장음표시 사용
M5. urbs, ablative of Separation. 6. sua causa, Psor his salie . V Arrange: omnes boni cives)stentes proa uti sunt Ciceronem) proficiscentem. 8. igni et aqua, ablatives of separation. The worus employed arethose used in decreeing a formal banishment . illius, i. e. cloeronis. q. non diuturna fuit, P did not last long. Vio. ingenti desiderio, ablative os cauSe. II. ciceronia, objective genitive denoting the objeci or person longed for 'sor Cicero. VI 2. Arrange : Per totam suam) viam nihil aocidit ciceroni t -- dius itinere squam iter) quo rodiit in patriam. 14. itum est obviam, an impersonat construction. Render in Englisti : U The people went to meet hi m. ' ei, dative dependent onobviam itum est. 15. publica pecunia, ablative Os means. 16. illa tempestate, ablative os time. Render In that stormy
17. res is the subject of videretur. nisi bello, excepi by war. VI 0. eos; namely, PCaesarem et Pompeium. V25. societate inita, ablative absolute. 26. sibi, i. e. V Antonio. V27. transvorsis itineribus, by hye-paths. V
2. transiturus, intending to cross. 3. modo. . .modo, Sometimes... at ollier times. V rettulissent and posset, subjunctives dependent on eum. 5. fugas et Vitae, genitives dependent on taedium. 6. 1MVMR, i. e. a me. 7. Percussoribus adventantibus, ablative absolute. Arrange
natat ipsum Ciceronem) iussisse Ioeticam deponi et servos) quietos pati sid) quod sors iniqua oogeret. The infinitive iussisse dependS oneonatat; the infinitives deponi et pati, on iussisse. Io. The datives prominenti et praebenti Ciceroni) depend onpraecisum est. I 5. ipsa, Supply res publica. V in eam; namely. Urem publi-
I6. oyems, partitive genitive dependent on plus.18. unius, Vos one man. VI 0. Indignis modi fies voluptatibus. homino docto, ablative depending on indignis. 2Ο. Fugiens, Davoiding. VII. URntum lioebat, Uas much as he could. V Iioebat is used impersonalty with the original meaning as much as it was lawfui, Vi. e. in accordance with What he re asonably could do. V22. Arrange cum animus non posset agere nihil, existimavit -- leatim posse deponi honestissime, si rettulisset as ad philosophiam, etc. 24. temporis, partitiVe genitive dependent on multum. 26. civibus, dative dependent on the compound Verti Prodesse. 27. Arrange : Et que) re publiea eversa seripsit Nura brevi tempore quam scripserat multis annis ea i. e. re publica) stante. brevi tempore is an adverbial element modisying scripsit; multis annis is an adverbial element modifying seripserat.
I. M publica evorsa and ea stante are ablatives absolute. 3. Praeeemo, dative dependent on parebat. 5. quid after si, aliquid. boni, partitive genitive dependent onquid. 6. facete, an adverti modisying diota. 8. Moi tum modifies Lentulam. 0. Arrange : Matrona, simulans se esse) iuniorem quam orat dictitabat se tantum habere triginta annos.
IO. tantum, only. VII. annos, accuSative denoting extent or duration os time. I 2. RItero consese mortuo, ablative absolute. 13. die ultima, ablative of time, modisying mortuo. hora septima, ablative of time. 14. renuntiaverat, had appotnted. V quem refers to caninium. I 5. salutatum, Supine expreSSing purpOSe aster a verti os motion
I 8. toto suo oonsulatu, ablative of time.
22. Myouoniam, accusative denoting limit os motion. 23. studiis, dative dependent on vaeavit, P he devoted himself. V
I. heredemus; namely, P heredem Caesaris. V '4. Mutinas, locative genitive denoting the place Where. Qitu, ablative of Separation. 5. M...t-eret is an adverbial modi fier of misit, explaining the pumose of the wncling. 6. insoriptas modifies litteras. 8. gula...utebatur, P may even be used. V innua internuntiis, ablatives dependent on the deponent verti utebatur. q. religabat collum columbis, religabat Collum Columbarum. II. moenibus, dative dependent on proximo; proximo modi fies 1 o laesa cibique, genitives dependent on RVitae. I 2. Humima, the highest paris, ' i. e. the roo S. VI 3. - modo, P in this manner. VI 4. utique, especially. V Arrange: postquam instituerat, cibo disposito quibusdam laesa, eolumbas devolaro illuc. quibusdam Iocis, ablative of Place. I s. uiuo refers to quibusdam locis. 17. Supply to ducis officio. VI 8. omio, ablative dependent on the deponent verti functus est. Arrange : Atque Octavianus) fertur subisse aquilam umeris et fertur)
24. senatu eunetanis and reiecto sagulo, ablative absolute. 26. me, i. e. Ugladius. V
I 2. eum occidendum, the gerundive expreSSing Pu OSe 15. Iateret, Subjunctive dependent on eum. oomprehensi and torti are adjective modi fiers os servi. Ι6. multumque sto diu, a compound adverbial element of torti. negabant se solae, dioebant se nescire. 17. esset, Subjunctive in indirect question introduced by ubi. 19. gladiis, dative dependent on the compound verti obiecit. 2Ο. Arrange cum seros cuiusdam senatoris cognosset cognovisset), milites advenisse ad occidendum dominum proserimum, Vesto commutata cum eo i. e. cum domino) anulo etiam permutato, omisit illum i. e. dominum3 olam postico, recepit autem se ad laetulam si passus est occidi ut dominum. 24. Quanti viri, genitive os quality. 25. oum, ConceSSive, U although. V
2. id bellum is the direct object of transegit. quamquam invalidus atque aeger : supply V erat. V 4. ORstris, ablative of separation. fuga, ablative os means. 5. in nobilissimum quemque captivum, P against ali the nobies and captiveS. V6. Arrange : Dicitur respondisse uni scaptivo) prseanti suppliciter sepultura, iam istam sepulturam) fore futuram esse) in potestate volvorum. The woriis from iam to volucrum are the object of r spondisse. 8. Arrange Octavianus) fertur iussisse alios, patrem et filium, rogantes pro Vita, ut...concineretur.
