장음표시 사용
mati Zed a recthle S and malignant tanderers, and vere variae liliat an3 ne v silances of their votita be de ali viti, b ille emperor hirn seis vitii ali the rimur os State la v. Letters os sympathyran congratulation lowed in storia Nem' os thanasius. In his apolog a ainst in Arians, our ain authorit) so these evenis, he pro luce one lette Dorn the venerable Alexander bi Stio os Thessalonica', via hi ad received a letterisona Athanasius a the and of si pronaisino volath amed Serapion, but hi ad also lear ston hi o vn deacon thena Constantinopte os ste Xposure os alie calunaniator Arcaph. 'Arcaph himself no v Mund it X pedient to ProseS repen-tance, and to equest communion vitii Athanasius and Constantine , on receiving a lette Dor hirn to that effeci, replied in such genti teritas as holve Arcaph to have been a PO ver So ende me conspiracy, sor a time, at the cloS Os 332. Athanasius, in announcin the aster- lay Os 333, could x rite vitii me resticio usnes of one relie Ved stor a great anXiety. Aster a single pas Sin reserenoe heretic an schismati cs,' he d vel on the mora an spiritua purposes os me conting
sition. Such a disposition vas not hared by hiis id opponenis: the hiegan O Keave ne vovebs, and Eusebitis of Nico-naedia vas able to persuade Constantine that the recent Charges
against me bishopis Alexandria require the cogniZance of an ecclesiastica Councn. Such a Councii vas summone to neetat CaeSarea, unde the auspices of the historia Eusebius hi titdelays vere interposed,-it id not meet untd 33 ,- arid during thiri monilis, a Sogomen teli us AthanaSiUS in Spite os urgent citations refuge to atten si assemU Dona Iulii cla
Athanasius had been Wronged by caluinny The attach no v socinalty iade ii Assianasius ouche nopoliatis doctrine sor it id noti ei sui the iis ian poli cyto cali in question lae Nicene aith, but o wealcen that ait laindirectly by blackening the Character oscit great repreSentative. The omne charges vere revived an amplisied Ischyras protest ed that when hic churcli' vas attaclced iis sacredbooks vere burned . The charge atready mentioned os un- canonica and la vie S acquisitio of the AleXandi an hiisliopnc vas urge in detail. Athanasius, proce ededolae accusers' has deposed, XCommunicated an sub)ecte to militarycrueities, a bi Sinop amed Callinicus, o suspecting hina in the matter of the chalice , has thrown do vn his episcopalchair', an give hi See to a cies xxvio ad been deposed. He has salsely accused Ischbetas of havitas pellextiae imperor'SstatueS, and thus Occasione his imprisonment, in contemptis his pnesti character. Five Meleti an bishops declare stathavin been deceived by hina, the had qui ite his coninaunion, and ad en ieen imprisone h) his means '. o these
he vas lyin Sich o the da in question and that his ongregation include no more than seven person sy ut the Eusebians vehementi pii aside the testimon osse red by the
Ib. i. 29. Or, a Theod. i. 3o, vo tam is, and ni tivo, has achina received roin the Creator.' Se Jeronae C. Rufi id. a. instanasius . . . tertiana Arsensi amputavit manum. Athanasius mes ali viles omescene in Apol. 72. Se Dean Stantey's description East. Ch. p. 286 andon Athanasius' sense os humoliri se also in stor os cras ' in Sog. v. o.
out . Philagrius, presect os gypt Who ad apostati Zed,
An inquir os suci an ex parte character called sortii indignani protest sto in the Alexandrian and Mareotic clergy'; these locundent are extant, an one of them is date on the Iouio Thoth, i. e. Sept. 7. At remonstrance, o veVer, Wa diS- regar lex Mur Alexandrian praesis vere exiled'; the aganrabbie vere allo ve to insul the Alexandri an Catholic on alast-dayy', and the commiSSioners, returning to Tyre, re Sented
accessssile to me voice of nam ' Acconipanted by sive os his suffragans, he Ool the firS VeSSel sor Constantinople, and Sud- de Uy presente hinaseis in the micis of the oad vite me
Jerii salem, an ami the splendour of the reat dedicationfestivaP had recogniged Arius as havin proved himself ormo
Atli Apol. I. I seenis sioni c. 9 that Dionysi iis aster his took a Strongine against Athanasius. Gibbon sit. 73. Ain Apol. 9 86. Soc. i. 32. EuS. V. C. iv. 3 Sor. u. 26. ' Ain Apol. 8 . y Ib. 86.
