장음표시 사용
tractatus primus de ente in communi and o the fame line Incipit tractatus secundus libri de ente primo in communi an Shirley'streatis follows p. 2, ' , Book II). Here too e find ota f. 68 and 169 sor instanc the appropria te ea ding
Shirley' state ment a to pagination requires correctio here, Book I, i, et, do es no endis f. 67 a state p. 3, en d . ut oes onto . 77, here, rea the clos in g,ord of tr. in directe occasio peccandi . e must also notice a regret table omission in hirley'sother is valvabie catalogue. F. 77 begins illi the word Consequens est purgare it is the reatis referre t p. 2, 'I, Book I, ut Shirte do es no mention this. The copyist, intendi nito remove alidou bis a to the connectio of this reatis e illi the forme ones, hastaken care toto in it ut a be fore,
in the fame and as allis long This third reatis end on . 84 withthe word Talia signa oportet, a gi ven by hirley. Lea Vingo. 84, e come, o f. 85, to the words Obiciencium contra dicta de universalibus, uia fortunatet without an heading ut there is no do ubi hale vero har it is identica with hirley's reatis e
p. 2, ' , Book I, ) although he has rea circa for contra Thistreatis end a f. 9o it is perhaps in complete, a the desinit of the Vienna S. saltem si deus vellet, non supersu eret is no in
agreement illi that of hirley. Here e come to the critica poliat of the whole question De Ente Praedicamentali egins o f. 9o , an on 193 and 94 e re ad
d his ea ding taken together illi the forme ones, completelydecides the folio in potnis i. That his reati se is the fifth b orde of the different,orks of hicli the series egins 1 f. 58 of hirley' Cod. 43o7.2. That the are ali paris of ne great hole: De Ente in Communi; i. e. of the rs book of the Summa. 3. That the reatis o f. 85, though no provide with a separate ea ling, is obviousty the fourth v order. . And that the reatis De Ente Praedicamentali is noti as hasbeen itherio bellei ed a distinc morst, ut an integra par of the
versalibus and De Tempore, are reatly the fixi an Seνent paris of the Orst. The question follows, o far his te is orne ut by the S. o Trinit Coll. Cambrid ge, B. 6, 2 hicli hirte calis the M S. of the whole or except the prologue o I. Tract. V; hether i merelybear testimon to the ex os De Ente Praedicamentali, o has more lacu ne than hos mentione by hirley in a ord, hether the fifth reatis is o is no completet wanting. By the friendi services of r. Matthe w m fellow-worker of the wycli Society, I have been nable to ascertain that the S. s
that the original tu of the copyis was to introduce in that placelli present reati Se .
Severa pages are est lan a the very pol here De Ente Praedicamentali ho ut have been the scribe obviousi intendita toinserto his reatis at o me more convenient time. his also accounts for the want of a prologue to the sigili reatis e.
Besides his important faci, an intrinsic proos confirmo hetruth of ur hypothesis. e hardi sin in an o Wyclis hi therio
publis hed ork so many quotations frona imself as in De Ente aedicamentali the have ali been collecte in the Inde of quotations V. But fiat ives them so much importunc in the presentquestion is the forna in hich the a re ut Wyclis, at the ver ouis et p. , says ut probatum .st Secundo libro, tractatu de deis. litile further p. 2, 2 Secunda pars declarabitur in materia de I deis. Aster arcis p. 2, 3 and 32) oportet notare dicta tractatu primo Capitulo 4 . . . . Idem Sicut dictum est tractatu primo, capitulo primo An lasti p. 18): sicut est dare primum intellectum et νυ litum extra deum . . . ut patebit Secundo libro Al these referen cesto a liber secundus in hich the subject is deuit illi more fully, oro a tractatus primus in hic holi potnt in question has ali eady been discus sed, an have o mean in uni ess we admit that De Ente aedicamentali is par of a xv hole o vhich both tracta iti primus and liber secundus elong This reat or is no the than heri vovoluminous book De Ente Wyclis multitudinous quotation ali agre eperfecti vel xvitii the division of the wor a gi ven in the S. of Trinit Coll. Cambr. B. 16 12 and we may for brevi ty's ake, refer the ea de to the different places here the occur in the text.
