장음표시 사용
sitive Viaue o artiatio discipline. The Artist interpreis
For the artist has both to interpret and to embo ly. ΗΟ - togata tho ideat of his su sol and thon ho has to present it in an intelligibio Ahape. ΗΘ has in Mue tho right of Oct and to cali int
Thia consideration placea in a trito licti the danger of tho Peril of
naristive speiat of the ulterinosi conflici as ovor besors the physioia Doath: Da τέ με ἐγκατέλιπες ;
SimmarF. This hoWover ia not tho placo to puraue the queationa Which arothus opened sor inqiu . It is enough to havo fhem that Christian t is a necemary expromion of the Christian Fiath; that the earlyantagoniam os Chintianity to ancient Ari Waa an antagoniam to thoidolat , tho limited earthlinem, of vrhich it πω the inoat complete expression; that Dorn the fidit Monninga of the Mith there merestrivings astor an Art Which should interpret nature and lite M a revelation os God, leading tho student throuo the inoat patient and Verent regar 1 of phenomena to the contemplation os the eteritat; that the consecration of Aret, involvod in the facts of the Christian eod, limita ins artist only in the senso that a clear exhibition oftho ideat favos the boholdor Dorn tollo ing WayWard and selfiah
The Worica of the greatest mastora of tho Middio Mos, of thogreatest mastera of tho Renes anco, and tho statement holda good stili, ahem hoW constantly sore gn elementa, fragmenta of the old liso, nos Wholly transfigurini, intriuio thoniselvos in that which M a Wholo
ἀρχή, ἀπ' a se, ἐν αρχὴ, i. I; U. 7; sit. 8Mohit tura, Early Christian Chureliat Dete, Drusalem, 35 Art, in relation to Christiani , 333 charactaristica os Christian, 333; Grecis, 338; Jev ista, 336
καταγινίσκειν, καταπένε , sit. I
Christ, Messiala, i 98 ff.; Christ and Christians, v. eto; iv. 9; Christ andino Ciliarissi, 32 a
A Generat Survey of the History of the Canon of the New Testament cluring the Firat Four Centuries.
Introduction to the Stucly of the Four Goapeis. Statii
The Bibie in the Church. A Popular Account of the Col-
The Christian I se, Μ anisold ano One. Six Semnona