The Wasps of Aristophanes, with notes, critical and explanatory, adapted to the use of schools and universities [microform]

발행: 1835년

분량: 151페이지


분류: 미분류


al tho extant plays of Aristophanos Tho subjeci, 4nys theloni iacit riter, is to sinutoci, tho sol ly represented appears acliscas of to Singula a description, vitiaoiit a sufficiei it univcrsaltu os application, an tiae action is dra via ut o too groat a longila. Had his opinio proceodod Doni solito Frenclicriti os lae old school, s capalato os explaining the aberrations reali apparent, of the genius of Aristophanes, ast isthose of the fixod stors o Person ivitiatae remotest pretensionsto claolarvaim Ouid have droauit os dispulingis solena a voi- , dici But vas licti a criticisni porum os one of thos illu trious brothors, Whose ames orni something like an opocli in

ine Aristophani conaodies, and laat asin Dacans os looking intolla innaos recesses of that Singula constitiition ivlaici, has sonaucla attracto Ptho attentionis nil ages, it is laoyond ali quo tion the mos important os ali the documents which anticli tityhas lac picathoclis That the actionis ille planis to sar extended O naodem ars thero an e litile oubi an it is there re opod that tho curtailmonis ore reiade villae essobjectedo Aso iis lina ite i natine, and want O generalapplication, me reactor os ille Ollo vin notes, via see lio v


largo a Nκly os ille Athonian ligens ore maintaincillam sed

as a portio os another's. Is it the vaeight oscit depending

meditate O the proposition Once more maderio hina: -abstinence Doni the coliris os latu, viti, at thei attendant dra baclis, early rising coars habit, an coarso salo chill,lainsand c unctos inclusivo , or, solae rice os abstinence, splendi mansion, good cheor, lirave apparet, and ver deligilt vhich hovi an spectacle an ove: but the choice has heen atroady made, and the nios irksome durance cannot alter it. Is this the languam os caricatures It is at ali evenis Plea-sant caricature and happyclio, holas no experience those intervat in liso, viae a page os sarco is osten vortii est that


suci, intellecis ni aro sto grapple vitii are tar re theni. Here is the collisionis minci, and ali the delights of intellectitat

inxto a sortissilirens Θ T in nothingis incidental intellectual eos and perquisitos and mari suci lac longo to an

berativo assonat sies, and wo sax thena executinxiliore many Of

hOpod servo to lae v laat Sticta an opinion is notulit ite correct .

potisna eo that there is a io vor hcyon itself, and litige

h An P vho solito sor uis sint, he rimo had to combat the de adlies of asstyrannies, ille tyranu os papa Bonae 3 ut illis andisine poliat os reserni lancebet veen Italaelais an Aristophanos,' vin tars in thei deparimenti literature,




plicii, and then to mini ut vhat ore the lem result os

A the externa splendour os Athon laad boon furnishodsi on the ptundere properi of her allios, soler internaliatiscations and amusonionis utere derived froni the purses of her voalthior iligens, who of ali person in laatrio unis universalse dona vere eas allo ve to do vita the pleased viti, lactro vn Unde the anae of da lauries, o public services, stichtaxes vere lati upo the ostates of at these, a served torio a sortis privb purse, ut of vhicla the mentia platair of the fovereignicopto of Athens vere a caresulto providodrior, asilaos o any ther monarch. Vererilaeserat an tiuae insufficient to ove the royal expensos pis polite invitation invasaddrosso to thos ivlaci fornaedalae realis Utilitarians os Athens, to naalc up lae desciencies. Vas illis in unattendod tot Those est in Athenian society, via in legat loro bore thenaime of οἱ βουλόμενοι, ut in cominon artance vere more iistiali ternaod ymphanti, vere et Oose, insormations andi napoacta inent 'aecauio raso, and alae cotiris vore presently

1 Λειτουργίαι. The etymolo of the M or vili best explain iis meanina et

εισαγγελια δεχεσθαι, καὶ δημεύειω τὰ τῶν πολιτων καὶ των --ων τοῖs πονηρῖαταλέγουσι πειθεσθαι See also the extraci Dor Plato' Republic Whicli is inseried





nothingis the furitior expense of consecrating a tripod Ad l8o drachnaas sor a choriis os beardies Pyrriaichistae 3Oo sor Cycli chorus, 3OOO Pon Arrephoria an Arctaitheoria innin years ille una aurounts to in ten talenis, thirty- si minae. Gentienaen f the jury, it is sor oti to audgo Whethor a naan Ostia is libera turn os uitia can possibi lac a delinquent an asto lae tute matter of properi nox undo discussion it is



oxpansio os professiona grandeur, his evident deligit is, bya si ille tincture, to dissipato the losut picturea has rawn. Tlae ull-blown si in lae collapsos tho robes of myalty dropos 'lae sceptro salis rona the nervolos hand, and the fractional presentative of Athenia fovereignu' and Oparine os lae s sin k into an insignificant id man, his revenite three obol per day, his Ward robo a torn and attered cloah, his royalde 3 et a se of carbuncles the mitis of early risin and ad W ther), an his sace tho prox sor at that is pungent and

vas tho Atti dicast is thoro in litoratur a portrait more singula in iiscis, o ono hichrior iis politica importancora serves O bo moro minutoly studiod Ulcnow of nono. In prosenting this secon specimo of tho Comedies of Aristophanos to tho attontion of tho public the oditor' initidcannot but adverta his arsim illi mixed Desing of satisfactionan anxioty satisfactionis the more than indulgenco vitii hicli that attonapi a received, and anxioty lost iis Successorshould prove that avour octavo oon misplacod. ha thopolitica opinion ad vance in these productions WOuidie un-

acceptable to sonae, the oditor vas vel a varo; ut haviniex



ΚΑΤΗΓΟPOΣ. ΣΦΗΚΕΣ. ΣΩΣ. UxΤΟΣ, τί πα σχεις, ω κακόδαιμον Ξανθίας JAN. φυλακην καταλυειν νυκτερινην διδάσκομαι.



