The Epistles of St. John : the Greek text, with notes and essays

발행: 1886년

분량: 442페이지


분류: 미분류


oτι πολλοι ψευδοπροφηται ἐξεληλύθασιν εις τον

κόσμον. ''εν τούτω γινωσκετε το πνευμα

et γινώσκετε κε o me the syrhi: γινώσκεται ra syrm: γινώσκομεν re'.

pheta, throuo Whom ino salso spiritas ah, as tho Spirit spe a throuo the trito propheta a Pet. i. a I, ii. I),

spirit os antichrist ' inspires inem. So talso Christa ' and salso propheta '

tion o tho bodyy to ita proper placeas tho perseet organ of ino spirit. Honco tho Divino Spirit must bear vi inosa to Him. Tho test of spiritata found in tho conlassion os a fact inita vindicatos the svinosa os liso. The tost os antichrist Waa found in the eonsession os a spiritual truth R

gate rendoring is evidently domin


must declaro uavis Activo lovo mustbo connoctod With a distinct recognition os ita Murco. Ergo, Augustinesus, lassovied by Bede, ipso est spiritus Dol qui dieit Jesum in carne Venisse ; qui non dicit lingua sed lactis;

tho participio vivos a disserent thought rom that with tho infinitivo εληλυ


-υν Xριστον ἐν σαρκὶ ἐληλυθέναι αντίχριστος εστι, καὶ 3s 4ν μ' οὐλογη τὸ

μαρτυριον του σταυρου ex σου διαβόλου


sham os inela o n. Augustino De.) remaris characinristicatly that the dental of uio Incarnation is tho sim of the absonceos lovo: Caritas illum adduxit ad camnem. Iusquis ergo non habet caritatem negat Christum in carne Venisse. And so lio mea on to interpret solvit' of tho spirit of tho schismatio: Illo venit colligere, tu venis Aolvere. Distringere Vis menIbra ChristL Quomodo non negas Christum in came veniam ipsi dismImpia Ecclesiam Dei qua' Ille congregavit lIt is of interest in notico tho tuto negativo AIgna Whicla St Jolin gives of not Ming os Ood.' In c. iE Io ho

spiritual suppori in tho bellos in uio

Muod audiatis V., hoc est illius animehristi Muod aud. F., and this Ivliolo manifestation os salse, ungodly, spiritual po vere is με manifestation of


μείζων ἐστιν δ ἐν ὐμiν η δ ἐν τω κοσμω ' βαυτοι ἐκ του

δοπροφῆται). The intervening versesam amicturassy parentholicia, thoughthev contain sto inling thought M tho

is init to labido' in bellovere, as here Ho Uinsoli is in them. See note On P. I s. Si Paul expresses the inmethought in relation to the individuat:


γινωσκων τον

vii. II.




y Ἀγαπητοί, ἀγαπῶμεν ἀλληλους, οτι η αγάπη εκ του θεου ἐστίν, καὶ πας δ αγαπῶν εκ του θεου γεγεν-




τον μονογεν' ἀπεσταλκεν o θεὰς εις τον κόσμον ἴνα σωμεν δι' αὐ--. 'εν τούτω εστιν η αγάπη, οὐχ

eontexi in exprosa tho presence of

tliat thia is tho Only placo in the

It is to lis notiood that tho Christianis not said in tho No v Tostamont to livo in Christ' contrast Acta xvi 28); though tho Christian, liso is