Xenophon's Anabasis, books I.-IV

발행: 1892년

분량: 603페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


the barbaria irruption, and again took ii arin against theirmanere. The ring os Assyria, not knowin Where ui Nove mul divide his orces, en 1ing a large a Turule Nabopolassar in proieci Babylon, an renassining himsel sor ille delance of Nineveli. ut a, potassar feein his fovere 's-alinem, seiaec Babylon, and oine Cyaxares in ut siege os Nineveh. Timaears later,ino B C. Ninevela seli. Froin the ruris os the Amnis empire imo great monarchies vi ose. The Tigris and Euphrates basin, villa the reinon to the res,arii, set unde the dominion os the Babylonians, in e ciny, articulari Ne t iacta negetar spolcen os in the ol os Danieli, inade Babylon ine nos magnificent cit os the rast. The edes no v pusile inei conquest a far a the Persian Gulsis the wuth and the Caspia Main the noriti, an si esuvam to the hean o Asia inor, si inning the respectan alliance of the powe ut Engdoinis L.ydia, Thei capital

oblatae the consentis his lathier, then hing of the Perstans, hefled by night smin the ouriis Astyages an rediime to his


a once to any out a Comprehensive scheme o com M.

Croesus, iungis Lydia, revellin in pleas es at his luxurimis capital Sardis, ui ou himself secure froin ali attach. Cynis suddent appeare o his , Mers, capture Mariis, am reduce Pali Asia inor o subjection. Eastv aes Cyrus --- his hosts, and wo had carrie the ersia arin asciar a the Jaxartes Rive in No erit India. Die Babylonia empire stili remainta; but in s 38 B. C. Cyriis in ire Babylon, and extended his sva to the inriter os gypt an moenicia. Nine eam laterie med. His tonit, ni eis massive bl ksessione, rna stili be sem anton uae maius os asargadae. Heraclino rii in historyas Cynis uae Great, o Cyriis ui ΕHer.

IViui his rei commencedis series of ma conqResta vir echies cause vas personat ambition. Cambyses, the wn and successoris Cyrus, had the ambitionbutio the abili of his sister On his accession to the throne he secreti pii is dein his munger milier Smeritis. et educe 1 moenicia an conquere L ut but ouier enterprises

ine clitae empire, introducing amnisorin systemis administraGID


tion, and origi ung the mode os oveniun uirough satiripies, o paravinces see p. 4 . e bulli rotas and vives, andestablisited a system os rapi communacatio beo en alliaris of the empire. Qissue a coimige of both int an silverin ius, calle daries ror his naine se Hate III., M. Ia).Ηe erected magiascent palmes at Susa an Persepolis, therium os,hic have been dimovered. Tumin his attentionnowto exten sing the mundaries of the empire, he conquere latae annexed the basin of the Indus Here is ut doubtilia Darius early planne the conquestis Europe ProdiiNyWilli a vie a securin his rea fron attach in is heishovi marchi vestiuar stor the Bosporiis, he made an expellitionam i in Scythians norit os in Danube, crossing the veris means os D dg os binus Thrace, as veli a the easternponionis acedonia, Minine a pari os the empire.

Since theminei Cynis the reat he Greel cities of Asia Minor ad pae tributeo Persia. In nostis inem, besore

of the cities, vissimilem at ei head roseo against thedramis, an a the fame time revolted rom ersis. Naining helm in Athens and Eretria, the sent an expedition into AG inor, tota Sardis is Mapris an burite Pit. Darius m emage Myon ine lue. Neveriheles the re- volt his assume such proponion that he was Maged sive years in crustancit He remembere t in espectat inemessinat hel hiata conterio the Asiati stoin the Europem Greelcs; and that his resentinent miratino abale, heiade an attendant sarto hina every da a dimer, aster, remember Athens 'Ι 49 a . . e Due his son-in-la it Mardonius, a large annyand a fleet of three hundred ships, vit instructions to setch in seuerario hini a Susa thos Athenians and Eretrians that ad dare to des his auctority. Mardonius proceede by landalong the coasi os Thrace, his fleet accompanying aut off



him is reueat. - years later, ho-Ver, Darius sent a victi large expedition inde Datis and Ariaphernes, in convemduiei imops acros ille Aegem an vrealce ve Mance on Eretria. Fron Eu, ea iste crosse overrio Anicii. enly- two miles nonheastis Aviens lim the sinali plain os mission. It is in ine live os a crescent, villa the divo hori S a PIomontorie running oti into the ea, vilicia vastae ui in lente lside the opposite sideris hemine i in by a chain os igh ills.

