The Wasps of Aristophanes, with notes, critical and explanatory, adapted to the use of schools and universities [microform]

발행: 1835년

분량: 151페이지


분류: 미분류


ΣΦΗΚΕΣ. ΣΑΝ. πον αὐτον αρ μοι βουκολεῖς Σαβάζιον. ira

of this play has been suli developed at ever sine oscit Aristophanes inus have fel the Athenian lax os libet round his necli,

καμοι γαρ αρτιως πεστρατεύσατο

Μηδός τις ἐπὶ τα βλέφαρα νυστακτρο υπνος '

thei rapidit anc reiteration. The wild and confiised treanai vhichliave presenti to e narrated requirect in dramati propriet a

brain, and Dona vel pluing the botile, an ari in hicli ou tivo flaves re accorclingly represented a notabie proficients. ut thereade is perhaps catching the insection O the stage, and as athoroughly composin draught, the extraci Dona the great Orator excepted. reconamen i in to the dissertation O the Phrugian

ib. βουκολεῖς, i. e. τρέφεις Schol. Aristoph. θεραπευεις Schol. AEschyl. e contexi vidently bring usa sonae suci sense, but put acinis

unusitat vord here is in to the mouili os a Phrygian, and coupled asit is both be re an aster uiui themanae of Sabasius, there muSt, thinlc, e foui loca propriet in the applicatio of the terna

The editor lay perhaps reser to though he dare notis uote, infinitet hiFher authoritnsor the reasonable motives o whicli thistereor of the Medisti naui e vas founded. In that prophetic description. Whicli anticipate the fallis Babylonin Ieast two centuries betore the actua event, an has Iesi manicin at the distanceo more than te times at number of centuries O age vith tonishment on the sulfilnient of evory one os iis delatis, the sterii,


merciles Aarracter os the Medes is described wist ali stat i soree

Thucyd. V. 89.


ἀταρ συ λέξον πρότερος. SAN. ἐδόκουν ἀετον is

καταπτάμενον εἰς την ἀγοραν με γαν πάνυ ἀναρπα παντα τοῖς νυξιν ασπίδα

φέρειν ἐπίχαλκον ἀνεκας ς τον οὐρανον,





καπειτα ταυτην ἀποβαλάν-Κλεώνυμίν.

ΣΩΣ. ουδεν αρα γρίφου διαφερει Κλεωνυμος. et o

πῶς δ', προσερεῖ τις τοῖσι συμποται λέγων, Oτι ταυτον εν η' ἀπεβαλει καν πανώκαν τη θαλαττη θηρίον τ' ἀσπίδα:EAN Hἴμοι, τί δητα μοι κακον γενήσεται ἰδόντι τοιουτον ενυπνιον; ΣΩΣ. μ φροντισ9ς. ets

περὶ της πολεως γαρ ἐστι του σκάφους λου.




iliis sense Philology though habituali buit lingier nes upo the

portant os ali subjecis, into vhicli a sic illat tutor, vivi a fas texi in his hancis, an Picis ni in the confidence of supplying this that thepresent uriter has Venturedin anask, whichiught to have salien into abier hancis, in villio throwniore ordes of illustration Trade commerce-politica economyi The head os ali these ivili bes und occasionalty peeping up among the Johes an Liviuicisnas of Aristoplianes, and the head Once obtaine i ivbat is to hindor froni pulting a bod toti Custonis-manners-literiitures Di illustration o any great conii poet necessarii t implies a lino Iedge of est these, and withthis additional advantage in the author more in inaediat et in question that comedy vithain talces a political range whichiso other stage has been ound competentrio solio v and sirther hol l xvithinita grasmanc hen a literatur theanos splendid whic the annals of the wori have ver boaste l. Et dubitamus adhuc Butrio bring


SAN. λέγε νυν ἀνύσας τι-την τραπιν του πράγματος. o

ΣΩΣ εδοξε μοι περὶ πρῶτον πνον ἐν γ πυκνὶ ἐκκλησιάρειν πρόβατα συγκαθημενα,

I 28 ἀνύειν την δόν. IV I98. πολλὴν ὁδὼν διηνυ ν. Ib τον τρόπον vasalae expression expected biit Xanthia contini ies the navat ne taphor, and substitute τρόπιν, a Shψ' keel, Orbottom. d. VII. 252. τρόπιν ἀγκὰς ἔλὼν νεὸς ἀμφιελίσσης. XII.

