The Epistles of St. John : the Greek text, with notes and essays

발행: 1886년

분량: 442페이지


분류: 미분류


τελειῶσαι τ- δρόμον vith a Tini. iv. 7τον δρόμον τετελεκα. In 2 COT xii. 9πελειουται has been substitutod in later authorities sor τελεῖται.

used in this section: εγνωκέναι αυτόν,

expresses a speciat, personat obligation.


on eateth in cor responding action. The patiern os Christ, M set bolamus in tho Ne v Testament, is in every se a patiem of hunsiliation, suffer-

IIob. xii. a.

tho typo of tho Christian's Uss; induto significanes of Chrises uso inthia aspect ia gathered up in tho


7 Ἀγαπητοί, οὐκ εν-λην καιρον γράφω ἡμῖν, ἄλλ'


tinos os Christian conducti


Augustine mines a striring application ot tho Worda in tho Donatista :Ossondit te nescio quia sivΘ malus, sive ut tu putas malus, alvo ut tu fingis malus, et deseris tot bonos 3

Qualis Stoetio est fraterna r Qualis apparuit in istis fDonatistisJ. Cum

accusant Afros deseruerant orbem


And again he minia out tho ground of tho Christian's lavo es onerniea: Sio siligo inimicos ut fratres optes. Sio siligo inimicos ut in societatem tuam vocentur. Sic enim dilexit illo qui in oriam pondens ait Pater ignosce illis, quia nesciunt quid faciunt. Djsjtjgod by OOQ le


' δ αγαπῶν τον αδελφὸν αὐτἡ ἐν τῶ φωτι μένει, και σκάνδαλον ἐν αὐτω οὐκ ἔστιν o δὲ μισῶν τον αδμων

αὐτή ἐν V σκοτία ἐστιν και ἐν τν σκοτία περιπατεῖ,


και οὐκ οἶδεν που υπάγει, o τι η σκοτία ἐτύφλωσεν


explanation in anothor lam, Si Jolin may laok at his lotter strat as it is in


The causes of theso variationa mila ear as me exantino tho texti Augustine, isto many othera, au'maes that throe clames of madere amindromed. On viis Maxunpuon lis characterises them vigorously: Filii sunt, patres sunt, juVenes sunt. Filii quia nascuntur: Patres quin principium agnoscunt: auVmes, quis rQuia viciatis malionum. In filiis nativitas, in patribus antiquitas, injuVenibus sortitudo. Ia. ΓράφωJ Ι write. COIn re v. I, and contraat i. 4 seca write . For ino present tenso compare Gal. i. 2Ο:I Cor. xiv. 37; a Cor. i. 13; I Tlin.


John xlii. Io. In parallel nare