connectin ine moxintain villa the maintando truces of the excavations are stilla be Men. e me no opposition tu hereache themano iam beo en the mountians and the se at

emopylae, here the heroi de iis Leonidas and thethree hundred uariam Judy, 48 B. C. taurat luna fiat sonos me he was o sace. Marchin inutiiWari in Athens, laesound ui cit sorsalcen The Avienians solis ring the adviceos Themistocles, ha talcen to iei fleet, Whicla me an de- seMed the Persia nee in thema os Salamis September, 48o ,


Die Ρersia ex vition amns Greece, though entaret un- successssit, ere os momentous si ficance. The tested by contam the relative merit agae strengui os a mature an station-

metificali opposed in ali utino politiis, sociat, an relin s. tachratem extending the sphereis ita influe e in utere vas

contam, collision an collision ineant an inevitabie stri le

i, seuled by the Woes It was such a conflictis uia in later centuries bet veen the Romans and the inlimnians the Friuilis an ine Saracens, the Europeans an uae Turlin. Non si lem vas the summie mugiit illi immediate resulis os Meat imponance to both Greeta an Ρerstans. To me Greeis it was a revelationis utet om poWer; ence also asoum os rea confide e. Heretosor no nation roni the Indus to the Danube had been abierio rithstand the enimarim; et uaeri a mere handfiat in comparason, ad muted colinum host os in invadere. Greelis for the time bet Mere vitta a neve preriousty Athens, a the eade in the



and lier nationalis Was stimulate 1 to the utinost. Above est, Greel genius vas inspire a neve besore toti productionis immorial voas. Die age os ericles vras a fitian seque toΜarathon an Salamis. me editans vas revealed, vitia qua clearnem, ela

age, are o mateli sor superior discipline and quipinent. The learned more er, o respect the talent os ei Mes. Hereaster more an more Greel inescontenta, and even exilesimi Greel cities, received a Cordia si elaonie at the enim

Coiam Greel physicians reate Luae roya hiniselisld Greelcossicera fissed imponant position in the enim ann and non An the crast Persiam ound ut also the miliar vinitates of uleis adversaries. In the divide state os the Greel Worid, anti the peri jealotities an striis that dis-mce Greel politics, intrim could accompsisti vhat a scould not. Greece soon et uae o veris Persianaiad. a ticulari aster uae dis imus Athenia expeditio in Sicily, e si neve lache frienes among the Greel cities. Minio

utem stie vas constanti stiring u dissension foras inuenderimpossitae a unioni Greelta against her, o marin alliances Min some states against iners, o brium again unde herauthorit rebelliolis Greel to letis in Asia Minor Thus sor a

t se a ut hini. eris probis the Ahasuem is the Book of Esther, erant chapter os vilich oves a graphic descriptionos ut Persia coliri Beconiin involve in domestic qua reis, he was murdere in his Chamber, B C. 465. e Was


nile si monius, and vas in turn ut o deam by Darius, callec tu in Greelis Nothus The reim o Darius Nothiis iras iussissi sinu, in the co se of Whicli gypt vas tost toti e emPire. In os . C. Anaxerxes indiui MAsemon

Cinne to the throne, inose rei is chi est sanious sor theexm tition o Cynas the ounger. e a succeede byOchus, a me monarch, visa reconquere Mut laxit sellis victim to mison in 338 B. C. Arses, in successor of Ochus, a gotis os by the sanie means ovo eam later an in 336 B. C. Darius Codomannus, ast os the enim cings, ascended ille throne. In the fame ear, B C. 336, Alexander laecanis ring os

