The Wasps of Aristophanes, with notes, critical and explanatory, adapted to the use of schools and universities [microform]

발행: 1835년

분량: 151페이지


분류: 미분류



υμῶν μεν αυτῶν ουχὶ δεξιωτερον, - κωμωδίας δε φορτικης σοφωτερον. ἔστιν γαρ μῖν δεσπό ς κεινοσιανω καθευδων, ὁ μεγας, οὐπὶ του τεγους. Oυτος φυλαττειν τον πατερ ἐπέταξε νῶν,

ἔνδον καθείρξας, ἴνα θύραθε μ' 'Fn. 7o

Ivli in the militar arran gements of the house, Bdelycleo talces uiis post os observation, viil appea more clearly hereaster.

'Aμυνίας με ὁ Προνάπους ' οὐτοσι

soppery, and ine lende means he had of supportin his asteso fine . Acine original os the Chorus furniuies litile se serious consideration, it a been omitte in the present edition, but aversio os it is here urnished. The Chorus throut ilienaseives into an altitude os proseund deliberation their eyes fixedin the ground, and thenaseives apparently vraptis in via ut is usuali terme abro vn tucly. Aster much apparent SelDreflection, the consulteach other'Meyes, and find the have one an ali agree Lupo the solio in Verdici: in Aster much an long reflectio Ut this conclusion come, That sor smari right-liande trivis loni Usurpassioth ut anil sonte. But ou brande Pan test-handed sollyri bellem to pass; That an more, ira, at the dOOr, Irs, dropes of Amynt-ass.

Τhis soplinii placeos his rude ait sare-

Supping latet in state


οδι δε φησι Σωσίας προς Δερκύλον ἰνα φιλοπότην αυτόν ΣΩ. υδαμῶς γ Ἐπεὶ

on a mission late sent Heri Pharsalus vent-

τι λέγειν, to a Somethingis real COIisequence. 76. την νόσον τεκμαίρεται. ISOC. O. n. ει δε δεῖ, μέλλοντα τοῖς γεγενημένοις τεκμα ρεσθαι Dem. 82O, I 5. εἴ τι δει τεκμa εσαι προς τὸν ciλλον αυτου τρόπον. Dein. 94. 29. τεκμαίρεσαι τα μίλλοντα ἐκ τῶν γε--μένων Plut Crito, u. πόθεν τουτο τεκμ ει; en Mem ἐτεκμαίρετο τὰς γαθὰ φυσεις ἐκ-.

ὁδι πάρεστιν. φορεῖτε, μασσέτω τις, εγχείτω λειν

κροτηρ Ἀδ' ἀνὴρ, os πρὶν - φύγ κδεῶς, Ῥοια καὶ βους ἐργάτης εργάζεται.

Athen XV. 686, a quoted in Porson ' Advers. P. I 46. Ib. Σωσίας. Diat this vas generali the nam os a clave maybe inferrei froin the vel description in Theophrastus ἔστι δἐκακολπία γων l. cum ΗOttinge αγωγον της ψυχῆς ει το χεῖρον A

of the present instance must a tali en or an Athonia citi eten. Dol re refers to Dem. o 75, 29. Antiph. 37, 33.


EA. ροικόστρατος δ' αδ φησιν ὁ Σκαμβωνίδης

εινα φιλοθύτην αὐτον η φιλόξενον. ΣΩ. Ῥα τον κυν G Νικόστρατ)ου φιλόξενος,

επει καταπύγων ἐστὶν ο γε Φιλόξενος.


ει δη 'πιθυμεῖ εἰδεναι, σιγῶτε νυν. φράσω γαρ δη την νοσον του δεσποτου.

φιληλιαπτης ἐστιν. ουδεις ἀνηρ,


poetic Deling vhicli a through his temperament, andis largely, that in the opinion os his contemporaries, time and practice illoneseemed vantin to mulce the nause of Solon a fit rival so that os Homer An is such the legislator in himself, What vere the externa materials nox hich he had to vorici A soli susscient sor allthe purpοses of industry though notrior hos of idten ess- climate admirabi adapte to bring to sui persectio ali the physicaland mentes io vers of man-a population naturali incline to amicultura piirsutis, and there re est 1itte the largest shareos politica Dee lona, an a geo aphical position is notis De an lopen a that os the present great mollieris democracy. et assOrd- in ample opportunities sor thro in ossae populationis soon asit superflux becante troublesontem dangerous Nee xv xvOnder, unde suc circumstances, ut the genius of Solon tulcing the scoperit did, and finalty embodying itfel in that mosi magnificent os politica axionas, that in an is by his ver natur a deliberative and judicia animal, and that consequently nil member of a state, Whateverthei birili condition or education, have a right to cooperate in the xv mos important functions O societ that o Daminitis

Iaius in the farsi instance, and that o a liministering them in thenexi me paramount di it an importanc lyin raster vitii theseconi than therars o lites sunctions. ahat such ivae the yound-ivori os alliolon' poticy, vili, thinlc, admit os no dispute; and hence, to thos xvii thini est vortii thei vhilerio stud the resulisos stat polic in the great politica poetis antiqui ty the evident




ερα τε τούτου του δικαύειν, και στενει,

ην μ' 'πὶ του πρωτου καθίζητω ξύλου. D

V. II.

νους πετεσαι την νύκτα περὶ την κλεψύδραν.

