장음표시 사용
τοῖς οφθαλμοῖς ημῶν, ὁ εθεασάμεθα και αι χεῖρες ημῶν
standa out clearly as a resumption ostiae construction and in part) of sto
natural atractum os the sentence, Mino objoet os ino various modes o regnini successively enumerato t. Thoapparent hai stinosa os combining the
Theae sotir clauses, separated by there Mod relativo, Rhicli solio r onoanothor in a perfeci sequenco Dom
As inore Is a succession ol time intho sequence of the clausos, so thereis also a climax of person ex mente, Dom that Which suas remotest in apprehension to that Which suas most
nifieant. Θεασθαι, lihe θεωρεῖν, expresses the catin, intent, continuo Inoontemplation os an olueet Whicli r maius besoro the spectator. Comm
It is most probabis that ino tuo interpretations aro not to bo ina lyaeparatocl. The revelation proelianisinat v luch it includes; it has, -- nounoes, gives lila. In Christ liso M ino intuere and liso M uis cli
ἐψηλάφησαν, περὶ του λόγου της γης,
as n. The usago os uis Worit in Jolini. 4 is some vitat different. Hero liso is regardoa aa final and absoluto: thoro liso is uio particular revolationes liso givon in finito creation. Christia tho liso .hicli IIo brinoa, and whioli is malised by bellovere in Hiin. In Hiin ino liso' bocanio vitiisse.
Vidimus et inarurea sumus; t timoni un enim vi Iulo ...cum displiceret ipsum testimonium hominibus adversus quos dicebatur, passi sunt, omnia Ium Pa i sunt minores ad loe. . ἀπαγγέλλομενJ nunciam to V., κε