Aster the orego in explanations, e ma stud the work romthe stand-po in oscit philosophica content and value As has been Seen the aut hor consider ii as a par of a hole; ut the place he
w of course except two sentences frona the Trialogus and the De Compositione Hominis, hicli are placet in the Inde meret for the salie o completenesSas the are accompat ne by no Sigras O quotation.
assigias it is no accidental; it is the resultis a plata vel thought ut, and in strict harmon with an in Plexibi arran gement of euch separate pari. When ycli quo ted precedin and subsequent de vel op ments of his doctrine, he had probabi atre ad complete the whole os De Ente in his ind. The basis of his system a s firm souns hakable that suci referen ces a these have discus sed thequestion a tength in the rst reati se . . . this ill e deat with in the secon book; far rom do in an injur to the work, re ofreat se, as id in to ard a comprehensive Vie of the whole. ut the conseque iace is a difficuli that critic ought noto underra te ho v an e properi appreciate a Wor that is no indepe dent, uni has no value excepi a connected with hat precedes and followsit An suci, an appreciation ill e possibi only hen ali thecontent of the Trinitu S. re publis hed. A concertas the Hor in iis eis, speciali the fir si pari, the ille De Eute Praedicamentali is et chos en In the rs eleven hapters, ycii sol lows preti clos ely the lata of the celebra ted organon, thenis classical ork. Ai ter avi nideat in generat, illi predicamentalbe in in the fir si chapter, hici concludes thus p. 4 omnia novem
predicamenta accidericium reducuntur ad Cathegoriam SubStanciae ut suum principium, he imitates Aristolle undisive us a preliminarydiscussion of the nown subjecis the Aequia oca and the niνoca
o at the categori es, coincidi ni iti the deas en or genus thesech apter correspon more or es clos et to cap. 2, 3 Categ. The
have o do illi elation cap. 5 Categ.), hicli is state to enaturaliter consequeri ad quantitatem et qualitatem. ualit is notadmitte to e a category, as Aristoti affirms cap. 6 Categ.). yclii derive the genus Action immediat et fro that o Relatio an dealswith the de of move ment, hich he includes in the forme r. The last chapter si ut the prelude os a question hicli illi de bate throughout
severat ther sections vigo hether Actio an Passion are identi cal.
it is obvio his that e cannot here discus the controversia question a towhether the Categori es, a they no v stanti are reatly the work of Aristolle see
Chapter iocis a ver singula one. Whil continuing the forego ingdiscussion abo ut the identit o dii fere iace of action and passion heenter Upon a qui te different subjeci, hicli it was a firs ver difficultfor the editor to under stand A the egi nning of the hapter sp p. io2-io,), Wycli lay down si potnis, hich the re ader illfin in the side- notes. ut the difficult o disco vering rhat hos est pol ni in debat signi sy, procee is frona the fac that instea oflayi nido the argument pro and contra, as usual with him, und thus ending the discussio at orace, e prolong it through a considerable
par of the wor sabo ut hiri pages). Titus e find that he mentions
the rst o in on p. io an discusses it on p. Io 8 the econii, onp. Io and p. I 2 the hir on p. io and p. 18 the fourth np. 2i the fifth on p. 25 and the ixti, state on p. Ob appears Oni at p. 3 so that the question concern in action an passionare deat with in the mos comprehensive a througho ut hapter XI, XII, XIII XIV XV XVI. This is ali the more rema rhable, scilio ingthat Wyclis,as extremel methodica in his reat ment of very parto this ork, and that he stricti adheres througho ut to the plancia id do wn and it is clea that the reati se e fore us is a mature unddeepi meditate productior of the illustrious writer. The discussion of the de of Actio in iis igii est sortia, theaction o God particulari in the concursus Dei ad citim is also continue in Chapter XVII and a the Divine concursu to Very Ventis an in dispensabie requisite, it is asked hether ad actions are include in his assertion for accordinii Wycli mo is the Supreme Genus os ut Praedicabilia, so that verythin predicabie appe ars asa creatur of God Here the author answers illi much truth that the per Se malum does no exist an more than the inseparabiliter malum, e cause thei non- existenc is caused by God and that forthe fame re ason there is noth in evit olitum et inseparabiliter Thewill and action o Lucifer are here adduce dos an instance. Hi S determination to e like unt God'', a good the fauit lay ora lyin the anne os carry in it ut p. 61 . his sectio of the work which is continue into Chapter XVI li is ne of the mos perfect of
the whole reati se an may be called the culminationis the de vel opinentos Wyclis doctrines. e ma perhaps ook pono his as a strange culmination, that et u God a the Firs Cause of ali Predicamenis,
XII INTRODUCTION. and absolutet dentes the genus o malum per se. ut it bears, it nessto mos pro uni philosophicul und theologica thought, alii ablechieli ora account of the leas in light it throw on the umbi and
pious character of the writer.
