Toy hagioy Athanasioy kata areianon logoi. The orations of St. Athanasius against the Arians according to the Benedictine text, with an account of his life by William Bright

발행: 1884년

분량: 413페이지


분류: 미분류


the consessor' Spirit. An even aster the persecution vasOVer, he volat have requent eviden ce of the hosti Et whicli Christiani ty although again a ' licen sed religion,' vas stili calle dupon to sace. Those Shari Alexandrian Inochenes vllich had notSpare even hings an ena perors vere evelled easelessi at religion vhicli assirimed an Incarnatio an gloried in a Cros. and whos votatae had latet beenturne in masse to a deathos ignona in and torture. ut nother Xperience Os a Very disserent cindonios fruitsul in iis consequences, id much to intensis the religious convictions of Athanasius illis vas his acquaintance vitia Antony. He telis iis, in his inise ' os theg reat heia nit, that he laad osten sten hini an although thatre adin os ne passage whicla naalces hina say that he Jor Sometinae attende on hina, and oured vater po his hara df, maytie considere do ubi ut xv know that aster vard AthanasiuS VAS descrilbed as an ascetic ' and that xvlaei in later days of troublehe ook helter armon the ionic os Egni, he found hi rei seis persecti at honae. He contracte an extrente admiratio sornaonaStici Sm, Whicla villiso surptas us is v conside that thespirituat enthusiasn o Christianit had Mund a mos emphatic, although a ne-sided expression in Such a lis as vas bellailed by men ullo ad ste Doni a to vn-societ at nee talia ted an lbnatali re beyon modern conception , and ad inlitate thesars Christians by actualty giving up al for Christ. In the character os St. Antony the talosti an eccentri eterment os

St. Clin s. in oppugn. it. Mon. iii. II.


os a laceruies neve lost iis bright tranquillity ' and stias potald

Gentiles an the Incarnatio of the Word U I appears thiat iis date must ibe placed earlier than I9; for it oesno allude to the Arian controversy, Whicla iroice ut in that 3 ear Tlie irSt of the realises offers a refutation os Heamentsin, and then ar ues constructivel to Monotheism, an to the recognition os ille Divine Son and Vor l. t exhibit the lively play os a oun author' mimi', together vitia actaracteristic attention to different specis os ne truthy, anda not les characteristi boldnes in retorting on agans thecharge of latuit) ζ an in analyging the various apologies a luanced sor a resine an sublinaated polytheis m. In thesecon treati se Athanasius hegins by stating the primar truthos the existence of ne suprenae Creator, and then Sho v ho v,

Incarn. 9, 4, 28. E. g. see C. Gent. I, 33, 35.


laenignit in the persona intervention os a Word, His Son,

v S in lispensatile, a me rues en hanceiment of Christ' glory; and His resurrection could alone account for the morat trium plasos His religion. What mani in nee ded, an Incarnate Godmul alone besto v an Claris alone has besto ve it me successis His vori in the regenerationis humanit i a manisest proos o His Divine Sonsilis and true Godhead Aster


It vas in A. D. I that arctabisho Alexander vas insornae lo the dissemination, anton Alexandria Church-peoplet OsStrange opinion derogator to me dignit os me Sonis God. Their iustor it appeared, vas Arius, a pries Os natUre age, Iulio aster a perio oscinisdirecte an lactious activi ty Iaadattaine a hi h position a pastor of me oldest churcii in Ale Xandria'. He V as respecte sor his ascetic illa, and adrnire lsor his eloquent reachin and dialectica a Mity vhil hi S

have been called, γ me Divine fiat, out os vliat ad not

Itb. 3. On his aspect anc manne se Epiph. l. c. Malam, Ch Hist. P. 373 si Soc. i. 5. The generation os in Son vas latis te vel hi Arius S an event, via ereas in Catholic doctrine vi exus illas an tentat fac in the Di fine lise. Athanasius could quote tolli Orige and Dion 3 sius o Roriae against the iacem e vas not; de Decr. Nic. 26, 27. et languai: liel l by sonae eari x iter. 3to Alexandri an a io a non-eternat γέννησις naight be perverted into an a tutioiity sororiani sim On it Se Ne vrnan, Arians, P. 26;Tracis Theol. and Eccles P. I 8 St


U SI Athanasius. Ni

Such vas Arianis1n in iis uiset it res ted on the assuinptionstat the relation os priorit arid posteriority attaching to aliunaan parent an clii id natast tota good in reo ard to a Divine Fatheria ood an a Divine Sonshi y and a s vas aster variis repea tedly observe t it ended by destroying the reali ty of that Fatheinood an Sonship inasmucta a no identit os nature coxit Lexist hiet veen the ne Creator and the ighest roduci os His creative villo'.

suller expositio of thei belles'. and thereupo passe Sentenceos ex coninaunicatio an anathema Arius retirexto Palestine, Where e mei vitii a certa in de re os countenance roni Eusebius the historian bisho os Caesarea but e XVa more

effectivel besciended by another Eusebius, Ushorios Nicomedia

Thus, a rationalistic element lay at in root of the eo , although Arius vas es consistenti rationalisti than Eunomius, Soc. v. 7. Fialon connecis Arius, not vitii the Antiochene cito ol' as Newman , biit ivitii rationalistic te lencies in the Alexandrian St. Athanase, P. O . et Antiochen influence must be admitted for Anus hae Stitilled urule Lucian, Tlieod. i. 5. Ainan Orat. i. 9, 15, 26 2, 5 de Decr. IO. See Ne VInan, ArianS, P. I 3, ecl. ISTI . O course, ine identit os nature in a parent and childi inade litate to represens ineranseparatae unit of ine Divine lao inhereiace.'