o St. Athanasaris. XXXV station, I could o have sal l so.' me dici a it, replied Eusebius os Nicomedia: le is ricli and o versul, and an doanything ' Athanasius attempted a rejoinder, hut Constantine
uould ear nothin in ore, an Sent hirn way to Trier orTreves, the capital os aut ' and the seat os overnnient of his Hest o Constantine, via received the prina ate os Egypt vitii ali respect an cordiality', in the pening fA.D. 336.1V. The sirs exile os Amanasius asted early two ear an ahal f it vas a time os est, notis Suffering The cene vas very ne v to hirna transferredi a sudde to the distant Nortii, lie found hi in sel in a it adready venerabie, vilich could bedescribe as in illustrious abo de of Sovereigias'. and whiclasho ve to in in their restanes many seature os Romangrandeur, oin os vilicia it stili exhibit to the modern visitor in thei decay q. Maximin the bishopq, an orthodo prelate, becarne his ast mend; and Athanasius vas present vhen theservices os o reat se stivals vere hel in a large basilica besore iis coimpletion an dedication . His vanis vere abundantly supplied'; he had villa hirn ome gyptian brethren, and
the risi os havinitiis letters ei ged in orde to find resti mattersor attach '. IV cara imagine hirn vaticin unde the 'broad valis δ' os the city, portitering the nexus iis received of hispeople' succeS in resistin the retur os Arius V os the saltu reo thei attenapis, and of Antony's, in petitioning or his o vn δ', of the terribi en of the heresiarch δ' of the long- deserrect
Ammianus xv. II. 9 Ucte excellentissima, Salvian, de Gub Dei, vi. 8. The Porta Nigra in amphitheatre, C. Ain Apol ad Con , ad Ep. g. 8. 7 Assi Apol ad Const. 5. Ain Apol. c. Ara. 87. ' Ain. Fest. Ep. IO.
baptism os Constantine, an os his death, o Whitsunda in
A. D. 337 . At in bὐginnin Os 338, an in preparatio sor ineensuino Easter, he vrole a. 'Festa letter, indicating an improvenient os his condition, and a. ope os speed restoration. Into ne passageae se eriis to our his vlaole spirit, in iis sa illa, tenderneSs, and devotion remindin his Vbelove ones that the naus ne ed pas i liroughorOubie into com ri,-that antichristian hostilit natist be Xpected and encountered,- stat enaan who lived in Christ siue os victo For more than a ear me late emperor' deam produced nochan e in me archi iislaop' condition. At len th, o June 17, 338' Constantine II. Who, in the partition os the empire hada certain preceden ce ver his broster Constantius and Constans, me Overeigns os me EaS and of Italy Tote Doni Tne to the AleXandria Catholics, insormin inem that he vas but carrying ut his ather' intentions ε' , resolvin to restore Athanasius, and thus to satis* their donoeings sorme retur os so admirabie a teacher . In illis' appear toliave assume the consent os Constantius herio ol Athanasius vitii hin to Viniinacium ' an important to vni Upper IIoesia, o the high road to Constantinople. Here the three emperorsim et, and concurre in the restoration os the bishomo Alexandria, Nilo pentis hori tinae in Constantinople, vhere e vas present vhen the Amani Zino Macedonius brought an accusationagainst the orthodo bisho Paul, vlio iniseis ad latet returne sor his exile in Pontus Frona the ne v Rome Athanasius travelle to Caesarea in Cappadocia, Whenae agatri
y iis V. C. v. 6 sq. Ain. Fest. p. I sor 338. Foroliis date, se Newman Hist. Tracts of St. Ain. P. E. Hesele, Hist. Counc. b. 3. S. 5 HuSSe o Soc. H. 3. Ivath n armae sor 337 Studies of Arianism p. 36). ut AthanasiuS' Fest. p. Io appeam to impi stat he was stili at,sent hon horne and in Festa Index dates his retur in 338. Constantine' letter gives the da os in montia, butio theyear, Apol. c. Ari. 87. Ain Apol. 7. Constantine represent his ather as having ad albenevolent purpose in sendi ias Athanasius into Galil See to ib. 9. Exponent os ita adorabie law, . . . . iis lai-sanie virtuer c. Ath. Ap. ad Const. 3. y Ath Hist. AN. 7.