Toy hagioy Athanasioy kata areianon logoi. The orations of St. Athanasius against the Arians according to the Benedictine text, with an account of his life by William Bright

발행: 1884년

분량: 413페이지


분류: 미분류




RATIO IV. 'A series of notes, directed natust a ius a foran of Sabellianism. I. The monarchia, or Unit os Origi in the Godhead is enti rei 3 consistent vitii, an in ieed requites, in doctrine of a Personal Vordor Son.










Tu Orations os t. Athanasius against me Amans are herereprinte Dor the Benedictine texi in a soran whicli, it is hoped, vili prove convenient to student os theology. I seenas destratae to prefixo them Some account of the lis of their

This Introductio is reptinte seor in edition o 1873, Missi Somealterations and additions. Gibbon, ut 69 c. I .


rnain Datures by way os introducing the student to the suller narrative os donisaucon or illernoni; to lao v in Sorne de-gree sto in the word os Athanasius himself, and speciali Dornhi autobiographaca fragments What the ea. In an vas in his O vn personali ty,-What he thought, an seli, an ainae at,-ho vae vori ed, o vae Suffered, ho v in the long run, he Ver-Came. T concea that sympath sor his si de in the Aman contest, xhicli is involved in the consessionis the Nicene aith, muli be a pestry an Molisti assectation ut o the therhand, it natis neverte orgot te that the memory os a ero isno hono ured γ hero- vors hip and that the example os a. aint has sonietinae beentina naedi hagiology. Athanasius vas bor a Alexandria in the word of the Empero Constantius that it contained his paterna home δ; 'an diis ather' tona is cno vn to have been siluated in iis ut- sl iris'. Os his saniit circumstances V know ut litti oneos his relations vexto susser persecutio Dona his enenates in

A. D. 34O' and hiis Iu declaration to ConStantine at a crisisos his life nausi e talcen to mea that he VaS, at an rate, notwealthyl. The tinae os his itali an e approXimately deterimine d 3 observin that his recollections os the persecutionunder MaXinaian, in o3-5, vere imperfeci' and that he was Comparativel JGung When consecrate in A. D. 26, ut et vas id nough to receive Sonae theologica instruction ronateacher Who Sussere unde J Iaximi Daga in 11' and thath seenis to have vritte his ars theological vori as early a. S318. Thus xv in se that he vastoria about 2967 a conclusionwhicli ear o the sanaous necdote sirs tot by Rufinus os Aquileia, Who naias have eard it Dona contena poraries os Athanasius when e visite E ypt about 372 ' Alexander, bishop os Alexandria,-so runs the torv,-aster sini Shino: a se stiva service in commemorationis his mart)Ted redeceSSOR


o St. Athanasius. iii

accession o Alexander . Stili, it is lihel enougii that bishopPeter laad discerne in the boy sonae promis os algia vocation, anda ad exhorted his parent to vatch ove it anxit is certainina Alexander id beconi his hin an satherly patron, toolchina into his liouse, an emploue hina as a secretary. The position involve sonae Signa advantages. It vas macho be


adimitted in olim, to the confide ne os the inrcnbishopy or Pope δ' os Alexandria, the occupant of the Evangelicat throne, 'the secon bishop in the Churcia, Whos authoni OVer thebi Sliops os o bit, Libya, an Pentapolis, vas virtuassy both patriarcha an metropoliti ad an to dive, as a son vitia alather V unde the oos os a prelate belove so his gentie disposition V must have been a lappines osten thanksullyremenstere amid the storens and conflicis os later lila. Such vas me int ductionis Amanasius, probatay Oon aster 313, to the threshol os his mihistry. He vas eminently quali fie to mal e sullisse of ill his opportunities; and ney vere many and VariOuS. Ali his antecedent lia exerci sed hispo vers of observation He ad been bre u in aiorne vied by Claristian influences, but mi is the many-side hse of that vas cit so Jul of stirs, an intellectualos vel a S a com


Athanasius passed Inuch time, as a ouno student, in the Midascaleion or Catechetica Schoo , o sanaous sor a line ofteacher including Such nanaes a Dionysius, Origen, and Clement iis triuiitions Nould encourage and ur e in tobecorne ac Nainted villi Greel literati ire ' and thus,-apparently in the eis labouring useuin y', the ancient eat of the Alexandria universi ty, he earne grammar. logic, and rhetoric , rea the Homeri poena S Τ', made Soriae progreS in Platoni stililies , and perhaps acquired the principies of Romanta v . His minu vas prepare so sutiare meditation o the hypothe Se os panthei sim an materialisna, and eageri tOOlc

Sog. Vii. 15.

in A. D. 272.

Sulpicius Severus, i. 36, even calis hini Jurisconsultum; but inemontrefers illis to laurch a v viii. 3.


vi Oh ne me