장음표시 사용
vrere very deep am generali there a no secon line or reserve ome. In the centre os the in os baule vas me
active pari himsel in the figliting. Froni his practice many tisaster resulte l. The ma desecta os the ersia milita system ere lachis discipline and allure to developis tacticia uni in in omnietationis in ariny. The Perstans theniselves h no means lache courage biit the Mund it necessarysonieiunes is fore thei subjecta into batile vith the scoiuge. In laesiem cities the madeaule se os militar enones, orother appliances than the mound and the mine. The Persiain civiligation, in comparison vim statis Europe
tal sta piant, an iudged by the standari os antiquit' it,
by no means despicabie As a Whole, it vas in advance n. t hia precede it. The ersian a quich, vivacious, sensitive, an passionate, ut naturali lem revengesul indemiel than his Assyria predecessors. His aspirations homoer, ere in Mong the line os intellectitat advincentent oraesineti production an he has testis no eat monuments os an literature, o leaming. is mission in the si ori 1 vasinther govemmenta an reliinous. e gaverio Vestem Asiasor severat Centuries a mace inich muri not have been pos
sons. The oldest os these vas Arsaces, later Calle Α - xerxes, acto his grandisiuier Artavcerxes Mng-hand and thenex in ear vitas Cyriis, Who ook his nam stoin Cyrus e Great, an is usuali lino v a Cyrus the Munger Artaxerxes as os a feldin and contente clisposition biit Cynis vas fiat os spirit - vehement an self--lled, et brave, ente rising an genemus to a lauit Cyrias early be in the favorite os his mollier, aliae sociar Won his latiter' conside einat in o B. C. Whenes ut Seventeen eam H, he suas placedove the goveminent of Lydia, mori an Cappadocia, and appotates civitain-generat os uae forces, hos mustemh place vas in plam o Casidius. The position vas one os matresponsibili y sor his province vas arnon uae nos senile an uigensti in ut empire, and mught in in contac Mith
Cyriis hia tardi emere um ui duites assime hin be-sore herahoπω himself master of the siluation. mali paris herepresse abuses an ensorcedite iam rimincute respectris no the affectionis his subjecta. He also tota the mineos Sparia against Athens, fit shin mone to the Lacedaemonians inusine hel Moveritam the chie mem ostenta, aua bound te Lacedaemonians inde lastin obligations in himself For sonte eam previolis to this time Tissapheriles, the net boring satrapis Caria an Ionia, hac been talum a pari in the Meat strii e that divide the Grehes Wom; buthis polic ha been to et no one fide, o the ther, suffering Mither in gain the supremacy. e no vnnat Hlysoo came to ook o the oum prince vitii ealotis and
In os . C. Dinus a struch doma by a sata malady, and sent sor Canus, Who invited Tissapheriae to ac inpan him, and wiu an emori os Gree mercenaries vent urit Babylon. Cyriis probabi no v expected o be inade hing so the queen- mollier Mysatis ad been urgin um Darius ille choice of Cynis a successor, o the promul that, luro vili Anaxerxes vas the olde by bisui, nus si a ui sint son ornoster Darius inseis laecame ring This plea vas not indeed Mu oin precedent soris a simila arminent toma hia persuade Darius the Grea in selectis his successor Xerxes, thesint son Naim asteri came to the uirone, instea of Arioba-mnes the oldest son. Darius Nothiis, hoWever, villistood themtieaties of his queen, an appotnted Artaxerxes. Accoesing to an ancient custom, the ertim cing on assumin office iusta umis asar ae cs. p. 3. There in certain temple te must lay of his mi res, and ut on
he nitis panis of wineram, turpentine, an sinu milh. AsArtaxerxes se preparinisor this rite, Tissapheriles brinight totam a praest,ho had instructe Cyrus si hen a mussi, and who declare thia Cyrus mi sed tote in est sor Artaxerxes in the temple an inuriter hii inite changin his robe. Somesa that Cyriis as actualty ound turicin in the temple. Whether the ries tori theomith or not, vas elaed, and o the mimis laeta exemited When Mysareis divine heram an hala vinxit hii in such a Way that the fata bio vnius lis herooo. Wher rear an intercessio fh not oesysave his lise, ut even latine sor in stoin the compliant axerxes fui rei intemen in his province. Cnus --ent bach to As minor, inspired by no seelingos titude sor his deliverance, ut hiulcin ovi ho hemidit reali ven ancein his brother an malle himsel hing. Η - - dout en Maged by ar atis, in haled Artaxerxes Cynas realed in mat lavor influentia Persiam, especiali inose conting roin the coun an he tume his mendi relations in the Lacedaemonians o goo MCount.
