장음표시 사용
nem and sufferirig. In the strat Mage of aucti a progress the inspiring thoiight is supreane: tho perfection os forna comes later. It Ia hoWever extremely dissiculi to traco tho cotidie of Christian Manur Art in tho ante-Nicene age. The litorary eVidenco is extremely
λ Tortuli. de idol. 3 ff., adleguntur me subjectis fret engraved by in ordinem ecclesiasticiun artifices Fabretu Haer. Ant. N. cu. p. 587, Who idoloriam. Comp. de spretae. 23. A describes the sarcophagus ex -- Christian sculptor is representin meterio Helenae.'hia Woin on a sarcophagus Maianod by Tertuli. adv. Hermost. i. pingit illi- mi to ths thir I century. Ses cite, that is, by palating pagan suriecis. Northcois and BroumloK, K. p. 236. 3 de Pudic. o. 7 picturae calicum.
The other examples of palating in the Roman Catacomba ars of Oiner
authori . ris Synod absoluto', lactida the palating os pictures on
tho Walla os cla1rches, in ordor to guard againat the representation
in Jomiali and Miuuato tomba olosolyanatomus to thoas of ins Christiantomias: Garrumi, Ta'. 493 ff. 3 Cone. Illim. Can. 36. Ne metu in eeetesia Iant. Placuit picturas in
betiove, froni thes portralatire os Divine Persona. Pe hapa there mers iaready symptoma that thia reserve Waa lihely to bo brohon. So it seemed beller to exclude picturea frona the chiarchos altogether than to min tho risit of injiiring tho sensibili of faith. Tlae Thero perliapa Eoinething of the stemnem os African Chri
a centum the representationa os paci ed Menes obtinnod for good indevit a recognised placo in Christian sanctuarios. The innovationmaa not accomptished rasithout reουistance. The familiar an dolo os
itona mill bo sufficient in ahe v hovr sar their uso raras extended in the vest and in tho mi. Paulinus ' 43 H, vs M a scholar os Paulinus. Ausonius and of consular rank, dovoted himself and his fortune to the service of the Chiarch. Ηρ took for his spec1al hero Felix, a martyr of Nola, vitioso gravo ho decorared mitti nobis bulldings whilolio celebrated his pressea in a long series of poema. In one of theseho describes in Aonio dotail tho pieturos urith Which ho had adornei the cloister es tho churchrio series included tho eventa os tho
histo of tho Pentateuch, Joshua and Ruth '. means of thea representations lis hoped to attraci and Inalmaci tho cromda os ignorant mastica xvlio visited tho inretne of Si Felix'. Each sceno hin, M lie describes it, a certain fitnosa sor ons cing sorne particulari son, the neW creation, the ossering of Isaac, tho continence of Joseph, the overthrow of Pharaoh tho separation of Ruth MMIO ah . Ho admita that the experiment Was an unus Ial onis'; and it does not appear that ho introduoed into his decorationa any Menea Dorn tho Gospei histoV. His languago indoed implios thatho ahared to somo extant tho feeling oxpressed by Eusebius M torepresentations of the Loid'.
Portioibus vidoas, paulumque supina latiges Colla, reclinato diuti portogis omnia vultu. Qui vides haec vacuis agnoscens Vera figuris Non vacua fidam sibi paseet imagino
Omnia naemque tenet seris pictura
fidelisi iam senior scripsit per mainque Volumina Moses, Quae gessit Donunt signatus nomine
tam distinguontem modico Ruth tempora libro, Tempora Judicibus finita si Bogibus orta, latentis transcimo oculis: brevis ista videtur Historia, et magni signat mysteria belli ... id. 5I ff. Propterea visum nobis opus utile,
totis Folicis domibus pictura illudere
Saneta; Si forte attonitas haec per speetaeula mentes Agrestum caperat fucata coloribus umbra, Quae super Exprimitur titulis ut lit. tem monstret Quod inanias eXPlicuit . . .
lige senSum, Ne maneam terrenus Atam ... Hostia viva Deo tanquam puer o forar Is ... Sit mihi castus amor, an et horror amoris iniqui...
Sit inta ab Asypto bonus exuus ...id. ω7 m Nonne, precor, toto manet haec dia- cordia mundo, Parte sequente Deum, vel parte ruente per orbem 7537s. Foris requiratur quanam ratione gerendi Soderit haec nobis aententia pingere
sanctas Raro more domos animantibus adsimulatis.
id. 5 et ''Ηmo tibi, Christo Deus, tenui fi-- lique paratu
Pro nobis facimus; nec enim te, summB Creator, Facta manu capiunt, toto quem eor- re Inmulus Non capit.
scura: tribus in spatiis duo Teata. menta legamus; Ηano quoque cernentes rationem Iuninio recto, uno 1 nova in antiquia tectis, antiqua noma lex
that in somo placea at leaat tho range of su ecta had been Already qenlarge l. In commemorating Theodoma ho has inven a descriptionos a picturo os his martyrdom, Which in iis intense realiam no temthan in iis au ect is soreim to tho spirit of early Christitan Art. The artiat, he saya, had imaged in gloWing coloura ine heroic acta of the inarur, his striiggles, his patas, tho briitia sorina os hia persecutore, their insulta, tho flaming furnaco, tho bleased consummation ofine soldier os Christ. Painting, he adda, even in silence can spe umn the Wall, and do great aerVIoΘ'. A ut the sanie timo Asterius, bishop os Amasea, oves a strange Asterius. description os popular extravaganco. Μen and momen more ro S
Pingitur; est etenim paruer decus utile nobis In vetori novitas, atque in novitata
In uis apas of tho Baassica M Fundahe representod ina illsa ol tho Passionas it is found on sarcophagi: Sanctoriam laimr et merces sibi rito
Sub omos sanguinea UVeo stat Chris- tua in agno, Agnua ut innocua injusto datus hostia isto. D. X K. I7. Greg. Nysa. de S. Theod. Mart. iii.
In the time of Augustine tho African Chiuch had yielde 1 to thogroming Rahion. Spealcing of the Sacrifico os Isaac ho sva fluit it
inat Siant mas Masm on rings, senis, bo vis, and chamber Walla. 3 e. Faust. Hi 73. Compars also de cons. eis. i. X. I 6, Sic omnino moremermeriant qui Christum et apostoloaejus non in Ranctis codicibus sod in pio. tis parietibus quaesierant; nm mimunal a pingentibus fingentea decepti sunt. 3 de Mor. Ecelas. Cath. i. 34 75
' pieturae simaginesὶ sunt idiotariun
five centuries is complete . The other early moris ot aculptuream sarcophagi, one of vhicli bolonga to the thirii centia 'In spite of tho limited acopo whicli sarcophagi ostered to tho me Ga-
the author, the para a tianslatus, Wisich separated tho easterii part laom tho tWin naves, Was decoratus et imωi- nibus depletus, ae linteaminibus tec- tua Coguosus, eap. xxxV., in the
λ Moor ling to Eusebius Uit. Const. Ei. 497ὶ constantius set up in theuiaritet at Constantinoplo uas repro- sentation of this Good Shsphora familiar in students of Scripture τα τοὐκαλ- ποιμένει σύμβολα, τοῖς απὸ τῶν θεέων λογιων ὀρμωμένω γνώριμαὶ, and R
ablo list and description is gaven byDr Appoli, Monumenta ου Christian Aret