장음표시 사용
NecesSit os exposing the rite character of Arianisin. Reserencerio ine Thalia of Atius sor it essentia propositions. The Catholic doctrinestate l. The question is, Whether ou Lord be trul Son o God, and nilyGOd, or tot Hii, tertiit proved by texis of Scripture, hi His Divine SonShip h, His creative agency by the doctrine of in Trinity, and by His
Examination os texis esumed Heb. H. Acts . 36. Potnis in xvhicli in Son differs rona ali creatures a Stich. The Aman theo , at He S a Creature, create to create thers, absurd. Contrast bet ween therespective relations of creatures and of in Son to the asteri Scripture illustrations helpiu up to a certain potnt. The Sonsili necessarilyamysterious. The ne Vor o God contraste xvii oster Words.' Argetament Dor Baptisma soran. Examination o Prov. viii. 2 2 LXX.; it S explaine a reserring to in lacaritation. Illustration o in potat Dor Deut xxxii. 6 Col. i. I 5. The Incarnation in What SenSe neceSSa . Consideration os in contexi of the passage in Provect P. 68
Examination o Jolin xiv. o. Doctrine os Coinherence of in Fainerand the Son. Jolin xvii. 3, c. contrast lae Fati aer no xvi in ine Son, but vitii salse o ls Texis on inity of the aine an in Son, a Jolan X. 3O, VH. II, mean more than mora uni ty so this helong to ait God's ServantS. The unit os Fathe and Son natist be essentiat. nother Aman explanation, comparing the unit o fallier an Son to that o Christians vitii ach other resuted by the ille of Vine Voret. linii te scope of
A series of notes, directed maius uius a forvi of Sal et auisnt. I. The monarchia, or Unit os Origi in the o thead is eriti relyconsistent vitia, and indeed requites, in doctrine of a Personal Vonlor Son. a. exis ascribin hiarnan initation to the Son reser o Hi in as ii- carnate Mediatori Against Arians. 3. Contiast et veen Arians and the Marcellian school. . See I. The doctrine of a Persona 'Vor o So implies in Homo- oti Sion, no Dithei Sim.
5. Against the Sabelliani ging ineor osa Vord goinisorsta aster quiescende into action, si inera retunita into quiescence, as i there vere I an expansion,' a a raontraction os Dei ty. α The Vord identica xvithine Son. Notoriae that lae Maii Jesus ni is in Son, orollat ine Vorc alid estis are in Son, oriat the Vor becana Son when it vas associaled vitii estis. M Sabelliani sim exhibite in iis resulis. γ Rene vexar i unient sor identit os in 'Vord and in Son. The Word