장음표시 사용
Masse in the eighteentia centur represent Meletius as having
received into the Churcia .... Would that deletius had neverbeen o admitte dra 'On returning to Egypt Alexander carmed ut this resolutionos ille Councii aster receiving roni 2Ieletius a lis of his t ventynine epiScopa Supporters, vitia a Statenient of the number os Meletian clerg in Alexandria and the neio libourhoo l. Vithin sive montias aster the Councit, a We earn ron Athanasius himself β, Alexander lay on his dealh-bed. AthanaSius vas absent, avin probata been Sent , Alexander o Constan
Bright Hist. Wrii ings oscit Athanasius, Introd. p. l. See Bright' Notes on Canon os fars soli Gen. Counctis, P. 26. illernoni, Vi 8i , talceiit os reinstat in benediction.
the rue Christian, ne of the ascetiosi e vili hie a bista opinde ed ' The majorit os me prelate vote sor hina, in the Sight an ama the acclanaations os the eo ple. This testi-Πaon is the imore emphatic, in uia i does no conceat me factthat he isti ops vere not unanina ousty disposed in avola os the
mator actio os a igher authorit sta in presbyters,' andis he di not imagine consecration to have been Onaitted hemus have suppo sed bishops to have persornae it ' Proba My, there fore, e belleved that by the old mode os choosing the Ale Xandria prelates, the Alexandrian presbb ter alone elected, and also vere lone eligitae q. Eutychius hiniseis has , een
Philostorius, si II. y ut latus, Annal. d. Ocock i. 33I. Se naistalces of his cited by Pearson, indic. Ignat. i. 29 , p. Neale, II ist Alex. H. 8 Sicinner' Privi Trailli an Order, P. 298 p. Charies Vor is vortli's ullines of lae Chr. Ministr3 , P. I97 T Jeronae, Epist. I 6. Quid eniim he insilis, facit. excepta ordinatione, episcopus, quod presbyter non facit 3 Epist. I 6. Notolia suci a custom, is it existed. vas invariat te Cp. Sollemus, Act SS. Iunii, v. 8 Neale, inst. Alex. i. o.
stipposexto naea stat they elected is that the procure me consecration*: isti thought that the performe sit, the Supposition is excluded by the an belle evide iace, e g. by the factthat in a a synodis AleXandria pronounce the ordinations persori ne by lae schisnaati presbyter Cossuthus to be
i Alexander ad deprive me presb ery os ille right to
ordain thei bishop, the nemies os Athanasius Would ertaint brhave naad the nove mode os his appotniment an element in thei putili charge against laim. The consecrationis Athanasius must, ac cor tingo hi o Vn
v may vel belleve that the ouilines oscillat splendi picturea re applicatae t Amanasius at the pening of his episcopale stariae vas not onlyrio notae t be corne arrogant in his ne v lignity butiat he atready began to ho v sonae thino os thathannon os excellences vllicli re or regard as his specialgio ; lae busin ess-like vigo ur in genera administration vllicli
III. But lie Meletians, no v liea ted h) a bisho narrae JGolan Arcapti'. ad noto,een concilia ted Iby the Nicen cle isto n. They rene ved thei intrigues, specialty in the Thebaid Where AIeletius had Evexas bishop anxit vas not improbata a bout this time that Athanasius resolve to visit outheria Γ gypt amito go a sar a Syene. When his esset, asceri ling the Nile, Ii ad nearly passed through the dioces o Tentyra in me secondThebaid, he ound himselfiear a place whichaad ver recentlybe conae the eat o a ne v institution the cloister-lis os nonhslivin in coin naunity. The renaitic se ad in Antony's casebeen modi sied by me formation os groups o discipies, Iulio
liave invente a heres in contrivlictio of the truth, an have been anatheniati ged by the incumenica Councily. Eusebius
readmitte into the Churci on conditio that he houta live
th Mareotis attende by a large bod os clerg an laity, heardis his irre utari ty, and sent Macarius, o gemer vitia thepties of in districi, o bring Isci lyras hie sore hi m. MacariUS