ΣΩΣ. κακον ἄρα ταις πλευραῖς τι προὐφείλεις μεγα.

3. ou ncur then, a latae an pat ut debi for chic νour fides must pay. The present tense of the verti προοφείλειν Occur uis inone os inose plays Os our author vhicli vili Orna o par of the present collection, but Dona vilicia ad suci extracis a caesi e made vitii propraety, and vhicli ten to throw light On ancient mannem, it ivit be an essential objectri submit to the reader. An ivliat more deseries attentionalia an exiretici letalling the systen on vllichaiae religiolis ecllicationis the higher classis seniales in Athens vas conducted tot seven years old, it uppears seoin the Lysistrataos Aristophanes, IOiinglacly vas capatae os bearin a par in thesplendici procession O lier coiintry, and car in the unmenti Onable and hol articles, whicli belonge to the rite os Herse or Minerva. At en ear old sit osticiale grander os metit ἀλετρὶς to that odii ess, wli reroice in the ille os Archegetis orFoundress A ille surther nilvancenient in ear qualissed herto assunae the sacred suffron Obe, κροκωτον anc en ac the partis

hera heconae ne os hos relio aus processionisis, O Whona theancient statuaries vere accust Omedri iuvisti nil the splendour osthei art. randis era notis delat i m country, intimates thesoniale choriis, ' sortitis notae course os education, and is it no incumbent in me O give the state good an disses a counset in heremergen ieci Moderii reasoners vili do ubiles tali a disserentvlex of this co se of education 'Vith so litile done to est eo that

long besor me rapas a vare that suci a permon a Passo v pra in existenco, he had forine his plani illiistratin Aristophanes upo alitiost theridenticia plan inichtha scholarias adopte Las the basis of his Laexicon herice has arisen a continuat

similarit in thoi resererices, more particulari as saris Homer ani Herinlotus Rre Onceri edet and withoiit sontexui limoticeis ille prosent, the e litor niight have been thought vanting in ille acknowledginenti assistance, vilicii in sacche litano received.

v οἰσθα γ οιον κνώδαλον φυλάττομεν;

itae vigilance of Aristoplianes, nil vlio here apparenti laugite lat Euripides use Osthe xx ordis vulgari or assected at ali evenisus beneati the dignit of tragi diction. ur. Iph. aur. 523. Hποῖ στι ἰ 'aμὶ γάρ τι προυφείλει κακόν Als Heracl. 2 o. erodot. 5. 8a τελων προυφειλομενη VI. 59. προοφειλόμενον προσοφειλόμενον Gaiss) φόρον Thucyd. I. I. μητε ευεργεσίης μεγάλης μητε ξυμμαχὶς προυφειλομενης Dem. 530, 8 m μεγάλου τινὁ ἔντος ὁ αὐτω προωφείλετο. Antiph a 36, 26. εἴπερ προωφείλετο υτω--όν.

4. κνώδοον pro κινώδοον κινέω). his vord of viderange in the Greel language, comprehendita animal of every deScription, an an marine, and ury in frona animal of the largest limension do in to the niadest in seci. Passox in v. Lysist 476. applied to the seniale revolutionisis τέ ποτε χρησόμεσθα oiσδε τοῖς


κνωδάλοις o l. 7. 3l6. οὐ μεν γαρ τι φύγεσκε βαθείγ βένθεσιν λης

πρώονές τε κa xaράδραι' φῖλά θ' ερπετῶν σατρέφει μίλαινα alia. ρές τ ορεσκωοι καὶ γένος μελισσῶν καὶ κνώδαλ' εν βένθεσι πορφυρν αλύς. ευδουσι δ' οἰωνῶν


6. συ δ' ουν. his mode os expression has been illustrate Lin ine Acharnenses. V. 72. O the examples there oven, ad Vesp. II 54. lsr. Y νεν, δελ εγι σε περιβάλῶ συ δ' ὁ ἴθι.

expressive os clanger, ve osten findie vord καπυθοῖν Oupled, as is significant os a person laeing ut os clanger, an his assairabrought to a prosperous concluSion. Compare ISOc. 3I. l. 4 d. 66, d. Dem. o I ult. illa a passage in schines, whicli has

ΣΦΗΚΕΣ. κατα ταῖν κόραι δπνου τι καταχ ται γλυκύ.

ωσπερ οἱ κορυβaντιῶντες υ εμφρονες ντες ὀρχοῖντaι ILuciun I. P. 96. V. 94. κορυβαντιάσειν μοι δοκῶ περιβομβούμενος ὐφ' ων κατεσκέδaσύς μου νομάτων. b. 27. πρῶτον δέ φασι 'Pων σθεῖσαν τῆ τέχνη saltatione c. in is Φρυγία με τους Κορύβαντας, εν Κρητη δε τους Κουρητας ὀρχεισει κελεῖσat. In these Wila lances, there vas dOubiles naucla

της τουτων φύσεως και της τῶν πaρόντων λεξεως λόγων. piSt. I. 328, R. τον δ' εμην δόξαν το μεν περὶ τῶν νέων - ποτε γενησοιτο, εἶχε