Xenophon's Anabasis, books I.-IV

발행: 1892년

분량: 603페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


os antinea, B C. 36 a.

Perio III. Froni the trime os antaea in ste dea os Alexander ste reat, . . 323. e secon period in vesci in expeditionis Cynis and retrint os ille enaliousam tota place, asine os transitionstor in equipinent an tactim os in early perio is ste Macedonia system, inuod ed by lini an periected by Alexander. At illis time utere vere a leas iam distinc sorinsos o seiugatio sor Greel innies, in Actenim and ine



-m- in rem during the eloponnesian Var, and the

prince or state, uiat Mine to Hre imops in addition to fomes mise a home, o nec cimmunication in talitar me of vide reputation e Agin theni a superior rara to


cinus os in reueat a mali quadron os cavali vetis finedout moni in the remia soldier Was a large bod os non- combatanis Ἀλος , composed os musicians, artisans, inose in charge of thera aggage, tradere, an flaves. Each os 3 rus' generius commande the contingent he had bro silit unde them vere the captains λοχαγοι in chameos the companies λόχοι). The companies probabi meraged Io me emh, and were inlinvide eacti inlotivo pentycos esari soli enornoties. A me relation os ure soldiero his generat,a no Nised um patrioli devotion nor an moriu

See note tos. 56, 3.







Successsul expedition avere solio tred by a divisionis booty, v hic increased the oldier' gain an in traversing a hostile Counu opportunities sor private tundering veremo laching. But me equipnientis a hoplite at the stari inus have cos atteas Is drachmas, and uould nee occasiones repatre. Diis expense, togester in uia os provissim sor one' osv suste- nance, naus have reduced materiali the profit os mercenaryservice The Greel soldier os Cynis received a1 fidit a disc at inens abolit a drachmas mearly 3.so a montia,nearly Ia Cent a lay. A the hesitate labini goi in fisthim, he mised thei pay to a clari an a es a month, ori cents a day, and promise re artis in addition. Mn to the tisastrous issu os the expedition iste Were pia oni asinali partis vliat vas due them arid a the en 1 of the Reueat man were in a statem destinition. Astemariti, ho-ver, thesese of ,γot in pari reineve tineis sortunes.

Die Greelcs id not like uae Romam, navice a practice of sortistin thei places os encairnputent. The hape os ine


ὁπλοις ine γενειν - in armis excubare , an in citae os astaden attach vere mused by a Nastis the trumpet.

Die arin set init in me moming th sacrifices andiri erasor a successsul M. At in fidit blast os the rumpet ine



The common orderis batile vas a soli arra φάλαγξ os hem infantry, 8 riuuc deep, arrange accordin to brigades and companies. The line thus sorined vas considere ascomposed of three parta, - the centre τὸ -- , he right Wing τὸ δαῶν κερας, or τὸ δεξιόν) and the lest,inc τὸ -