Macedon. Fron his ather Philip he had inherate a finelyequippe and discipline inny, and the desim o an invasionos Asia. So oon a Gair at home could be eule 1 and Dreparations completed, e set ut so Asia riui a force osso, o insanu and 5,Ooo Nesry. The Perstans thoughsore amed sufferes hin is ros the Hellespont viiliout molestation, but prepare to dispute his promssint in Granicus, a mali stream in the Troad. Ming Won a Complete victor here 334 B. C.), he vas oon master of es Asia inor. Darius meminite had collected a large inny Whicli Alexander almos totas dest ye at the batile of Issus November, 333 . . . Darius nos viindre v to the interior os in eni- Pire Alexander procee led to conque Phoenici and gypt. At in batile of A la summer os 33 B. C. the emian Mer sisere ira final verihro v. Alexander vias no v supreme in Westem Asia. Die deat of Alexander, in aeta B. C., renderes impossibi thevast empire Whicli he had projecte l. e ad brohen ii theunit of Ivestem Asia under ereian dominion thout leavi an organi union in iis plaCe and oon, instead os ne cenu, ae governulent, there existe severat smalle independenthingdonis of thesesine mos inimitant ere hos of Εgypt, Syri mae emannis. To the hinmoni os Syria, maled by the werfit line os the Seleucidae, et the loritShi os ast


territor' extendincisor in Mediterranea tolle Indus, an istoni ille Iaxaries Rive an ille Caspia in ille Persia Gulsiuit among the in maris sinisteast os the inpian vas a vigorinis peopte ille aithiam, Mi ha prodita neve been unde complete subjection to 3Tia. A, ut 5 B. C. ureythres of the Syria mice, an began to extend their , undaries by means o conquest. I laus the anhian inpire Waskunded, Whicli in generii comprised the territor stias previ-ouia hia sorine the centrii and easterii pontonsis the edisian insere. t aste neari five centuries. At ille heighto Mine' poWercit prove Lacinos soranidable rival inflictimum Roman innies severa humiliatin deseata, an maintaining Panhian fovere t eas o uae Euphrates. In a A. D. me Persia subjecta os uae inhians rebelled, and won establislied ille grea Sassanian or Ne Persian, Empire. This selliaeso the Arabs in A. D. Since thera eginning of theni a centur the reoonsi e niled by Persia, at times united, at times divide 1 have been unde a numberis Turrista, Tartar, and Miconian dynasties.


e lis of the Perstans in in earlim times 3- made, Primitive, an seclude l. hepherils ut tillers os in soli, theydWel in huis, an subsiste Pon the simple mlucis os their native vallera Commerce me despised, and luxur Was -- isto to them Thela hingi Chies his no absolute in ter: he coiit condem no niano deat Minoiit a sorina triat, and couldi s decisioni no imponant question rithoia theadvice os a coiincit. The emia reliψon in iis primitive somWas the nos spiriuialis iste paga fatuis. Diough ine er- stans, in Common it ille ther Indo-Εuro an eoples, had inherite froni the parent sol a belles in many gods, uae hi Misen to te conception os one Supreme et . vilior ineyWorshippe unde the nani Ahiu Μagda, oririniud. Totam me netiner erected temples nor onere sacrifera me


teis r Zoroaster, hociived ovent five or istent sta Centuries laesore Christ. Heir sacre lore, iande domi ministiter in son, is stili extant in the rand-Avesta. Among the virium, the in t emphasiged triathiulness 'rum sincerity. Thiis, linive in War, magal an temperate in eace, si early

Caune mat Changes. Almost ali Perstans capalile os bearingarins ere distribute 1 ove uae subject counuies, as agent ostiae cing, orrus omen place ove the contingenis os native troops fumished by ui provinces, o as soldiere in the garrison statione at ali imponant minis. In tes than a generu-



place iste hornei var, and reat palmes ere erectedio contain the roya limaselloid molae time os Xerxes themonarch osten himsel miled by favorite rives anc designing eunuchs, ad corne is possem inlimites aniliorit even ver The editans bonowed mei aris mi uae Assyrians and Babylonians, and thus iri recti stoin iste Chaldaeans see p. s). In ting the used a cuneisori or edge-sham lchanicter. In sculpture iste Were sar inserior torulei mastere; biit theis aret ilecuire, hicli ound in the abundant κk os Persia a bene materia inani sun-drie brach sed by the twellers along the Tims, vas in severit respecta superior tothat os both Chaldaeam an Assyriam. The enim alaces were bulli um extensive anificia platsorin or te ces os roch, an constructed os massive bl linis he mi stone Theyπere adoriae L missi Carve 1 representations os human bein , animias, and monstera, many os,hich have been discovered.

The editans also develope a gincessit an novel ori of the

Ioni column.

ancient designs carve o stone discovere among the ruin os Assyria Palaces. In in artis,ar in Perstans made no a lumice ponte Assyriam besore theni They Wed ei victories, o to