장음표시 사용
difficulti es that e re primarii the cause of the dela in ille publishingand printing of the present reatis e. A conscientio us erificatio of the ources rom hicli Wyclis drew, is, it is qui te true, o without interest. e at once se that the author prepare himself for non of his et publishe works no even for the Trialogus - ith such care an stud of therwriter a for De Ente Predicamentali. ycli do es no inde edalway quo te Aristolle or ther philosopher immediat ely he ostendo e so in directi through the writ ings of ther celebrate men se ep. Oa note p. 6 an particularly p. 35), speciali Bradwardine from ho he osten quotes the Philosopher'), Anselm and thers. But is ould not e by an means allowable to conclude that he was no perfecti ac qua in ted illi the great master of thought who Seworks e thus quotes at secon hand Not ni in Scripture and in the athers, ut also in Scholastic ore Wycli is qui te a home he nows allis bout the old grammarians an mathematicians as ellas bout the Sta gyrite an his Arabian commentators It is curiousto attemptrio buckle on the armo ur of earn iniwhicli the student an dmaster of an Englisli Universit in the secon hal of the XIV licentur had to ear. Wri tings of hicli the ille are no scar celyknown much les re ad), were then in generat se a a sori ofintellectuat panacea other logica an philosophica books thensu premel important, have o fallen into complete oblivion. Platois nown to Wyclis ni by Aristoti an Augustine; ut he is qui temaster of ali his o urces of nowledge, an deals illi them a s echo os es. But it is no ou tas to go in to these phases of Wyclis smenta activit and thought it elong much atheroo such as se an stud his orks. An i we have been able to ut in to thei rhand foro his purpo se an edition hici, though no without many imperfections is et os eat se to them, at the trouble that, haveta ken ill have been amply re arded.
This sy be een in his origina manne os expounding the Bible, his
As a good many of the questions that in dispensabi require anans e have ire ad been replied to in that par of the Introductionthat concern De Ente Praedicamentali, e can here afford to ebrief, meret dea ling illi suci potnis a must almos exclusi vel beconsidere a peculiar to these thirteen logical and philosophical questions'. The rst is the collectio of heterogeneous alter underat argumentative form , t whicli, canno findis parallel in an othero Wycli P productions. A the ille indicates the subject of ea cliquestion in imost ver case, it ere nee dies to repea them here
in order Oni II, concerning the form o hypothetica propositi oras, IX hich discusses the different theories of ideatiora by means os intelleci, and XIII po the ources of cognition an properi becalle problems of logic, dea ling ith the formal law of rightre asoning. In the choice of the ther de barable matters, Wyclis se enas ab ove allo have consulte variet V. I an VIII discus the creationos the wori and the time an conditions of iis existence III, Vand VII have o do illi ree wili, the happines of man, and the possession o riches V and X go in to the natur of the Firs Causeand the Prima Substantia VI en quire hether an ho the ea vensare compose of multer and orna XI deuis illi the indivisibilit ofform in anima ted eings and lasti XII is ut exce edingi curio usin vestigation into the natur os cometsi But ach of these question is solve accordin to the fame fixed an in variable plan. First, argument in favo ur os ne opinion, and then re ason provin the opposite a re adduced certain generalprincipies are then lai down frona hicli conclusion and corollari esare dra n unti a tength the truth o false hood of the firs propositionappe ars It would ho ever e a reat mistahe to infer frona thes horines of each question, ahen separalely, and this mechanica wayo solvin them ali, that the resulis of the disquisition are thenaseives of ut mali alve. w or three rem artis it suffice to malle this clear. As for the question os free-will, v. g. there is no do ubi sandi his e can mos decide d ly affirm), that Wyclis follows Anselm veryclos ely p. 247 an seq. Rarely has it been state in o terse an d
pregnant a for that the os of the wili is a much rea te injurythan an tempora loss, that the voluntar abundo tament of that willis a far more crimina ac than sulcide, and that the restitution offree-wil to the inne by the grace of God is a miracle far more stupendous than the ais in of the de ad No es important is thediscussion on appiness, o far an by ha means his des ire os mari an e appea sed an satia ted i is dweli pon a considerable
tength p. 25 and seq. Wycli granis that arthi concupiscenc may
in o me cases e satisfied by that hic li is temporali de si rabie: ut, says e ver po in tedly that cannot e racione et racionabiliter , nor plene et totaliter sine errore . ni the ultimus snis simpliciter is able o ive rue an complete satisfaction to the earn in hearto man which no tempora good an do. It is extremel rema rhablethai vcli is here thin king, no of the contemplatio Dei o Christiansaith, ut o Aristotie's Metaphysic and of his conceptio of the
