The syntax of high-school Latin;

발행: 1918년

분량: 78페이지


분류: 미분류


viii PREFACEIn iaci, a great dea o labor could have been saved by merelym in a careiul sampsim V of the texis an estimatin the relative irequencies o constructions on this basis It was teli, hoWever, that the prootin o conservatism, tradition, an indissere e in s)natanteaching could not be expecte to result romata demonstration Shortina complete enumeration. Tole fure, Some error mus have occurre in m in so, o judments. ΜoreoVer Some construction are cap leti more than one interpretation. ut these facts domo appreci ly modii the essentials of the siluationis to sarin and waSte, arrangement inde hasis. The chiei topic omitte homine count are principies o agreement includin appositionat an predicate construction),

ior electio an arrangementis linguisti materia in the Uoschool Latin curriculum. All references areno the Teubner existi in authors. eusel's textii Caesar Was originalty employed, but the numbers mere laterchangesto those of Teubner, a the texi lihely tote in the handsii

engagedipo collections of theiriwn, have ovemus much hel in SeVera places. r. E. S. Armstrong, o Centra Hira Schoo has hindi read the proois. r. H. F. Ρrat of the commercial depart-men has verisied numerical computations.


Ablative an Locative: B. G. i an ii J. L. hillips iii an iv,


x PREFACEMildre Dean Aen. i, Florenc Bachus; i , A. . Hariman; i,

His revision has ove an opportunit in bring the terminologyinto close harmon wit that of the Reportis the Join Committe on Grammatica Nomenclature Montage has been ahenis the pub-tished criticisms of the first edition to mahe a nimine os corrections andi momenis Urefer particulari to rofessor Hale' revie in the April, I9Io, Schoo Remis . Professor Hale has also been hin enoughto mahe a number of other suggestion personalty but heris in no Wayresponsiblerio the defecis in plani execution hich stili appear. he droi statistic remalas substantialinas in the first edition ine lexi' 'oi interpretative comment has been entirelyae ritien, andine ne tableand three illustrative diagram have been introduced. hank are due Protessor F. . Freeman for criticlaing the analysis of the reading process.


ri teaining o Latin rimis in hiis schoola has ordinarii been uncritica an dependent on unquestione accepta e 1 tradition. His is true a regard the amount o syntax taurat, the common ideabeing that a very large portionis the material inita has been organigedint recogniZed categories in book on gramma musti assimilated by pupiis of high-schoo age that Latin stud cannot reata a successiviissu unles this is done A good illustratio of this altitude is latindi in casei many teacher Who, alter Once beta induce to emplay one of the briefer grammarcior Uo-school Work, later insistima retium to one of the large book and the rejectioni a s ri gramma on theground that it contatas insuffcient material to meet the need of high-schoo teaching. criticia procedure is hominis in particula selectionis topicS. M oni are Ver rare subjecis reate a tength, ut in ome cases subjecis hic occur no here at ali in high-school reading. An thesiluatio is similar a regard unintelligent arrangemen es materiai Topic Whic an investigation mould sho ought noteto heriaught earlier than in third year so that then oti taken uriat in time henthere is an actuali dii them, are, in iaci, included in the wor es the

Such unscientific est o mis mirati expiatae in the caseii high-schoo teachingis attributincit in the lo grade o abilio and the insuffcient training es a par of the inchin population. ut untii

recently even graver deiecis seem is have been present in the worio themore expertrie in preparemur college-entrunce examination paseerS. Commenting on these, Professor Hale potat out numerous instances in hic the examinations calidor Wotas and constructions that are rareor even imknown in the high-schoo reading. e sum v by saying : have laim them to e a a Whole, o Ver caretuli planned. . . . the Calicior ord that are not common, and constructions thatare no common, and the leave many common constructions uncalled

ior. I


ΗOWeVer, the more recent college-entrunce examinatio Paper areno open to these objections in the question o I9II to I9Is the subject-matter appear tote in conformit With in suggestions of thisbook, excepi that knowledge of the different form os conditiones sentences is assumed in the second year. the chiel criticismii Latin and Gree studies is no that theyare Wit ut value i Wovidi a ras critic ho ould den value in Latinis in iaci to an subject in the curriculum. The main chargeis that the are is costly, and more specificali that the processisiteachin them is inessicient and wasteiul. Viscount Bryce says that languages in generat have oo ite been adly taught Heresulis have accordingly been disamointing and out oi proportion to the time and labor spent. V Kelle in his paper οὐ The Case of GreehV says. The comparative cost is exorbitant and well-nig prohibitive. The vita question is: Caesit be lowere1 . . . . That which is most in the eyes of adverse opin

Buller While advocatin classical studies, alludes in his Functio of the Seconduo Schoo to bad and wasteiu method o classica teaching, much oicit done unde the mise of thoroughness. VScientific examination and evaluationii the materialsii instructionreadilyraho ucho We cameliminat waste, reduce exorbitant cost, and promote essiciency. rofessor Lodge's Vocabiaar reveais that et percentii the word are sed 934' per cent Di the time so that by concentratingi these Word We ma presumab accomplis 93i, per centii certain resulis With a per cent of the labor an time that ould beexpende in ordinar undirecte effort. It is it a vie 'o the possibilit oi simila savings in the fiet oi gramma stud that this book has been prePared.