9. Ut...cono eretur explains why they should cast lots. IO. Patre Messo, ablative absolute. II. o ubuisset, subjunctive dependent on eum. speet se, SPecta
I 2. una voce, uniformiy. V oecurrebat, P he replied. VI4. Idibus Martiis, ablative os time modiiying exstructam. 15. hostiarum modi fies more. 17. duxisset uxorem, P had marriecl. VI 8. quas quidem mulier, i. e. Cleopatra. 10. centiens sestertium, ten million sesterces MIO, Ο).2Ο. dixerat, i. e. Cleopatra. Arrange Antonius oupiebat diseere sol non arbitrabatur id) posse fieri. 2I. Postero die, ablative os time modifying apposuit. 23. inristenti modi fies Antonia. potuisset, subjunctive os cause dependent on quod. Cleopatra' understood is the subject osyotuisset. promisso stare, to keep her promise. V24. Ex praecepto, V following her orclers. 25. tantum, V only. V27. esset, Subjunctive in the indirect question introduced by quidn-.
I. Meto, ablative os meanS. 6. quo, P whither. V0. AIexandria rodacta, ablative absolute. IO. eomprehendi and servari are infinitives dependent on cupi- M. I 5. imperio, ablative dependent on the deponent verb potitus. I 6. mansuetudinis and humanitatis are genitives dependent onplana. Multis and eis are clatives dependent on ignovit. 10. toto orbe, ablative of place. bellis compositis, ablative absolute.
22. omnes, accusative, direct object of oepit. 23. laetitia, ablative dependent on the deponent verb Perdius-hatur. et . bellis civilibus, dative dependent on the compound verb -- positus esset.
I. M i. e. Augusto), dative dependent on detulerunt. dolarentibus, dative dependent on respondit. 3. --- factua votorum insorum, V should I be granted ait my
6. Iloeat, subjunctive dependent on M. 7. magni vi, an adverbial modi fier of Votuit. offeronis populo, ablative absolute. 0. de restituenda re publica, gerundi ve of restoring the republican forni os goverrament. VΙ3. ne...PReniteret, a Purpose clause. noVi status, genitive dependent on paeniteret. Arrange : Et sentiebat et loquebatur bene de eis etiam, quos expertua erat adversarios esse).10. PMrias amans, P a patriol. V 2I. exeipiebat, P he mei. V22. vooatus in ius, o summoned into couri. 23. M. ..Messet, P that he Ahould defend him. V24. eommendaret, Subjunctive os purpose in relative clause introduced by qui. 26. te i. e. Augusto) periclitante, ablative absolute. bello Actiaco, ablative of time.
4. ei, dative dependent on Compound verti Mourrit. 7. viginti milibus, ablative of price. 8. quem reserS to socius. 0. quem ut adferre cogeretur rogavit: et sotius) rogavit ut opifex) mgerstur adferre eum i. e. alium cor um).12. satis duxit, P considere 1 it sussicient. VI 5. Exemplum is the subject of sollicitavit. 10. Η- i. e. salutatione) audita, ablative absolute. 21. talium salutatorum, genitive partiti ve dependent On satis. corvo, dative dependent on the Compound veri, superfuit. 22. quibus, ablative os means modisying querentem. 23. subtexeret, subjunctive Os reSult dependent on ut. 24. quanti, genitiVe of price modi sying emorat.
a5. demendenti caesari, dative of indirect object dependent onyorrigero. Aliquod honorinoum vigramma is the direct object of the
27. sedisset ano duxisset, subjunctives dependent on eum.
I. breve aramum epigramma, direct object os exaravit. 2. Graeculo advenienti, dative dependent on obviam misit. 3. Iaudare mirariquo, historical infinitives. 4. t-...quam, UaS Well. . . as. V V e, voltu gestuque, ablatives of
6. manu demissa, ablative absolute. . daret, subjunctive os Pu OSe. 8. risu secuto, ablative absolute. 0. Arrange et i ait satia grandem summam Meuniae numerari Moulo. I 2. oena. . . rua...et Bottidiana, ablative os time. 17. mumenis, dative dependent on the compound verb obiol. 10. Petiturus, P Wishing to ask. V ut aliter periret, that hemight be killed in some other Way. 2Ο. novo genere, ablative os cause modi sying motus. II. orystallina is the subject os frangi, and piscinam the subjectos Oomplari. The infinitives depend on iussit. 24. crebro cantu rumpente, ablative absolute. 25. Arrange: oum signino set significavisset) se vehementore ors liberari qua ea) molestist i. e. noctura).26. Rumpi, genitive dependent on peritus.