ἀλείφθη ποικίλων ὁρμοσμάτων Apoll. Rhod. I. 388. αἱ δ' π πό-

Ib εν γ Πυκνί. The reacter Ostheracliarnenses need nolle tol linat the ecclesia is here interita ecl. ut xvii the ecclesia selecte lso the wliale' haran et The natiuer villis belle understood, M lien in v future planitie eopte os Athens vili require tot considere i in illeir Oubie suracter os ecclesias and dicast, or usunitin in thei person ste deliberative and judicia lanctions os government. trivit be suilficient for Our present tirpos to observe, that tiae conanion peoples an illinil ut sileepisti, in ne senseo the word soluid it thei interest to planinio the hancis os their leniagogues in the ecclesia, While the demugogues returnec it ivitii interest y bringin ali that they could os cimolumen or dignit tto the coiret os luxv, vliere the ea strengili os the democracylay

Ib. πρόβατα. hee in the ecclesia, and notiniit e volves inaliedicasteriu- ω surely the savage sacrifice os lis and properi in

βακτθρίας χοντα και τριβώνια

aside, ster the violence whicli depravea Llycurgus os one of his

eyes Plut Lyc. II. το μέντοι φέρειν βακτηρίαν εκκλησιάζοντες, Σορ


καπειτα τούτοις τοῖσι προβάτοις μουδοκει

φρονεῖν. Id. Lycurg. o. υτως η πάλι απὁ σκυτάλης μια κά τρίβωνος Ωρχουσα της Ελλάδος ἐκουσης καὶ βουλομένης κ. τ λ. Troin the Spartans illis Inanile vas transferre to thos xvii affecte a Spartan, o philosophic inocleis life Dem. 267, 2I. οἱ μεθ ημέραν ἐν ἐσκυθρωπάκασι καὶ λακονίζειν φασὶ καὶ τρίβωνας ἔχουσι καὶ ἀπλας ποδέδενται Plut illoc . o. 'ν δε τις 'Αρχιβιάδης, ἐπικαλούμενος Λακωνιστης, πωγωνά τε καθείμενος περ υ μεγέθει, καὶ τρίβωνα φορῶν ἀεὶ καὶ σκυθρω

34. μουδύκει i. e. μοι δόκει.


ΣΦΗΚΕΣ. ἀει κάκιστον τοὐνυπνιον βυρσης σα πρας.

ΣΩ. εἶθ' η μιαρα φάλαι ἔχουσα τρυτάνην

38. βύρσης. Die ullusion is to Cleon' trade a a tanner.

Ib. σαπρος σηπω, a 'vad Duc otten, tin ιng. Hence, in Ira etaphorical sense Εpties. IV. 29. Ira λόγος σαπρο εκ ου στόμπος υμων η κ πορευέσθω. Uhicla the learn ed Schoetgen illustrates Doni Solim Genes sol. 7. col. 25. Noli ore tuo peccare contri carmem tuam, neque homo sermonibus suis pravas aliis cogitationes inclu-cut, cui Saque Sit, ut Contra carmem Sanctam, quae signo Sancti foederis signata est, peccet.

ceed to the ex necessar mensure, διιστάνειν, to spli into parites

uiris dem politica sagaciti an importance.

Ioni a minore verses, in the sanie drama, is diphthoniis used hoth as ratior and a long syllabi :


20 APIΣΤΟΦΑΝΟΥΣτον θροον μων βουλεται δασταναι.

Ib διιστάνειν αδιιστάναι to Par inunder Dem. 245, 4 πAεονεκτημα, Ἀνδρες Ἀθηναῖοι μεγα πηρξε Φιλίππω παρα γαρ τοῖς Ελλησιν, ου τισὶν λλὰ πῶσιν ὁμοίως, φορὰν προδοτῶν καὶ δωροδόκων καὶ θεοις ἐχθρῶν νω πων συνέβη γενέσει τοσαύτην, σην οὐδείς πω πρότερον με - μνηται γεγονυῖaν ου συναγωνιστa καὶ συνέργους aβὼν καὶ πρότερον κακὼς τοὐς Ελληνa ἔχοντας πρὁς ἐαυτοῖς καὶ στασιαστικῶς ἔτι χεῖρον διε -

θηκε, τοὐς με ἐξαπατῶν, τοῖς δε δούς, Οὐ δε πάντα τρόπον δωφθείρων. καὶ kεστησεν εἰς μέρη πολλὰ ἐνὸς του συμφέροντος ἄπασιν ἔντος κωλυειν ἐκώ- μερον γίγνεσθaι. Henc the metaphorica sense of ine vortain the texi, to bring into parties an dissension. Is this ac of Terghinga divide, o os dividia in orde to oris it comes to thesanie ining, yet out os date tra ea not.