summum bonum infnitum, to hich Ur author se em to reveri. We cannot ut notice a ver interest in de vel op men that Occursin Wycli P handi in of the eventi question in riches Riches, e
concludes p. 267 are se fui ven foris virtuo us man. The possessionos riches is allowed, e cause indigentia temporalis exis is Rut hecontinues, hat ould appen f this indigenti no longe obta inedὶ Al things ould then e posses sed in common, quia in extrema
necessitate status miserie omnia debent esse communia, Sicut aer necessarius omnibus debet esse communis . It is clea that wycli satis b oni o ne te to reach the doctrine of Communis m, o so much
in vo gue, hici consider this extremus status as ali ead existin in reali ty. e ill not try to in in these oras more than theycontain: ut the unmista keably brid ge ver the a between ura ut hor' earlier opinion and thos socia an politica theories, hic hinspire hi and were translate into actions at a later period. Powe and energ o langu age, a keen logica acumen and plenitude of earn in give value to this remari able collectio ofquestions and ake hem to an equali with the the work of the fame riter in the fame fiet 4. I the alter contain profo tander doctrine, the XIII Quaestiones a re excellent contribution to dialecticaldiscussion the opposition o affirmative and negative theses, the proand Contra os contradictor arguments, a re ali made to serve his
purpose, and to dra the destre conclusion ogether illi it conseque taces. An it is quite in agreement illi his poliat o vi e that ille questions hos en elongo such videt different subjects of investigation. The author isti e to ho horu se fui the dialecticalmethod is in such various matters, and what aduanta ges may be
we have ut ver se externa proos that he uaestiones illare a genuine or of Wyclis. There is either inscriptio nor sub- Scriptio aminio even indicat in Wyclis a the author. et e find it
the cove of the S. hich e hali ave occasion to mention more at tength, and whicii a certainly of the fame date a thevolume iself, eem to refer to the reatis in the word questiones proposicionum But here intrinsic eviden ce abundantly mahes u forthe want of extrinsic proos. As atready remarhed, o oni a series of ideas peculiar o Wyclis, ut the form the diction, the dialectical acute ness, ahe it an eas tas to recognig the author of worksalready nown o s. The so urces quo ted in the wor belonito the Same genera circle of writers save that the a re here lightly enlarge by a se ne quotations. n. ou demonstratio ma be considere a complete, is e ad some de talis that a re seem inglywithout importance Take. v. g. the ex ample on p. 295; manente eodem Serpente, absciSa aliqua parte eius, manet eadem forma Substanciali, que prius fuit iro Augustine, De Quantitate Animae, XXXI, 2 on p. 295) it is repeated an repeate in the samem anne in Wyclis book De Compositione Hominis . e may say
the fame of his interestin treaiment of the theor of ideas, a comparison of the doctrines of Plato an Aristolle hicli coincides illia simila passage in the Trialogus Thus ach of these reati se a relin k in a chain, and connected ne illi nother. There is ne passage hicli is of very great importanc in fixing the date of the work. Toward the en o Qu. I, Wycli examinesthe signification of the ver creare, and ives as an example therranssubstantiation that tali es place in the Muss. No it is et lino n
what an important part his question plays in the gradu a develop mento wyclis theological ideas. In his reat wor Dein te, he has giventhe doctrine os anni hi lation a different turn .i ut in his placeo hereis noto be se e thecili glites trace of an opinion hichrae after ard sexpressed illi so much conviction On the contrary, spe aking of the pri est Wyclis se the folio in unmistakable expressions Pane totaliter et plene cessante existere facit ibi sub specie is ibili esse corpus Cristi cV p. 232). e must there fore place the date of the uaestiones XIII ather earlier, e tween De Composicione Hominis and De Ente an to fix the date et more accurate ly, et Neen 36oand 362, though ea re the forme than the alter.
The XIII quaestiones arein fortunatet to e found ni in asingle M S. It is the Code of the Uniνersiim Librarr a Prague V E. 4. pape Manu script of 22 numbere leaves, an severat ther notnumbere 15 2i' centi m. po the ooden inclinio uisi de is the folio in inscription o two iis of par chment
whicli e ma re ad thus: Questiones Nikleph de probandi propo- sicionibus et de noteticis et questionibus 2 proposicionum Thes malle pie ce of parchment is evidenti an id librar number TheMS. elong to the XV h century. With regarii to the contenis, e have ni to notice that the Quaestiones extendoro f. 77 to 2oa, and ma refer the reade forthe res of the S. to a ver interestin publicatio of r. Zie ichi, whiclicisci horti to appear. He is at present making the S the objecto his mos serious study. The circumstance that caused the reates difficult in forminga texi in the a se of De Ente Praedicamentali, a that e could recur to ut ne so urce; ut the difficuli is greatly en hance in
Compare this passage illi Bud densi eg, Johann Wicli uindiseine Zeit p. 8o.
