The Epistles of St. John : the Greek text, with notes and essays

발행: 1886년

분량: 442페이지


분류: 미분류




nos in tho forin οξ argirinent biit os annotin ment. ΗΘ declaros

lie represented, that Aonio had Ventiared to chargo him also Withinnovation. Such an accusation voiud havo superficiat plausibilisy; and tho Epistio desiis vrith it conclusively either by anticipation orin vis V os actuat opponenis. Τlnis this latost os tho Episties is a voico Dona tho Inidat of the Christian Church revealed at last in iis independenco. Μany Whoread it hin, in ali probabili , gro vn up as Christians. A Christiani

popular Christology ia largely though unconsciousty aflected by Cerintluan tendencies. The separation of J esita, uae Son os Man, ironi Christ, the Son os God, is constantly made to the dealmictionof tho Ons, indivisibio Person es our Lord and Sariour. Ive have





hich maa frona the beonning. . . conoeming the moes of ΙΗ'' placea Judaiam in ita trito position part of the discipline of tho Worid, and vindicatos sor Christianitar ita cliam to universalit' Ηia doctrino of Mesus Christ come in fleah ' assima at onoo tho historicaland the transcendental pecta of Ηia Peraon. Hia Oxhibition ofa present divino felloWAhip sor man, imuing in a futuro transfiguration os man to tho divino lihenem, offera a Vievr of life abis to moeι


ονόματι αυτ .

The atris of the Epiaue beare a closo resemblance to that os uis Generiu


thoroughly Hebraistic in tono, and yet it doea not contain ovo qu talion or verbal reminisconce Dotii tho Oid Testament. Charao- Ορ significant verbal coincidoncea os languam bet veen the triti. Epigiles an l Goapel the folio ving may be noticed. The morda aroeither exceptionalty frequent in theso vritings or peculiar in theni:


εωράκαμεν κα ὶ μαρτυρουμεν. . . O

εωράκαμεν κα ὶ ἀκηκόαμεν ἀπαγγέλλομεν ma νίκει. 4 ταυτα γράφομεν ημεῖς ινα η χαρὰ vμων ὴ πεπληρωμένη.


XVi. 24 αἰτειτε και λημφεσθε

με νη.


M. I ὁ λόγος του θεου εν δμῖν μένει. M. I et ὁ ποιῶν τὰ θέλημα του


M. 13 - θαυμάζετε, ο δελφοί,

εἰ μισεῖ υμῶς o κόσμος. d. I 4 Mδαμεν οτι μεταβεβήκαμεν ἐκ του θανάτου εις την ζωην ἔτι ἀγαπῶμεν τους αδ---.M. I 6 ἐκεῖνος υπερ ημων την φυχην αυτου ἔθηκεν. d. a 2 δ αν αιτωμεν λαμβάνομεν

Vui. 46 τίς εξ υμῶν ελέγχει με

περι αμαρτίας;

ἀνθρωποκτόνος ην ἀπ ασηλ

ει ὁ κόσμος υμἀς μισεῖ γιν σκετε ὁτι ἐμὲ πρῶτον νῶν μεμί


την φυχην μου τίθημι υπὲρ τῶν προβάτων. Viu. 29 -κ ἀφηκέν με μόνον ὁτι ἐγὼ τὰ α ρεστὰ αυτῶ ποιῶ





u. 9 η μαρτυρία του θεου μείζων ἐστίν, ὁτι αυτη ἐστιν η μαρτυρία του θεου, ὁτι μεμ τυρηκεν περὶ

τιν ὀ αληθινὸς θεὸς, καὶ ζωὴ αι

xiV. I7. Vi. 69 πεπιστευκαμεν καὶεγνώκαμεν. XV. I o ἐών τας ἐντολάς μου τηρήσητε

ινα γινώσκωσι σε τον μάνοναληθινὸν θεὸν καὶ δν ἀπεστειλας 'Iησουν Xριστόν.




in the imo places. The Gospei ovea tho historio revelation; the EpistiΘ she a the revolation as it his been apprehendod in tho liseos ins Society and of tho belloveri Thia fundamental disserenco can be presented in another som. In tho Epistis the aiin os St John is to lay open What is thesignificance of the spiritual imiths of tho Mith for present humanliis. In the Gospei hia iam is to malis clear that the trile humanisso of the Lota is a manifestation os divine lovo, that Iesua is the Chinat, tho Son os God.' OR to put tho contruat in an epigrummatio forin, the theme of the Epistio is, the Christ is Jesus'; thothome os the Gospol is, Gesus is tho Chris.' In the forinor themriter alaria froni certain acknowledged spiritalal conceptions and