a long perio the lave-marhet ut Smyrna displayed tho busti os active trade, an attracte Mostem purchaser from ali paris of Asia Minor. The Capitan Pasti at ne moment sorbad the Xportatio of this mer- charidise, ut, a the oldier began to ut thei prisoners odoath, huci adge it belle to tolerate the abuse. About 15,000 Sciotes, osti in a state os tota destitution e scapedas ter tho landinio the Turiis the majority of them sirstreache Psara, and that place notanving the means to subsist them, ore conveyed to the politis of Greeces suffering a the universali did, rom ound S, disease or atteast unge and aliud ness, their retched light excited the de epest compasSion. Families one opulent, and nursed in luxury, were ain t cour the helter of a uine hovet, an to crave a morse of read, and many of the oung vomen, mutilate by abre-cuis, ore testimon to thoenomy' brutality. et his brutalit Was more excusablethun tho insanaous speculationis Some Greeli Standers, pho, prositin by their early arrivat, admitted into thei bariis nono but hos vilio could pay the m. It was rectione d more Over, that 5,000 Sciotos ore absent When the revolt be gan, and that 15,000 stili xisto in tho masti villa ges Thogo whoso to tho consulates Wore ave Doni eath or lavery but repor states that he rich Wore obliged o bu vor deartho fas eguar assorde them, anxit is addod that the ea.
politan consul Bogliaco exacted rom se males compliances os a more humiliatin description do no uouch so the persect accurae os suci charges, although ut Greece pro- clatrias them, and with oo much appearanceis truth
fitiare. e have no to narrate ne of the mos extraordinar militar exploit recorde in history, and to introduceto the reader' nolico, in the person fis oung Sariotesatior, tho mos brilliant alter of herois that Greece in an age has liud o boast os a herois m, too springin Domst pures motives, unalloyed by ambitionis avarice. The Greelis ero convincod that, is tho di no by a decisive bio paralyge tho Turhisti se et e re it junction,ith thatos Εgypt their fland musta exposed to imminent angor it Was proposed theres ore, in thei navat councti, o Choosea arti night sor sendinii two brutot by the northerri passage whilo at eauli extremit os the strat two hips os arshould ruis in orde to picti up the brutottiers. Constantino Canaris os sura ut ready distinguisho b his conductat risso), and George epinis of Hydra, With hirty-two