tain quantit os vater, by the mucos xvhicli the lea lingrivas ostricti limited that the esse containing it κλεψύδρα vas also termed -- . Maussacus in Harpocrat. p. I 63. Frona a paSSage in Eschines it appears that of the water illOwed, ne portio uas assigne to the plaintifr anoster to the defendant, and the hird toste deliberatio an decision of the couri. I 2, 2. ει τρία μέρο


Reiae' definition lio ever, is a very different ono. Dies forensis, militis

causis ea die disceptarulis ita ιη'mipatu, ut necesse fuerit ciliis cujus pie oratores spatio Poque aretissiino, UIUIInsemimv.' Maiissa cinisidem in expression A

mr του δε την νηφόν γ ΠΩ εἰωθέναι τους τρεῖς ξυνέχων των δακτύλων ἀνίσταται,

ωσπερ λιβανωτον επιτιθεὶς νουμηνία.

ο των Mσιλέων τούτων οινοχόοι . .. δδόασι τοῖς τρισὶ δακτύλοις ὀχουντες

την φιάλην. 96 λ νωτόν. See Hemst. l. p. 235. ἐπιτιθείς. Ran. 888. ἴθι


urn itfel os considerable sige, in orde to natae severat iunci red


the effect it ad n the writings os Rubelais an Racine, I have spolien elsexvliere. Appendix A. In the ' Plai leurs of the lalter, tho rench Philocleon M. Dan lin mulces his irStoippearance, as


ΑΡΙΣΤΟΦΑΝΟΥΣ ευθυς δ' ἀπο δορπηστου κέκραγεν εμβαδας,

καπειτ κεῖσ ἐλθων προκαθευδε πρω πανυ, ωσπερ λεπὰς προσεχόμενος τω κίονι.wro δυσκολίας δ' απασι τιμῶν τη-μακραν ΣΦΗΚΕΣ.

γοντες, πλινθους εἴρυσαν, και με τρόπω τοιούτου ξε--σαν Herodot. II.

n o urce os instructi an interest unci anausement, vhicli no ther

langli age a suppi v. he present is one ostia large sanitly os Greet wOrcis, in xvhicli deiis primarii derive Doni the workingsos the bo in ire asterivatas applied to the operations of the niind. of the intinante connexion et veen the digestive organs, and the intellectua processes of the minci, ut O us are nor Orcies Aen-sible. While these unctions ure ut executed, and the laod κόλον passes prope ly, ut is moOthnes and Serenity; iuravithan disturbance of these organs, and the her os oti piec musthave susseret naticli in his respect, udraeconios dissati si actio anci liscontent: ence the naeaning of two opposite ivor is in the Greelc


ωσπερ μελιτ η βομβυλιος ισερχεται, υπο τοῖς νυξι κηρον ἀναπεπλασμενος.

xl φων δε δείσας μη δεηθείη ποπε, ἔν χοι δικάριν αἱγιαλον ενδον τρέφει.

ΣΦΗΚΕΣ. 41 ιαυτ ἀλυει ' νουθετούμενος δ' ἀεὶ μῆλλον δικάζει. τουτον ουν φυλάττομεν μοχλοῖσι ενδησαντες - αν μη Ery. γαρ υἱονα οὐ την νόσον βαρεως φερει. και πρωτα με λόγοισι παραμυθούμενος ire ἀνεπειθεν αυτον μη φορεῖν τριβώνιον

μηδ' ξιεναι θυρα ' ὁ δ' υκ πείθετο. εἰ αὐτον ἀπελου κἀκάθαιρ 4 4υ μάλα.

σκληρότατος προς υἱον- τω νουθετειν, τοῖς με λόγοις πικρός ἐστι, τοῖς δ εργοις πaτῆρ.



Arcad. 8 3 i. on a talu rint Megalopoli An insant Iupiter inaetigeos ille app ea singis conciliating od lies in the nrnis i ais,


μετα αλ κορυβάντιζ' ο δ' αὐτω τυμπάνωκας δίκα ν εἰς το Κωνον εμπεσών.

Iao. ὁ Καινόν. t has been laesore mentioned that here vereten civit coliris in Alliens but the Heliset oriun-colari as opicestini scit has tirown in remaining nine so naucli into the hade, iliat commentator an antilaarians have been no a litile perplexed omnlcealiena Oiit in anu satisfactorvmian ner. ne os theni ut ut evenis is here bes are iis, biit even that nppears unde ibat eas discriminative os ali appellations os ullicli the remiunt result is t dropus uponis Ne v street, bearingillati venerable marks os antiqiuty, or a New OWn. vllicli has apparenti laeconio iis ave. Villi regar to these inferior Ouris generalty it vili be uilicient lar area ter os Aristophanes O know that acti os theni liud a letter of the Greel alphabet astixed torii, and xxas suritie distinguished by


οτε δητα ταυται ταῖς τελεταῖς Ουκ ἄφελει, διεπλευσεν εις γιναν εἶτα ξυλλαβων νυκτωρ κατέκλινεν αὐτον εἰς 'Aσκλη-Οὐ

o δ' ἀνεφανη κνεφαῖος ἐπὶ τη κιγκλίδι.