He had ready becorne familiar fissi me efficient of Greeit
mercenar troops he had severa mi risons os them in his province To the officere of thesera e no issue oriter toentis a many more Greelis a possit te. The lose of the Peloponnesian ear ad est viiliout coipatio a great number os soldiere tho vere in villinxto retum to civi liis soCD is engage severat Greiul commander o good standing tomiseram lies of tmops sor hini p. 9). inast his real lesim, he ove the cincto underetandisia he iniis deserui himself agians Tissapheriles, it v honi e vias noso Uyat Marp also proieci aeverat Greel: Mities uiat ha I revolis lsrom me ut os Tissapheriles to iniseis. As e som dedine revenues of these Cities to the rom treasury, Anaxerxes Mundis sauit. Harin complete his preparations in the early an os
provincials and 8, io Greelis. Detachmerus thalcioine i hina later o the mare isse in number of Grehes soldier in I 3,6oo. In the o se os the expedition the Greel force, throtis lasses an deseritons, mini reduce to a ut en Thousa , - a mimber that hac come ininiones. Stili vell-ing the objectis his movenient under pretexta, Cyriis test Sarilis early inmarch, and ted his arm in a soli easteri direction se Μπὶ reaining Thapsacus o the Euphrates late in Iusty. Here e reveHed his plan, and ad soni difficuli in per- sua lincute Greelis to go n. offers os larger vages, hoWmer, O them ver, Id the ann proceede along the lestruus os me Euphrates aes Babylon. Meanwhile Tissapheriles hac hastene to Babylon in insorinthe sing os the movenient os Cyrus Anaxerxes pidlymobiliae an ann os oo, o men, an marchedis the Euphrates is nee his rother. The batile M ought at Cunam, a in fim miles nonh est o Babylon. The Greelcmercenaries muted ad the barbarians opposed in theni, ut Cyrus' native orce as ut to irat, nil he himsel in ama das against in Ung vas hilled. Peril nos bese me in
tium Pharnabazus, atrii of this reoon, induce thes anan admira a Byzantium, vivi inor lae vas o mo terins in allure stem acros the Bosporus by offers of Seririce. Cross- in ove auid findin themserues deceived iste vrere riui difficiali prevented roni achin Bygantium in revenge. In December B C. oo me entere in service of Mustes, a Thracia prince, and o tW monuis vere engage in sub- duin rebellious stiti jecta sor hini. Finalty in the sphin os
399 . . the remnant of the orce, o numbering only6,ooO, utere erigaged by me iacedaemonians o serve under Thimbron in a in ius declare Lagainst the satraps maritat Musan Tissapheri es.
The deseat o Cyriis ad delivere Artaxerxes iram reat peril, ni the mace of his ouseliori a destroye l. The
Compsistantine destructionis every person connected in myura mihi Cyriis' deaui. The oldier ho ad inflicte oniam iste satia mund sh causexto be torture omine nael sorte days, and the had molien brum oured into his eam. Miuiridates, Mi ha fini munde in prince, he enticed to stili more horribie late. At langi even Tissapheriles strinio her influence a selae an executed and sh misoned Statim, in lavorite unis of Artaxerxes, ullo ad spolcen t- teri os Cyrus. The oldest sonis Anaxerxes, solio vingieexample os Cyriis, conspire to selae in throne, but m a reste an putrio deaui. noster son uriusti suspecte os a simila desim commiue sulcide. The favoriis rei ining son Metis muniered by a jealotis brosters o me ne is of his
dein the satae die os gines Thiis the lis of Anaxerxes
exploit o us lita recoesed in histoπ. I seenis incredidie
of hias the race in his hancls. ad ine Ten Thousan pediislied in his domaris, Whether homo vo dis lamine, uiat impression voxilit have been strenphened, and the Greel Wori lWould have continue t viei hini R ith a ve an sear. ut the Reueat trippe hin allice os his obscurit anil his grandeuri