장음표시 사용
Momilia os conrinon and characteriatio ideas. No insitator of tho spei couid havo conisinod elementa os istonem and unlucenem in Euch a manner; and on the other hand, ino nutalance of tho G pelademiately explaina ine more defined Maching of the fimi Epistis. me ono sumting standa to tho other in an intelligibiΘ connexion os isse. X. PLAN.Ιtis extremoly dissimili to deterinino utilli certaintv the atriictum os ille Episuo. No single areangement ia able in inhe account of tho complex developinent of thought v liich it offera, and of tho many connexiona Which extat betv een ita disserent parta. The foliora ing Boangement, Which ia solio ved out into delas in illo
There are, M in tho fidit Epiaue, many peculiar readings in A, sonio sound also in the Latin Vulgato :
4 τουτων χαρὰν -κ ἔχω.6 ποιησας προπέμψεις. et ἐθνικων om. των.
once quotes a phraae from it M Doui the firat Epistle'. There areno violationa Dorn either of the Epistim in Origen, Tertullian, or Cyprian, but Diovaliis of Alexandria clearly recogntaea them M therar ha of St John; and Aurelius, an African Bishop, quoted theseoond Epistio as St John's Epistis' sit a Council Whoro Cyprian
hino uno i the titio in virtuo of Which ho Wri te, ruthis than that Moh -ould have had no Maring upon his conrinunication. AB an illustration of the superintendenco exorcised in tho Asiatio Churchos by St John, see Euseb. H. E. III. 23. Internat evidence amply confirma tho generat tenor of extomia Intemal
gilago and thought to the fidit. The thies Epistio has tho clos tassinity to tho ascond, though ironi ita sulaeot it is leas liho the fidit in generat forin. Novertheleas it offera many strihing parallela toco tractiona and language of St John: v. 3 is αληθείμ; 4 μειζοτέραν
The uso of the Paulino morita προπεμπειν, ευοδουσθαι und πιαίνειν, and of tho peculiar V oriis φλυαρεῖν, φιλοπρωτευειν, υπολαμ