Creature, l)ut no a. Ome Creatures V and as ibor an create dapari rom time, and Sora to be in changeat ile ' and critici Zed, a uia Spirituat an degrading any languas e vilicii derived Himsrom me Divine essene ' AleXander an hi clergy Vere X- posed to many annoyances attonae frona Arian intriguers' and fror sippant Aria tali ers, vlao Slce the wornen ullom theyrnet in the stre et whether a son could exist Deire e vas hori . There vere many letters o hie vrittera in deserice of the doctrine dented by Arius, and in orde to eXpose his rea naeaning the imos ina portant of these the ncyclical , has been assigne d on interna evidence, to the hand of AtthanasiuS, O v, apparently arcthdeacon o Alexandria'. Ad tressing itfel to ali Christia prelates, the letter insiste that hie propositions os Arius vere at variano allice vitii Scripture and vitia continuous Christian ea hing an in ne sentence, nainenti 'Athanasian, calle on iis reader to tot aloos a Christians, DonathOSe vlio pol e o thougiit in opposition to Christ. Athanasius vas armong the orty- ur deacon Iulio, vitia thirty-si Prie Sis, signe this lette in Alexander' prese iace, a theyiad signe dili eariter one: ve cannot doub that his constant synapathyand ready assistance vere a po versu Supporto Alexander buto ascribe laena ieret to ob a Deling sor a Superior, orgratem laetin sor a benefactor, o Polemica interest, o toeCCle Siastica conservati sim, or even to ea sor sincerely heldopinion S, WOuid be gravesyrio mi Srea his character, an to loseth lesson os his Constantine right say, in his letter to

See Athan de Syn. 6. Theod. i. th. Orsu. i. 22. - Soc. i. 6. The style os the Encyclicat is inlikesinat os in letter tigia allydated later, id emoni, vi. 73 to Alexander of Byzantilina, Theod. . . See Newrnan, AN P. 46 Ilist. Traci os t. Ath. p. 297. Theod. i. 25, dea ter os the choi os deacons.' P. 3Til Epist. i. p. 4,on his actinias gitide and adviserrio Alexander, in virtve of his ἐπιείκεια and


of SI Athanasius. Et

Whil virtuali opposing the broad Strear of Christian traditionand the Mundation- principies of the Christian aith, ivlaicia byastiri ning the Divine Unity the distinc personalit os ille Son, and His Divinit) , include Hini villain the ne indivis le

volved vas ille belle in a reali Divine Redeerner and that


earnestly, SVS Theodoret the apostoli doctrines, and Wa applauded by mei chanapions litterae earne the hostility

io id lon, Bamp. Iaeci P. I 6 est. 9. See 'Vaterland . Vorlcs, i. 78. That twsul question a to the possitae annitidation ostiae Son by vhi clima variten, n the occasion resereed to, silen cedit acte, naight seen to have ieen anticipate in Athan Orat. i. o. The constituent naenaber os the synod vere biflaops, o delegates sal,sent bishops. Theod. i. 26. Conapare Atli Apol. 6.


of St. Athanarius. XV stat his bistio ha been to stringent in deatino: vim Arius,

significant looks, os the usebians, a the agree to accepi, Mith a vie v to the proposed doctrina sortiaulary, Biblica phrases regar ling the Son, Whicla the could interpret in their o vn SenSe'. e va probat ly prepare to find that thei evasive ingenuit natale it necessa , in the interest os alae sense os Scriptures'. to infert into the formaulary, or Creed, ne Oro vo

oni stat therion is bes otte of the ather, but stat He is of

the essence of the ather. The vord usia ad been varioustyemployed in reel philosoplis , or an individua substance, sor a genus Or Specie S, O sor matter ChriStian writer halused it so the nature or bellas os God, and in his sense Eusebius os Niconaedia liti dente that the Son vas begotienis the Father's uuasi so that very reason, the leader of the a oritydeterminexto amrnn What he dented, and propo sexto intensisy


the terni'; so that it could be describe xas, to that eXtent, dis- countenance by Church authority. In epi to these argu-nient it could be sald The term is no v ut sor vard undernecessity in orde to proieci Scriptura term iston albuse' andit vili be quite possitae so to Se it a noto encumber thesailla vitia philosophi speculations ' Moreover, the conteX ofour propo sed Creed, and the ver sorn os the vori' itfel sq, villguard against an Sabellianiging perversion and anymiaterialistic sense vili be excluded by the pnnaar Christian conception os God as a Spirit an as One. It vas a lallaciously used that the terni vas et asiderat Antioch had been used in amound Sense by great ea Chersy an in that ense, as Truting the Son to e mιθν the Son there re truly God uncreate and

Euset, ius os Niconiedia lia treate it a manifesti inadmissi bie St. Ambrose de Fid. iii. 25.