The Epistles of St. John : the Greek text, with notes and essays

발행: 1886년

분량: 442페이지


분류: 미분류


os the N. T. on sin, accoriling to Which tho landamentia conception os sin iatho sol assertion of tho finite against the infinite, that tho relation os modis evit is not ono v hich ex ista os necessur in the naturo os thinga. Thodisseretico is not metaphysical, inherent in Ming, so that the existenco os erit in involvod in tho existenco of good ; nor physical, as is there Nere an essentiat antagoniam bot voen mauer and spirit; but moria, that is rem laed in tho actual co se of Isse, so that ovil When present, is linoWnto bo opposed in g α

oondemnation by ma Incaritation:

etin As to tho sius of men Christmiaxes propitiation for theni: Η .



by Augustine: Μalo vis esse securus, sollicitus esto. Fidelis enim est et justus ut dimittat nobis delicta nostraia sonipor tibi displicem et mutoris donec perficiaris. Ideo quid sequitur ΤFilioli nisi, hine acribo vobis ut non


ut in consoquenoea mises ins que

nomal element in tho Christian liso; and therelare ho changos tho modo os dealing With tho aula L Bosoretouching on tho laci of sin, as indeed part of tho boliovefa experienco totho lagi, ho asserta tho end of his Maching. Which is inite nega. Thisis tho ond; and oven is it cannot bo


to bring out tho indivuluia characteros the ogones, and then to a W thatho is smahing of the Christian im lymith vhich ho identifies himself, and lo Which Christla promises amaasiarest This is lamibly minio 1 out by Augustino: Non dixit halbetis, neorne iactetis dixit, nec ipsum Chritium Moeris dixit; sed et Christum posuit

non se, et ΛMemus dixit non Mibetis. Μaluit se ponere in numero P cR-toriani ut haberet advocatiun Chri tum quam Mnem se pro Chrrato advocatuni et inveniri inter damnandoa


Augustino applies tho legat imago in a stritting parallol: Si aliquando in hac vIta conamittit so homo disertae linguae et non porit, counnittis is Verbo et poriturias es t Tho referenco in tho Advocato implies that tho Christian on his patet has effectualty fought His help. Thisis assumed, and indicateil bu thochange of person tes Christians hara . Cloinent Os Mute i. m) spealis Oftho Dard undis a conospoiissing titio:

... ρομεν τὸ σωτήρων ημῶν 'Ι σουν Xριστόν, τον ἀρχιερέα των προσφορῶν

-ὐ; ii. I 4 ἐγνώκατε τον πατέρας s. Is 4 α πη τοὐ πατρός; ii. I 6 οὐκ ἔστιν ἐκ τοὐ πατρός; ii. 22 ὁ ἀρνούμενος τον πατέρα και τον υιόν; ii. 23 ὁ ὁμολογῶν τον υιδν και τον πατέρα ἔχει; ii. 24 ἐν


M THE HRST EPISTLE OF ST JOΗΝ. LII. et ἱλασμός ἐστιν περ ι των α μαρτιῶν ημων, ου περι των ημετερων δε μόνον αλλα και περι oλου του κοσμου.

Bede sus v est : Unigenuo Filio pro homino inis ellam est apud cinaeternum Patrem so ipsum ho nemdemonstrare; eiquo pro humana natura rogasae esι eandem naturiun in divinitatis suae celsitudine Sus HSSO. Interpellat orgo pro nobis Dominus non Voce sed miseratione, Pila quod damnare in electis noluit suscipiendo aerearit. 2. καὶ αυτος. ..J et θεε V., and m,

omness, Sanctification and redemp

titiones Noto. r humanitatem interpellat pro nobis apud Patrem idem per divinitatem propitiatur nobis cum Patre Bodo ad lac., περὶ των 4μ. 4.J pro peccatis no taria V., psccutor An nωtrorum Aug., inor Our aina. Tito privilego os Chri trans ημωνὶ is noticod firet. And itis natural that in tho firet inso thostrem is lai 1 on laina' περι των 4μήμων) and in tho seconi caso on laur' περὶ των η μετέρων).


II. 3Iδ και ἐν τουτω γινωσκομεν οτι ἐγνωκαμεν αυτόν, ἐαν

xii. 32; xvii. 22-2vi. Tho supposition that περι Γλου του κόσμου is an ellipticia expression sor

δαιων ἀρχιερεῖς Ου μόνον υπερ απαντος ἄνθρώπων γένους ἀλλα καὶ ὐπερ των της φύσεως μερῶν, γης υδατος αε Oe καὶ πυρός, τάς τε ευχας καὶ τὰς εὐχαριστως ποιειται, τον κόσμον, μερ εστι ταῖς αληθείαις, πατρίδα ειναι εαυτοῖ νομίζων, υπερ ἐς ἱκεσίαις και λιταῖς εἴωθεν εξευμενίζειν τον πεμόνα ποτνιώμενος τος


this' reatly resta umn the Wholorolation of tho Christian to Christulitin is implicii in o. I, 2. That relation suritishes tho test os Eno ν-ledgo; is tho relation bo vital it vill

The cxperienco in v Lich tho M postlo appeata here and in the parallel passages γινωσκομεν) is present

os liso. So sis it is distinguishod

sonat character os tho oner .


τας εντολας αύτού τηρωμεν. ' δ λεγων οτι εγνωκα αυτόν και τας ἐντολας αὐτο- μη τηρῶν ψεύστης ἐστίν, και ἐν τούτω ἡ αληθεια οὐκ εστιν' = ὀς δ' αν τηρη

similar to t. 6 b, but disters smin it inlising generat Whilo that is species. Hore myo havo lavo characteriatica os a manent stato sis a tiar, uis trisAra not in Ai n), and thero tWo separato manifestations os ino state sice lis, et do not tho truth).


II. SI τετελείωται. έν τουτω γινωσκομεν ὁτι ἐν αὐτω ἐσμέν'

του πατρός,

αγάπη σου. The potentiat fulmnient of tho Ious of God in tho Christianlios in his absoluto readineas to learii and to do God's mill conap. Rom. xiii. IQ. Each Christian Meo ng to his