2. minus dignum, not sussicient. V3. Malo ut vivat, P I prefer to let it live. V 4. Imperatori, dative dependent on deerat. ad irascendum, gerund dependent on causa. ad ulciscendum, gerund dependent onpotest . 5. aequo animo, illi equanimi ty. V9. Arrange : qui semper ita usus est ea gratia qua viaebat apud
principem ea gratia, ablative dependent on the deponent verti usus est. qua, ablative os cause modi fying valebat. Io. Prodesset and noceret, subjunctives of result dependent on ut. omnibus, dative dependent on prodesset; nomini dative dependent on
11. quibus Posset, quibus Posset prodeSSe. II. st videbatur damnaturus, and it seemed that he was a ut to condemn. V eapite, ablative of penalty. I 3. Perrumpere and Moedere, infinitives dependent on oon batur. 14. Quod; namely, perrumpere et Moedere. 17. Qua i. e. tabellain Isota, ablative absolute. I 8. morte, ablative os penalty. Io. Iaxitate and cultu, ablati ves of cause. II. hieme and Restate, ablatives of time. 22. Privatae elegantiae, genitive os quality or description. 23. veste alia, ablative dependent on the deponent verti uti. eonfecta, Supply P veste. V26. gIoriaretur, Subjunctive of result clependent on M. Marin restin, Supply U Romam. V
I. eximia forma, ablative os quality or description. a. omnis lenocini, genitive dependent on neglegens. 3. eo ipso tempore, ablative of time modisying Is rei and scriberet. 4. quo, ablatiVe os time modisying oommitteret. Iogeret anclaeriberet, subj unctives os result dependent on M. 7. tribus Iegionibus caesis, ablative abSolute. 9. quis aster ne, aliquis. exsisteret, subjunctive os pumose clependent On ne.
I 6. Valetudine admota, ablative absolute, Phis health having
come impat red. VI 7. mimo remisso, ablative absolute. nullo genere, ablative of Separation dependent on abstinuit.
I 8. supremo die, ablative os time. 2o. Videretur, Subjunctive in the indirect question introduced by sequia. 22. Nolae, locative, at Nola. V sextum et septuagesimum annum. agens, P in his 76th year. V
I. Arrange: cum Miltiades, filius cimonis, Atheniensis floreret unus maximo omnium et antiquitate generis et gloria maiorum et sua modestia et esset est Reistis ut, etc. 2. Antiquitate, gloria, and modestia are ablatives of cause. The subjunctives floreret and esset depend on eum. cum denoting time V when V) in the imperfeci and ptu perfeci tenses takes the subjunctive : in the other tenses, the indicative. Translate floreret, P whenhe flourished V : and esset, V when he was. V3. Aetate, ablative of quality or descriptive ablative, of such anage. V Non iam, P no longer. V 4. Arrange sed etiam sui cives possent confidere eum talem
IO. quo, ablative dependent on uterentur. potiatimum, P in preference to ali others. V uterentur, subjunctive in indirect question. duoe, ablative in apyosition With qao. II. cum quibus, quibuscum. Nepos cloes not follow the classical
II. orat dimicandum, the passive periphrastic conjugation expresses that Something must he done. Hia oo Montibus, dative alter the compound verti praecepit. Nominatim refers to Miltiadom. I 3. sumerent, subjunctive after ut, denoting Purpose. 14. Incepta prospera futura esse). an infinitive clause dependenton P Pythia dixit V understood. Arrange : cum Miltiades, hoc responso oraculi profoetus chersonesum cum desecta manu, amomi et Lemnumst vellet redigere. I 5. chersonesum and Lemnum, accusatives denoting limit os motion. Peninsulas and istanos osten receive in Latin the Same Construction as names of towns and Cities.
16. Moessisset, Vovet, and postulasset postulavisset), subjunctives alter oum denoting time. 18. moerent, Subjunctive aster ut underStood. Arrange oum accessisset...et Vellet. . .et postulasset ut) Lemnii fauerent id sua sponte. 10. Domo, from home. V The Lemnians refer to Athens as thehome of Miltiades. Later on, Μiltiades gains the advantage overthem by claiming the Chersonese as his new domicile. navibus and
I. Athenis, ablative denoting place from Which ; it modifies se
fidiscentibus. 2. proficiscentibus, dative aster tenet adversum, V blows against. V 4. brevi tempore, ablative of time. barbarum, barbarorum. oopiis disiectis, ablative abSolute. 5. rogione, ablative aster Potitus. petierat, petiverat. -Meuia,
dative after idoneR. 0. devicisset, Subjunctive aster cum II. chersoneso oonstituta, ablative abSolute.