A life of St. Patrick : Colgan's Tertia vita

발행: 1903년

분량: 70페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


On tho samo principio When one of the MSS., o Or C, presenis an error Whicli is also found in D, w0 may inior that this mas the reading of and that tho correct or quasi- correct reading of the twin IIS. is duo to iis scribo. Thus, in c. 71, w0 fiud in C oum multu habea Where o has oum multa habeas. D agreus With C; and thereiore W0 may ascribe habes to and rogard thobetter reading habeas as a correction of O. The alternativo is that C and


iorgoiten oonsita in c. 51, and lio alterod aecordi gly. But he was inconsistent enough Dot to repeat the experiment in c. 57. *5. Method of reoonstruosing the fert of d.-The variations botWoon Dand B are naturalibi mors num0rous and considerable than tho variations

Another instando is the name οξ Trian in o. 64, 65, Where the cireumstanee that O has trian, but C and D triam, must be duo to the Oeeurrones of both trian and imam, in disserent places, in the archetype saud in s . . i


C. 38. DOC nos in hae noeto ignem illum extingusimus; B non ita erit sed nos ibimus os trucidabimus in n0strum regnum faeientes nefas.

C. 14. DOC Bsine ieiunas ; B Bene ieiunas, et oras.


1. C. 59. Foligo a quo orti sunt alii Folgo B.

Here alii is an orror sor tho Iristi aut whioli is prosorvod in DOC With tho interpretation id est nepotes in g), equivalent to Hy or Uxii,

2. C. 83. hie est numerus hominum quos . . . curabis . . . quatuor Hiri pr0picit B.

Cp. cc. 25, 37, 46, 49, 57, 58, 59, 60, 6l, 6 , 67, 83, 86, 9 l.


2) c. 88. usque ad diem iudici uti uiros do possatrurn requiem hore fecisti de uiris Ybornensium liberabis et deduees eos ex igne interni. O popsaturn, C popsaturnn 0r -im Τ), D p0p saturnus, B p0psaturanJ.


c. 13. Cotidie autem gregem illius custodiebat . . . et frequenter Deum omnipotentem orabit. Tune datum est illi nomon quod dicitur Coistrigo eo quod quattuor dominis serviebat. Nam centies in die orabat, &o.

This Was tho toxt oi D, but obviousty it dous nos expross the Writor's intention, sor oentie3 orabatis not an explanation of the immodiatoly procudingstatemunt quattuor dominis δeruiebat, but an illustration os tho statomoni frequenter deum orabat. Nam AhoWs that tho contogi is brohon up by tho insertion of the sentenco Tuno datum es seruiebat, for Whicli tho fittingplaco mould havo boon immodiatoly botoro ootidie. Tho explanation probably is that this displaced sentence Was an interpolation ot tho author, insertod by him in the margin os his IIS. as anaster-thought, and thon introducod by a copyist into tho turi, but in tho

the clause mater uero eius dioebatur Oonohes situ Ooinis c. 12), Which oecupies a dissorunt placo in s and d. Tho third passage is more important:

c. 21-22. Et mansit apud illum Germanum xl annos legens et implens diuinas scripturas ; et uirgo erat corpore et spiritu. Et postea ad Martinum uenit et mansit xl dios cum illo ot angelus ad Martinum dixit ut iret ad Tamerenensem insulam. Transactis autem ibi xl annis uoluit Patricius inuisere Romam, &e.


Was a deliberate or accidental variation. It is to bs obsorvod that tho Wholo cont0xt of chaps. 21 and 22, Withthe exception Oi the sentenco et po8Dα--δulum, dependS upon Mutroliv. The depondenos is not closo or flavisti ; but it is quitu clearly indicated by the phrase virgo erat oorpore et spiritu, and by tho last sentenco ot c. 22. Tho notios of St. Martin and tho istand is intruded tuto tho narrativo astold by Mutroliv. This consideration furnishos us With tho clue. The moperiori os fors yeurδ mentioned in the fert of g were originalty one und the sume. The insertiou of tho sontenco concerning St. Martin distocatsed the contogi, and created a neW statement that forty years Wore spont in tho istand. Lot us Write out the passago, omitting the sentence in question, thus:

et mansit apud illum xl annos lugens et implens diuinas seripturas ; et uirgo erat eorpore et spiritu. Transactis autem ibi XI annis u0luit Patricius inuisere Romam, &c.;

and it W0 romombur Muirchu's faetisque ibi multis temporibus quasi ut alii m ', alii zzz ' annis 271 i, Rolis ud.), : wo may concludo that ibi m0ant in tho Vita Tertia, as in Mesrchu, apud Germanum, and that zi annis is a repotition ot

The interpolation must havs oxistod in re, as it is found in ali our MSS.It is remarhable that no rotorenes is made to Patrich receiving the tonsuro


BURY A Lis of St. Patriast scolyan'a Tertia Vitu).froni Martin a statum ont Whicli is found in tho Lito by Probus and intho Tripartito Lite.

Valosadientes Martinus et PatristiusJ ad inuicem diseesserunt ab alterutro, quaa B.

Martino ut ad Tamarensem insulam proficisceretur iniunctum est ab angelo; sanctus autem Patricius ad B. Germanum reuersus remansit cum ipso aliquot diebus.