Xenophon's Anabasis, books I.-IV

발행: 1892년

분량: 603페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류



AT in time os iis eates extent, in merast centur B. C., the erata empire vas bounde on the non by the Danube, in Blachraea, the Caucastis,ountians the inpia Sea, and the Iaxartes Riser o the eas by thie deseri os hibet a the rive Indus o the soliti by the Arabia Ma the editan is, and the Arabia an Nubia deseris o the ves by iste Gul os Sidni the editeramnem, the Aegean ea, and theme Strymon. t extende ove in region covere to-day

by Egypt Tripoli easterii halo, Turice in Europe an Turheyin Asia, orther Arabia, Persia, uisistan, Asghanistan, and Beloochisian. his vas temtor notriar stor three thousan miles acros in iis Meates tengm an varie in viduifroui ve hundredo fifteen hundred miles. Ita entire area has been estimate Latiεν mission os square miles, - ove halsulat os ali urope and a, ut diu inies stat os the United States It suppone a population os perlaam eveni y-five missions. Ivithin me simila os the empire existe ever varie mos sollan climate. Froni the eas end of the Blachraea a series of mountari anges nins in a solacteasteri directio almos to themouth of the Persian uis ast of this the brolcen plateat os Ιran, three to sive thousan seet above the ea, extend a saras hibet in the basin os in Indus. 3 -thir is os the plateat inre aries and barren nonhem paris os ille



empire, incliniing Thrace an Asiaminor, vere Inountainous, yet Boianding in vell- valere platas and rich valleys. In thesinith estem ponion ere the ea rive system os uae Tigris in Euphrates, and emite, Wit basin os exhausuras seruiity. The vegetable an animal sise varie honi stat of the temperategone is statis the tropius Minerat wealth abounde l. hus the enim nonarch could dra froin his own doniain alniost ever objec Dios in to eithe nee o luxui in his uine. Persia proper calle Pars by the editans themselves,

Arsis Περσις by the Greelcs, and liner Arsis o Arria byuae Roma , lay non os in Persian uis It comprised a

are micinus orneWhat large than uiatis the state os inne- sota It earlies capital vas asargadae, hic suas alWays heri in reverenc by in rimian cings, uiough in later timesthe more osten reside ait Persepolis. Imposin risin stillnnari the sites os , ut cities. The nante Parsa furvives, instight phonetic change, in me nam os ille modern Persian province Fars, o Farsissan, hic has eis ure sames, undaries a the ancient state.

The component paris os the empire sis naturali into three great groum, the Central the vestem, and thesiastem.

b. Media ita chies cit rictrui in no viam an vas asam ite summe residenc os the Persim it M. e. Susiana o chies citri Susa biblicat inusitan , also at timesa place of roya residence. d. Mydonia chie ci , Babylon, frequently made a placeos reside e by the later hings. e. sona. Ita principes cities in Xenophon' time tere vell-nigh obliterate i. The ruin os Wo, ineve an Calis, vere imo im to hirn by the names espita an Larissa.


X. 'Nanra, soliu east os me Caspian. g. Samina a deseri intra east os Media.

b. Thrace clitescit Byzantium. c. Asia Minor, comprisin Bithynia, Paphlagonia talpa lo- Cia, Cataonia, Cilicia, Lycaonia, Pisidia, hrma, Lycia Limia clites ity, Sardis , Mysia, tu me Greel states long e

a. Ruriata, east os Hyrtainia. b. Ana, east os Sagarita. c. armania, east os Persia. d. mema, east os rinhia. e. horasmia, non os rinhia.

f. Moriana, non os Bactria. r. Gandaritis, eastis Aria. h. Samo aesa, solithis Gandaritis. ι. Aeruosis, along the Aradian Ma nota be confuse Withule Arahiopia in Africa).st. Ruricania, non os Aesaiopia. . n. , a district along the Indus, conquered by Darius I. The empire containe a Meat number of peoples disse in in race, languam, mistonis, an belles,. The polic os Cyriis the Great vas to intersere ver liuie rit the internat administrationis conquere states, provide me 'ere sub-



missive an pald remiari me tribute demati ted. o mata meastire os indeperi lence est in the paris, hosuever, must prove lata to the unit os the whole. Darius see p. 8, cleari perceived this, an intro luce lis system os centriataedmvernnient remaricabie sor both comprehensivenes an fore-sight. e livide the whole empire into Ment provinces,ifixin definitet the early contributionis each. Die editans inelnselves ere notomed. ver ver province e placed

at virecti responsidie to himself, and ac actingis a Checkon the oster divo The satrapis as ut in charge os in civiladministratio mul the collectio os revenues. The generalha command of a diri os imops, charged vim preservingoriter an repellim an attach storii uiuid the provinCe. The secretar suas oracee the cincinsorine Wit regar tomerycliing that might alce place OnC a ea a representative os me couri vivi a delachinentis soldiere visited very province, anne 1 vit authorit to correct abuses an malce nee lia Changes. This system Was an advance tipo an system os imperialgoveminent prerioust kno m. I suggesta re provincia administration os the Onians. Unsonu tely, o vever, it didno continue long in force me atrum vas narurali Chosen froni the relative or morites os the cing. avin mus a. hin os prest e, he graduin usu ed the auctorit ariae functions os both genera an secretaiy. Satraps beCame priaeticali absolute in thei vn provinces, overning osten tithoppression and meliy. In later times thei relations ereno infrequently characteriae by ealous and suspicion. Theywere intamin continually, and even vage War against oneanother Wit large armies os natives an memenanes. Solon a vie so arde regulari the paynient of tribute, thelei mul not intersere. Vith the degenerac os the e stans their mle, atraret niti an equabie so the age in Which

ii the map the provinces soriar a the are iven are indicated by

Roman numerals according to the enumerationis Herodotus c, i


hine lived haec ne more an more oppressive an COImpl. Ia,n besore me time os Alexander ine reat, the empire had bem to lisintegrate, bemus ita vitality, it m er os cohesion an resistance, Vasaone. It is a sad lac uia the countries once riue by Darius and Xerxes are to-da haesi belle goverite stan in mei time. Νo v as then, irresponsibi despotisin hold uitilis te sWayove Ivestem Asia, and the passive orientes stili submits Thebarbarities o Turicis mismate, however, have desolate and depopulate inan region stia iuuler the ersiam vere senile

At a very early period Vestem Asia vas the seat os great an poweriti empires Throughout ui once senile basin os iste iras auid Euphrates are Mundisiasses of sh eles natas, presentin osten the appearunce of natural illis These areatinos the sole sui ivin monumerus os a civiligation uiri reached ita eight besore Greece Was, o me Romans adrise honi a state os barbarisin. any of them amast os anam equat to that os ste 'namicis os Egypt os ille histor osuris restion previolis to the classica period comparativel silue. Imo miramis uae present Ceninry. ut since I 84 excavations have brought to ligiat counties objecis aliae inscriptions mincisio ledge of the remote past, an scholars have deciphered severat os ille Asiati lanmage lost to the wori sorrnan centuries. ven nox addition are made very year tooti store os insorination remesing the editans and thei pre- decessor in pomoer.