ΣΩ. Ἀδοκε δε μοι Θεωρος αὐτης πλησίον χαμαὶ καθησθα, την κεφαλην κόρακος εχων. ει 'Aλκιβιάδης σε προς με τραυλίσας' Ἀλας Θεωλος την κεφαλην κόλακος εχει .' MEA. ορθῶς γε τοὐτ Ἀλκιβιάδης επαύλατεν. ΣΩ. Ῥυκουν κεῖν ἀλλόκοτον, ὁ Θεωρος κόραξ γιγνόμενος; EA. ηκι- ἀλλ' πιστον Σst. πῶς; EA. σπως; ανθρωrος ων is γενετ εξαίφνης κόραξ

Ουκουν ναργες τουτο συμβαλεῖν, οτι so

the way se excitanψng κόγκος int κόλακος. Ρῶ καὶ λάμβδα μόνον Maxas κολάκων διοριζει. λοιπον αὐτο κόγξ βωμολόχος τε κόλαξ.τούνεκά μοι, βέλτιστε τόδε ζῶον πεφύλαξο,

cro us the parasit os aio versiit man like Cleon vas de Iure arid facto the niost prosperous man in AthenS.




ΣΩ. εἶ -υκ γωδους δ οβολω μισθωσομαιουτως ὐποκρινομενον σοφῶς νείρατα; EA. φερε νυν κατείπω τοῖς θεαταῖς τον λογον,

πράττει δ' ὁ κόλαξ ειριστα πάντων, δευτερο ὁ συκοφάντ ης, ὁ κaxon es τρίτα λεγει.

52. δύ' οβολώ. Die agonige i drearne in Alciphron l. III. p. 59. is content tota livo drachmas to the interpreteris histrenui.

Derivo i simin the anniam os the in , Where three actori orum erealimve l, Iulio bore the respective tities of πρωταγωνιστhy. δευτεραγωνιστhs, τριταγωνιέντες. Whenoe also in expressioris πρωτολογεῖν, δε- ερολογει , τρσολόγεῖν, or, δεύτερα λέγειν, τρίτα λέγειν. inenti.

ολι α Ἀπεισων πρωτον αὐτοῖσιν ταδὶ, μηδε παρ ημῶν προσδοκῶν λίαν μεγα,

perii cinini a fixit ma hero e added, a Xanthias nox evidenti assumes the character of the author os in piece On is subjeci, however, in candi and Iearnec reade ivit consul the parallel draiv bet ween Aristophanes an Rabelais in in Appendix A). Whateveronio be the reasons os Plato sor bringing Socrates an Aristophanes into so friendi a positionis he has done Ι belleve it neve enteret into his head that an grounda ha been lai by hin sor attachin the mora character of the


24 APIΣΤΟΦΑΝΟΥΣ μμ αδ γελωτα Μεγαρόθεν κεκλεμμένον. ημῖν γαρ υκ ἔστ με κάρυ εκ φορμίδος

matter of conjecture. ut to come o ou text. Among inersubjects of self- congratulation ivitii the Megarians, was an idea that

I. P. 6.

that the preter pass. O insere fluctuates et veen κέκλεμμαι and

58. The poet again alludes to this IIegaria mode os excitin asill laugh in his Plutus 797. οὐ γὰρ πρεπῶδές - του διδaσκύλον

ΣΦΗΚΕΣ. 25 δουλω διπριστοῖντε τοι θεωμένοις, ου IHρακλης το δάπνον ξαπατώμενος, ω οὐδ' αὐθις νασελγαινόμενος Συριπίδης 'ου ει Κλεων γ' ελαμ νε της τύχης χάριν,αυθις τον αυτον ανδρα μυττωτεύσομεν.

αἰ εστιν μῖν λογίδιον γνώμην Ἀον,

6o. The enormotis appetites of this hero passed into a proverb, and a iungr Hercules vas a subrect Dona 'hic even in tragicstage of Athens could no sorbear se a cene, notali mos decorous, in the Alcestes of Euripides. The earne Mulier vatches o caresult ove his nobi and

vatio is notice in the speech of that name, 787, 2 o. it is done

gredient out Os xhicli a Greel sala l- consection μυττωτον uvas made, have been explainedio the reade in a sortiter play. Acharn. p. 68. Diue oundini in a mortar broughi them to a state, which, lihe electuar ruam, vas nei ther soli nor fluid biit Somethingiet vixi ioth. In sonae such state, but rather, I presume, inclining to ilia v and dissolution iliami substance, must Cleon have unc himself ut the conclusioni ou author' Equites. As a faint specimen of the mode in xvhic this proces managed, and astendin to throw light o the present conte ly, the delyc eo osilie V ps ein evidenti intende a a single representative os that clas of Athenia society, whoni the sorus of the quites represent in iis uni ted sorni, Da versionis partis that planis submittet in the Appendix C). Whester the leni agogue, in spiteo the proniis here made Mund himself les in adeli state at theconclusion os the Vasps, than at iliat of the nighis, the ea ternius judgerior himself