장음표시 사용
To talce them in delati: Fiast, his account os myrahar in the negotiations sor e Peace. I et me remin yor of the sit uatio at the tinae 3 6 . 1S. Vo urished for the aset os Phocis, oti vere ill-disposed to ThebeS,
hecatis of iis ari Ogance aster Leuctra Peloponnese vas divided, either Sparta nor aer nemies heins stron enough to do anything. Philip , Seeing lao v liings tood, by bribin traitor in acta State, made con-DSion VorSe Con unded, and strens thene his o vn position. And Vlae the anhappy Thebans vere dra ving eare to ou Philip offeredhelmi thei and eae to ou and go bes uiled ou. He vas enaraedio do his by the ignorance an malice of the Hellenes generat ly, vlio resuSed to supportoo in uour deflance of public interesis This illo vllae eae canae abolit, and the corniption o Aeschines and his mends vas the means D ivlii cla lae secure t t. The sirs mover in the Peace Rere Aristodemus, the actor, and Philocrates, a hiret in and Aeschines' 22 1 rienci, an Eubulus an Cephisophon. I ad n han incit. Vet laecharges me vii mal in the Peace, and villa reventing the conina on 23 counci of la Hellenes Doni haring in it. And while I vas doing this great thing he neve made a single protest, vhicli proves that hereis nothing in his charge. The states o Hella laad ali been trie and found wanting, and no embassy hac been sent to thena This is reatly a charge against Athens: Dyou vere inviting the Hellenes to var atthe Same moment thiat ou vere negotiatin peace vitia lallip, ouacte a no state liouta. ut it is salse Vou ad n reason sorsummoning the Hellenes then.
25 Nox compare ii conduci aster the Peaee vas made, and ou villse ivla vitas Philip' men d an ally. The os of the Thracian omnS. Purge in the Boui that ou enuovs gliould administer thematias to Philip a goon a possitae ille Nould notio so, and that meant that Philip had time, after oui ad stoppe ali ou preparations sor xvar, toseire many places besere he ook the allis That Nas ivli I urged that ou enuoys hould sin Philip at nee so that the Thraciansmight etain the posts of vantage of whic Aeschines Spolce so lightlv, 2S. instea of thei servin a a basis o Philip' further aggressions. Heneve mentions his proposa os mine hiut trie tota alce a Charge ut os in invitation os Philip 's enuo3 s to the Theatre, a though the would not have sat in the ordinar places ut sor me. Vas I to save thesepalir matters init Aeschines an his sciend sold our substantialinteresis Read the decree passed ove by Aeschines.
I I digress stoin the indictinent his malevolent charges Orce me tori 34.
What vere his arguinent stat ruine alia That there vasto Cati Seri 35. for alam a Philip' advance-alliances vere cernente thycidentit os interest, and 3 ou an Phoci 1vere allice intereste in in depression os Thebes. What followed, almos at onces The ruin of the hocians an demolitio of thei cities, pani at Ainens, a for AeSchineS, and for iis the nimit o Thebes an Thessaly. Read the decree o Calli 3T. Sthenes an ine letter of Philip.
I say nothing of vhat Philip ta ad done befor I canae into public lise. Philip at the uiget' ad one preat uduantage, that in each stat he ound many traitor ready sor his service and was a Me to achieve his end of dividins his ire ad divide enenties. In te v of this State os factionan Uindnes ivliat vas the rue polie of Alliens lThe two alternati S. Vas it to albando it hi h principies in activel suppor Philip in hi amession ' or, vas it to stand idie an se iis fear realipeda Vasit, I ask ou to trici the active traitor like the Thessalians, o the PaSSive oneS, the resultans, Messentans, an Argives Ad of thesehaVe come Oss vorse than ve have so that there is no doubi that outook the noUest course in adoptingit poticy. The hin traditions of thens. What vas the ut o a statesman who knex the lato traditions os Athens, in face of Philip 's attempto empire ver Hella. Is Philip,
Philis' artisidi in Thrace, I ia nothing of his conquests of Amphipolis, Pydna, Potidaea, 60.
This decree vas proposed by Eubulus, iners by Aristophon, Hegesippus, Philocrates, CephiSophon, One by me.
95. The charges Aeschines made aga1ns Euboea an Byzantium 1vere Otoni false but impolitic foris ity like a man, hould live u to then obtest in iis ast This vas the generous poli cy ou ho ve at thetime of the Lacedaemonia supremacy by ou expedition to Haliartus and Corinth although Thebes and Corinth had both realed o badly.
5 102. To turn to my ut Sequent poticy. I Sa v our nau inessective, andit burdens pressing nequali on icta an poor. I heres ore proposed lax udaici force the richo do their ut an relieved the oor, vitile it secure the good service of our fleet. I vas indicte an dii iumphanti acquitted in Spite of the attempts of the Leader of the nava Companies to induce me to compromise the matter. An theylia reason forioing o for the nox had o Pa in proportion to theirmeans. Read the decree vitia i indicinient, and the nava list old
questiora: the proclamation and the audit. His confused umbi os arguiment on ille laxus I do no solio v. a11. I adimit that Pana liatae t be calle to account for ny vhole Publiclise, butes den that Pan accountatile forma voluntar giftS. Distinction eliseen private gis and stillic aus. Is the enerous give to berine So malici ousis For it is malicious
ζ 126 160. Aeschines si , rivale and tibIA. The ori in and earI of Aeschines.
120. Siaal I speat sargi of his ather, settere flave o Elpias the schoolmaster, o his mollier, vitia her ait marinages, via brought poliis nobi ranter, and who vas alsed fron her trade by the boats vain Phormio Butri dare notriouch Such topios. The ιsher transformes 13O. Later in iis, but vesterday, e turn Athenian an orator, and transfornis hi sather Dom Tromes into Atrometus, and his mother the Bogey into Glaucothea. et aster gettins ali his frona the Athenians, yo hire ourget to ac against theni P vili oni dea urit his more fagiant service stur enomy. His ut in the case of Antiphon, 132. Fit si He procure the releas of Antiphon, whoni Phad areested in his attemptrio et ire t oti docks for Philip and i ita ad no been sortite vigilance of the Counci of the Areopagetas he would have escaped. Ascit inas ou put hin to the raci and o death. and the censetιre of the Areopag S. That was xvii the Areopa s Would no allo v Aeschines to ac asyoii advocate in the assat o Delos, ut solemni appotnte Hyperides in his stead, Dopositions. and so declared Aeschines a traiior. His si sor of 'thon. 136. Again, When Python the Byzantine came to thens, a the enuo os Philip to expos ou vrongdoing, I resiste his bragrans rhetori and exposed Philip's designs, but Aeschines supporte hini. Not content vitia his, e tuas mund conspiring vitii the sp Anaxinus, an Sosiampe himself as a traitor in Tain. Io
Supporter in the Leagiae, go himself appotnte iis genera at ine
156 Philip pretende ali the while latit his Vect ina a public ne and Aeschine gave Timolae opportunity o xvii se inis ror Philip's letteres his allies in Peloponne Se.
disserent states, AeSchines among them, ullo procure the loS of men, fortresses, an cities , fordie so ved the See of aliis evit harvest.
nexus artive at inens in the evening an disturbe the Prytanes at inner. An assenat ly vas calle for the moriatiis , and the eople vere eate in the nyx, at an eari liour. When the Prytanes liadan nounce the nexus, and the heral calle o any one ullo vistaed to