장음표시 사용
Ουτως ο θεὰς ηγάπησεν ημῶς, και η μεις ὀφείλομεν ἀλλη-
cura in Polyc. ad Phil. 8, δἰ ημῶς,
παμεν ἀλληλους, d θεος εν ημῖν μένει και ἡ ἀγαπη αυτού
itaeis Augustino sus: Noli in hornino
nem enim Dolis socii, o rem ipse homo secit.
Though God is invisibio Hs yot is not
christian can separato in nam that Whicli bolonga to his trito naturo num the draeaso Whicli corriapis it: Saevit in te homo. Ille saevit, tu deprecare: ille odit, tu miserere. Febris animae ipsius te Odit: sanus orat et gratias ubi aget Aug. in I Joh. Tracit. Visi.
Tho love of tho breuiren is indein the recognition of God in mon-tho exercise of that in man villicli is utor tho image of God. Ubi sactus est adinia noui Dei y Augustino astis Onthis passage, and repties: In intollectu, in mente, in interiore homine, in eo miod intellegit caritatem, duu- dieat justitiam et injustitiam, novit a quo factus est, potest intellegero Cre
torem suum, laudare ineatorem suum
Tho ideas os tho persection os love in tho bellovor and of tho persectionos illo boliover in lovo aro presented in severat disserent forins in theepisuo. In c. iu s tho sim os uiopersection Os tho lovo os God' in manis lauud in the wat ut rogarit villichtho bellover pus in His revelation 3s ain τηρη aυroυ τον λόγον). Here itis found in the love os Christiana lar
I 3. εν τουτω γινωσκομεν. ..J in hoc
και μαρτυροὐμεν ετι O πατηρ ἀπεσταλκεν τον υιον
ledgo and belles of tho disciplos in allages. or in exproas the samo truthotheorigo, that vision and Minoas reniain as an abissing endo unioni Ot
immediate Oriocis of τεθεάμεθα and μαρτυροῖμεν are disserenti Tho objectos contemplation Was the revolation
historio revolation os Hia Natum. τεθεάμεθα καὶ μαρτυροῖμενJ Con1Ρ. i. 2, ἐωράκαμεν καὶ μαρτυροῖμεν, id II,3a, and contrast JOhn i. 34, εωρακα καὶ μεμαρτύρηκα, AiX. 33. Tho continuo Ivitnem Naa b ed umn tho abissing
μένει καὶ αυτὰς εν - θεω. ' και ημεῖς ἐγνωκαμεν
os εσπιν σωτηρ πάντων ανθρώπων, μά
ἐστιν, v. Io ἀπέστειλεν ἱλασμον. Thas
noto. Tho miserent forina os the confossion requiro in bo studio lingether.
Vicissim in as habitant qui continotot qui continetur. Habitas in Doo, sed ut continearia: habitat in to Dinis, sed ut to continoat ne cadas Aug., Bede . I 6. Και ἡμεῖςJ And we, Wo iso cans in Dorn the ruinosa os Christian
mus at credidisnua caritati V., ωνα se cocliniua oram dilaetionem Deus habet Aug., co . ει credidimus in
Jerome lias a strange inversion Osuio sense of the Passage: In hoc y laeta est ..caritas, si fiduciam habe--ΠIS...ut quomodo illo eat sic et nossim ... c Ovin. i. c. s).
λείωται. ..ῖνα ἔχωμεν. . . . In an earlier
Bodo sus sorcibb: Non soniper adsequalitatoin dicitur simia, sod dicitur in mumdam similitudinaen. . . Si ergo facti sumus ad imaginom Dei, quare non sicut Deus sumus ' non ad aequalitatem sed pira modo nostrU. Inde orgo nobis datur fiducia in dio audicii, quia sicut illo est et nos sumus insoc mundo, inruando vid licet persectionem dilectionis in mundo cidus illo exemplum nobis quotidio praebes do
'μβος οὐκ ἔστιν ἐν τν αγάπ', ἀλλ' η τελεία αγάπη
ἔξω βάλλει τον φόβον, ὁτι δ φόβος κόλασιν ἔχει, d
plo destre for tho hioest good of
mere Deum no mittat te in gehennam cum dia Hlo: aliud eat timere Deum no rocedat a te.