Betore proceedin to the examinationis the syntax materia it is destrabie in se ior in briefly the reasons hyramis inouldae studiedat at the real aim in stuvincit. An a a preliminary to this enaturali comerum the inquir a in What are the ais of Latin study


school plane. P ubi that we are prepared to accepi any stereotyped and uniformstatement of the aim o classical studies, but some defining onaims emus haverit, are to arrive an3 linere. In a subject in hic broadan spiritual values are among the ultimate motivescit may be best toenumerate a number o aim an is tr to organige these coherentlyrather inan to limit our recogniZed pur Se to a narro PathWay, S

that civiligation immediatet preceding ourim, and although, knowonothers, .g. in Egypt in the igris-Euphrates alley, in the Aegeanarea in India, and in China, it is the ni otherine indigenous to the West, known in us in plenissae delati, an capsilem first-han studyby any but specialisis. t remaius are literati strem at our ieet, and the educate onali ages have known somethingi it even though theygave it no deliberate study.b A a basis io understanding the genesis o our present civiligation e naturali go ac to that empire hich, fallen and di membered has been the substratum irom hic the modern nations

have ariSen.

2. Firstinan introduction to the literatur of this ancient morid: a For it intrinsic value. his ould appi in higher degre to Greek, perhaps, butio ne dentes that the Latin produci sine of the great literatures It may be note in passing that ne in studies Latin literatur Mone intercepi much that is Greeh, o Greec is themain Murceii Latin culture omine aesthetic fide. b For iis relation to modern literatures Anyone destring morethan a superficia acquaintance With one or more modem literaturescis unde the necessit o giving ome attention to the Gree an Latinliteratures Which have so protoundisinfluenced them. 3. o contributerio one'sanowledg onother languages ν


cipies in generat , is Value an e realige in connectio Min thestud of any oreim language, but perhaps best in that os a languam Whic is hidit inflected. In this respect Gree and Sanarit Would be


so irequently tresse has Mortunates seris to obscure or conceatine cultural value of the study and iis largest and most vital significance. Is an subjec has orth as a discipline, so muta the better; ut no onem justii in inclusionis a stud in the curricesima on disciplinaryground alone, becauserit Would obvious te more prositabieri teac a valvabie subject in such a Wayas in make it good discipline than to tinchamother se valueles onerior the sata of the resulting discipline. encethe values inherent in the contentis a stud are ordinarii the nes hic s uidi stressed and o the basis Oi,hic a subject should beselected or rejected. I inali not attempteto demonstrate ho da the aim mentioned reatly appinis the high-school Latin siluation. It wouldaahe more space and exact knowleve than I have auassabis It will serve thes pose at handi I procee to the questio a in What is in centrat an unihring aim hic manserve a the means os correlatim and organiging the different classes onaim enumerated. Pthin te mill seriousi dispute that this central aim is tole ound in Iearninges rea an in rearing the Latinitseli I mea inis in atroad wayrio include in proces Whic is in astrici sense reading that is reading the Latin a Latin justas one readsan Englis book as English, and ais to include the process hic somesanis ali that, canisve attain the turningit the Latin into Englishthrouo translation. Both are method o derivin meaning romorigina Latin texis, anda nee no here toprio debat thei relative meriis. Whetheraeither one or bothii these method are employed theleamin to ea and the readin ac constitute in iundamenta and

central process to perior this ac successivit is ou central aim, With Which e conneci ou other alms, accordin totur present conception es Latin stuv. Merus origina textuather than ready-made translation,


corollaries and consequences is no the chiel aim,e are making a colossiablunder in spending so muta time energy, and money in iis purSuit.

The place of syntax in the educationalitan is impi and whollysubsidiarnis that os reading. Absenceii clearly defined ais has ostenresulted in alloWing syntacto usum the chiel place, it Latin literature treate meret as a means for bullding up an illustratin a complete system o grammar. Intelligent criticis has repeatedi potnted ut the error, in deficient sense of proportion. resident Buller in theeSSV already quote asseris that wearisome grammatical drili and tedious reiterationi detest relativel es litile value, save in sociar asines are absolutet necessar in enabi the pupil in ea intelligently, are ut o place in secondar education. V Viscount Bryce says that the despotismi a purei grammatical stud o the ancient languagesan authors neede tot overthrown. V Syniacis studiediemus the

W may nex consideririest the relationis readin abdit to the knowledgerundis of syntax. To do this me need to observe ho Latin readin is done.

A the ouiset, inould recognige that readiniis notin single taedime o process. ven he we exclude lauit o incorrect methodsand restrict it to legitimate formsii procedure we find that there is some variety. Reading may occurrat different levet a regares the amount o previousi acquire knowledge o word an gramma avallabi toruse. Furine there are different stages o readin power in the mattero speed an facilio, and the proces a carriedis at one speed i notidentica wit the proces a carrie o at nother. ormver, the translatin ac is no the fame a readiu proper though the have in

important element in Common.

Ι shail first try to describe the readingit adoreim language, suta aS Latin, at iis io est, or at least at a very low, levet his descriptionand