e re qui te justitiei in callinit his section a culminat in potiator finis hinito uch. The nex para graph discusse an altogether different subject- matter so much so, inde ed that e ma re ason abi belleve that o brusque a transition is the result ather of the ver corruptstate in hich the S. has come down to us, than of the aut hor's
sequens est idere quam extens Sit loquendum de tempore, directly after his disquisition concerning Lucifer und in Andisu suspicionsare stili fur ther strengthened by the fac that at the end of h. XVIIIa considerable par of f. 232 is est lanii. The etails concern in time- sequences again follo Aristotie's Categories te by te p. ut here also Wyclis et out illi theaeternita dei, ho was is, and will e per omnia Saecula saeculorum p. 8 o). Frona his truth ur author ortis ut severa conclusion sintende. to ive us a right index o Time, of the Successive, and of
the Instantaneous. Unfortunatet we a re not able o go ver de epinio these de talis, a the pro of thatis Aesone and an intermariis existrequire an enormotas scas folii in o assumptions p. 87, 88) Osco urse e have the evolution of the ver de praesenti a thus restricte din iis mean in Ch. XX). At a gi ven instant of time, the Successii umis absolutet inconcei, able, for it is made up omnibus suis partibus per ordinem sibi Succedentibus. his conception is in ked in a mari nertha reminit us of Aristolle, illi the solution of the questionwhether condensation densari or rarefaction rare fieri os time is
possibie Ch. XXI); after hich the author again ta kes, the questionos ampliatio erbi de praesenti, and se ille it illi a considerable number of quotations frona vario us authors. his has ter is the endo the present, ut perhaps ot of the origina text. It is certain that the realise, as it stands, is un finished of the tres modi dicendi, hic hrelate to the mean in of the erbum de praesenti, ni o ne is dealtwith, the rst. ut e have certaini no re ason to ascribe his toth author ather than to the copyist.
We have atready potnted ut that the whole o De Ente edicamentali, as also the various realises of De Ente sive summa intellectialium, a re ut paris of the fame liole, and elonito achother a suci, We have note the quotations hicli prove it tobelon to that hole, and we have allude to the position o De Ente Predicamentali in the S. 43o7. It is herefore quite Un necessaryto bring forward any further proos concerning the authenticit Ofthis ork, oro attempto demonstrate that both method and style
have the rue yclisti an in throughout that the circle of writers whose deas e bring to his id a re exacti adapte to the worido ideas in hich e habituali moves and that he Doctor EvangelicuSneVer Werves fro the sense of Scripture in the theories hicli e propo Unds. et e cannot et observin certain important thoughles apparent, idiosyncrastes for instance, a marked likin for ex amplestahen rom optic an phvsics, as on p. 7, and the repetition fcertain favo urit examples ahen irona ther authors, are to e found
Is, o eVer, Othin prevenis a satisfactor solution of this problem, e cannot a the fame of the ther, relative to the date of the work. The question has atread been debate by a nown authori ty. Bud densieg speaking of yclis doctrine n an nihilation, assigns the ear 362 to iis appearance but he ad is a note os interrogatio that te aves us in doubi and the Editor, o hopin forgreater certitude, oes no venture t ii a limit There is ni onepositive an undo ubie facto stari Dona vi , that in 136o, Wyclis had atready prepare mos of his logica an philosophica treatises. It therefore e assignis date a se years later o his mos voluminoUS and ripe si or in his fiet os inquiry we hali probabi not besar rong. There is no trace hate ver of politica or theologicalde bates; e may there fore infer that heia Cyclis rote De Ente, he had not et entere the arena that was o bring him sucti reat
There is fio ever a se emingi very eight objectio against this date. e rea a the very eginning of the reatis the illo in gwords: Et ex isto patet quod omnes pretericiones et futuricione S, cum sint terne, independentes ab existencia substancte, non possunt dici accidencia substancte create, et in multo magis negaciones, ut
patet tractatu de Veritate capitulo 'V. It a firs seeme probableto me that wyclis a referring to his own reatis De Veritate Sacrae Scripturae an too that for granted, o having the reati seat hund at the time sit elong to the series of et unpublishedworks , and o bein able to identis Ansel f book De Veritate, in a quotation os o vague a description when Wycli quotes thegreat Sa in os anterbury, he usuali employs more determinate expressi Ons, Suchos p. 84, 6 Unde . . . docet Anselmus in libello suo de Veritate; or p. io 2, 3 . Et confrmacio istius est Anselmus
in De Veritate, capitulo δ' o again p. 72, 2 i): Anselmus in De
Veritate. Now, foliis quotatio reatly belonge to Wyclis treati se De Veritate Sacrae Scripturae, e should e obliged to ascribe a much later date to the whole o De Ente, hici, oui then have been writte toward the lose of the eventi, deca de of the Murteenth
But suci, is no the case. I have since had the opportunit os seeing the Viennam S. De Veritate Sacrae Scripturae. A clos perusal of the whole of the foui th hapter convince me that it containe nothingconcerning the accident of the substancia creata, o the negacioneS.
