Selections from L'Hommond's Viri Romae and Cornelius Nepos

발행: 1897년

분량: 217페이지


분류: 미분류


3. y liemunt, publicaverunt. 5. domo, ablative denoting Place When e. 8. aps fiduciaque, ablatives of cause. 0. oui i. e. Antiocho), dative dependent on persuaserat. II. Arrange: Ubi Poeni resolverunt id, adfecerunt Magonem δε- sontem eadem poena qua adfecerant) diatrem.

I 8. in suscipiendo, i. e. bello. 10. Tiberi and Thermopylis, datives dependent on propius. 2o. Arrange: Etsi Hannibal) videbat quom i. e. Antiochum)atuue oonari multa, tamen deseruit eum) in nulla re. 24. In quo cum, P although in this batile. '26. quod accidisset, a thing which could have happenecl.

16. eodem animo, ablative os quality or description. 18. domesticis opibus, Uat home. ''24. quem, i. e. Eumenem. cum, ' Since. Vas. interficiundum, interficiendum.

3. rum, i. e. Serpentium. 6. a ueteris modifies defendero. 7. Arrange: illos faciIs eo Muturos lasse) id multitudine aerpentium. 0. Arrange : se i. e. Hannibalem) autem moturum esse) ut scirent in qua navo rex Veheretur. quem, i. e. regem. Io. magno praemio and iis, two datives dependent on esse, to he. 15. esset, subjunctive in the indirect queStion introduced by quolaeo. 2O. Arrange Tabellarius, nave duola iselarata suis. 21. ae movit eodem, unde egressus erat. 22. ad inridendum eum, Q to ridicule hi m. 'as. Praecepto Hannibalis, in accorclance with Hannibal's order.


5. initio, ablative of time. 8. Arrange eum non viderent quid potissimum vitarent, verterunt parem, etc. 12. 1Reye Hias, many other times. VI 6. oenarent and dioeret, subjunctives of result dependent on M. 18. patres conseripti, Senatore. 22. sibique, i. e. legatis Romanis.

23. Arrange Prusiasin reo avit illud, ne postularent fieri a as id quod esset adversus ius hospiti; ipsi Oomprehenderont Hannibalem si possent: illos) rudus inventuros esse) laeum ubi esset. 27. aediuuarat, aedificaverat.

5. praeser oonsuetudinem, contrary to custom, V V than usual. 6. Qui, i. e. Hannibal; et, i. e. Puero. 7. obsisteretur, subjunctive in the indirect question introduced by


8. renunti set, renuntiarisset. Io. sibi, dative os agency dependent on the gerundive retinendam. II. --, i. e. Vitam. I 4. multis variisque Iaboribus, ablative dependent on the deponent verti perfunctus. 2Ι. temporis, partitive genitive dependent on nonnihil. 23. confecti, writie n.

1. hoo Mallo, ablative dependent on the deponent verti usus est.2. doctore, ablative in apposition to Mailo. 4. Arrange quo facilius iudicari possit qui viri praeserendi sint, motis utrorumque conlatis. 5. praeferendi sint, subjunctive in the indirect question introducecl



A., abbreviation for Aulus, a Roman personat name prae


treat, affeci, visit, insist




Redula, -is, m. an aedile, a Police magistrate who had charge os bulldings and public Works in

aegrit Idd, -inis, s. oleri anxiet . Reydid, -am, -ari, Io he sich. Aegyptus, H, i. Erast. Aemilius, -a, -um, adj. Aemilian, longing to the Roman genSAemilia. Aemilius, -i, m. Aemilius, a Roman helonging to the gens Aemilia. aemulsiud, -6nis, s. rival , , L



non, hing of Μycenae, leaderos the Greelis in the Trojan

some time. aliquande, adv. at fome time, onceuson a time, finalθ. aliquantum, adV. sonnemhat, tofome extent. aliquRntus, -a, -um, adj. Some, considerabis. aliqui, aliqua, aliquod, Pronom. adj. indes. Some one, any one.

aliquis, aliqua), aliquid, Pron.




to put be fore, prefer.

Rntequam, adv. moner than, be fore. Antioohus, -i, m. Antiochus, ahing os Syria.




os, the capital os Argolis in

the Peloponnesus. Aristaedi, -is, m. Aristides, an Athenian stat man and gen



. . . or.



BritannI, -Orum, m. the Britons, inhabitants of Britain. Brundisium, Q, n. Brundisium, ac ity in fovineastem Italy. Bratus, -i, m. Brutus, a Roman family name.

c., abbreviation sor Gaius, a Ro

calliphren, -6nis, m. Calliphron, a dancing teacher at Athens.callistratus, Q, m. Callistratus, a

Grecian Orator.

cadurnia, -ae, s. Calpurnia, thewise of Caesar. ciapurnius, -a, -um, adj. Calpur-ntan, belonging to the Romangens Calpurnia. cadurni , - , m. Calpurnius, a Roman belonging to the genS

belonging to the Roman genS