O the ther an it seem quite possibi that wyclis alludes no toCh. 4 ut Ch. 2 of Anselm ' De Veritate. In his place Migne, Ser. lat. Vol. LVIII, col. 47i the writer expound the essen ce of the Affirmation and the egation in regar to proposition. e maythere fore completet an decidedi se asi de the de of a quotationi rom Wyclips reati se, and this objection against the date assigned by us falis to the round.
fac that et do occurs in the series of Wycli s ritings, is notice able the writtera basis of the edite texi consist of nly one M S. the Cod. 43o7, ire ad describe by us in the Introduction to
INTRODUCTION. XVour edition o De Compositione Hominis, and there fore requirin nofurther detalle description. This circumstanc render it necessar to make at the more of the texi, as it stand in the ni existing ource, an examine it more thoroughly but here there is no sufficient iundatio for acritica revie of the text. A the an corrections parti copie in the Adnotatio critica obvio usi s how, it a no transcribe ascare fuit a might have been destreii Mista kes of qui te an elementaryorde are to e et illi, hici certaint have their so urce in ignorance alone. The manus alter of the corrector a in dispensabie in many an many a passage. Sometimes hole ord are est ut, an lother are in advertenti repea ted. In his edition e have ept tot he plan os supplying the omitted ord in tali cs, and of enclo singwith in brachel thos that have been superfluo usi repea ted. These nintentiona omission te ad us to a subjec clos et alli ed illi them the more considerable aps illi hich the ex abo uniis. e do no allud even to the omission o individua sentences se e P p. 69, I 8, 99, c. but to the more regret table ac that e dono edi Wyclis De Ente P edicame=itali in the form gi ven to it Vth author it is hortene an mutilate d. his occurs ot onlytoward the en of the book we have at ready mentioned the circumstance that, of the tres modi dicendi, p. 2i3, ni one has been transmitte to us but throughout the reati se it is many important places, dis figured by considerable aps Thus either the Murth hapter nor it epilogue inds p in the way e re te toexpect and the a me observatio applies to the appendices of h. V,
I cannot here pas ove the fac that Pros. Loserti, noticin m editio ofDe Compositione Hominis in Soebet' Historische eitschri , has o inted Ut SeVera mistahes for the mos pari clerical error in the descriptio of the MS. I the reade tali es into consideratio that m Introduction a writte in Madrid, and no at ali subsequently corrected by me, he wil surely vi e those OVersight with indulgence. ut is Pros. Loserin thiniis that his ut os the reviemero so arduous a or goes no farther han to note these unimportant corrigenda, an to ascribe it ni philosophica interest, I must ais a protest again StSuch a proceed ing at the more earnestly because a man who nows by his Wia persona experience ali the difficulties of an edition o Wyclis, might be expectedi revie rather es cursorii a or that is the fruit os many years o laborioUS
XVI INTRODUCTION.whicli ave certaint not come down to us in thei firs form It is much more probabie to assert, that o the contrary, ach of theseparagraphs as originali a complete an separate section On p. 2o2
an et o we meet illi ide aps of hicli the series migii perhaps
we have o deat illi it lone. It will e een hy hoever ahes thetro ubi e to stud our method os arranging the texi, that it is strictly conservative in his sense, that we have care fuit avo i de tam pering with it unies in cases of absolute necessi ty. In ali that concern the desideratum os legibility, we have epi a clos a possibi e to the excellent mode give by r. Buddensi eg; close inde e than in urfirs edi ted ork. his may be speciali note in the punctuation whicli cannot be to frequent illi the ambiin constructio ofWyclis sentences an certa in peculiarities o spelling, of hicli I nowrecognig the importa iace. ot illi standiniat this, a certain amounto asperit and want of polisti, hicli I rust ill be excused, asu navo id able.
A fe word more must e sal abo ut the explanator notes an referen ces, an an observation or two ad on a fiet of orkwhich ives iaspea habie tro ubi e to the Editor To oo a the numbero quotations erifie in the author' writings, hicii, togethe withthei place are to e found at the en of the publis hed edition isto have ut the faintest de of the tria o patience involved in suchwork Wyclis, a me have seen, osten quotes ille o book without the nam of the author, authors ithout a ming their orks the quotations are osten ron or no in agreement illi the ille and division no gi ven to the works of the reatis es quoted many areto e found ni in firs editions, o in S. Only the man who hasgone through the est an properi understand what it is to ea awhole S. o prin te book for the ahe of a quotation, in omecases ni to a that the work was ali in vat an must e gone through nce more No is e conside that Wyclis, in the De Ente Praedicamentali and the XIII uestiones makes almos sue undred