the a se of the XIII OllaestioneS. The copyist, e re almost forcedio belleue, id his ver best toward renderingat writinias illegibi eas possibi e The editor, ho has for the las eight years been occupi edwith XV limentur MSS., of hicli man were ruther illegibi e must admit that he neve met with so hard a palaeographic problem asthe present one. At through the work e continuali meet illi sentences that must ather e gues sed a than read an I may addwith much satisfactio that my este eme fellow-worke in Wycli
Mr Dalewichi fuit endorses m opinionis to the difficult o deci-phering the S. The principat defect of the scribe is his excessive
thoughil ess ness, hici absolutet require the revision o a corrector but there a re stili man regrettable ista ke to e found in the work, whicli in generat an hard ly be corrected by the guesses of a modern editor. e may ive an extremel characteristic instance, ho inglio much the S. has suffere in iis successive transcriptions Onp. 26i, e read Alia autem est forma extrinseca et talis dicitur esse forma exemplaris rei, que non est aliud quam exemplar
ad quod respicit opifex, ut ad eius similitudinem formet opus Suum sicut poliges o pyto respici sutor, ut Secundum pSam formam soleam dicitur forma Solee. The worcis, poli es o to though qui te
incomprehensi ble, a re unmista habi distincti an could ake nothingo them nti I re membered that the fame idea a to e found in De Ente Predicamentali, p. 48. Rober Grosse teste is the aut hori tycite in both passages Ep. se notes and index , and an inspectio of the original shows that poliges KO to is a misi ake, for se ligneus ad
quem , α There is no nee for comment ora suci corruption fili texi, that affles ver conjecture os criticism but two conclusion sma be drawn ence Firs that he basis illi hich e have o dea is Ver far rom certain. Se cond that theanowledge of the ources romwhicli Wycli draws is in dispensabie for the re constructior of the e Xt. With his se condoreati se, as illi the rst the reat est tro ubi elias been ta ken to veris ever referen ce. The have been collecte diogether in orde to assis a comparative stud of so urces, and the Gree texis have been ive in the original; although I as of coui se
means in Bohemian the ver sanae a pes ligneus a cobbter' last.
XXIIIwel aware that Wycli understo od an studie Aristolle, Eucli and Theodosius ni in their Latin translations. Is e conside the wealth o quotations in thes Ouaestiones, we at onc perceive the enormous preparatio an stud requisite for ach thesis cf. the question on Comets), and the extent to hichthe writer a master of his ork in his Oint of vie , he se condi reatis is by o means inferior to the rst. At the conclusion o ou Introductio a very pleas an dutyrema in to e fultilled I be to than ali ho se hos e in a id has for arde the completion of this ork It is at ready et knownlio much the anager of the wycli Societ have deserve oflearning for thei publicatio of these orks Most specialty ould than k r. F. D. Matthe , ho notini too the troubie to translatem Side-notes, ut ver care fuit an at a reat sacrifice of eis urean repose severa times looked through very one of the proo fhe et s. The result of this id rendere valvabie by r. Matthe w' ripe experience an erudition has been a reat an corrections excellenthinis and se fui explanations that I have inserte in imost very page of the book I here ego offer r. Matthe the than ks,hichare due o hi sor his labour an self-deniat. The Editor is hes a the sume timeo nam the an to homthis edition is inscribe d. The active good ill an ever- ready helpo Heri Hyrat Nitter on Lir have neve once falle me in alim studies an labours. Foro his assistence, both in counse an byacis, m dedicatio of this or to hi is ut a very mali totieno gratitude appropriate, however, in s far a I have hos en theoccasion, hera the veteran amongst the librarians of Austria o clos es his ixti eth ear of administratiVe Ser Vice. In the ver numero us problem that have arisen a to theauthorities cite by Wyclis and the difficulties in decipitering the
M S. I have received much assistance ro Her Custos Dr. oeldi in vota iei enau, hos experience and nowledge was of great service
t ice senilin me the codex V. E. 4.
Supposito ex superius declarat1s et dicendis In posterum, On
quod ens communissimum poSS1blle eqUUm Um Intelligi entity. I any bili Restat videre, si omne en Sit en Predicamentale, ut has umental 5 et videtur, quod non, quia omne en predicamentale est Examination of
substancia vel accidens non omne en eS Sub Stancla accordinito the
Minor latet des negacionibus, des pretericionibus, accident. futuricionibus et potenciis cum aliis veritatibus p poteti-IO carum, que non OSSunt appropriare alicui predicamento. Fit oppositum tripliciter Primo per hoc, quod ingulum incomplexorum significat substanciam, qualitatem et O , ut ponit Philosophus in predicamentis etc. Item omne intelligibile est ut probatum est secundo i S libro, tractatu de deis, ergo omne intelligibile habeteSSe necessarium et ternum, et per con SeqUen omni Sfuturicio vel pretericio est accidens rei, cuius est futuricio vel pretericio, cum resupponit Subiectum, cuius est pretericio vel futuricio, et posset sibi deesse. 2 Sic enim dividit autor Sex Principiorum quando in pre SenS, preteritum et futurum. Et de negationibus patet, quod omnis negacio est quidlibet preter suum 14. Relegamur ad ipsius ictis opus amplissimum de Entesive Summa Intellectualium' cuius libri alterius partem quintam esse tractatum de deis voluit Miri , , Catalogue V the originalivork of Ohn relis, Oxford, 1865, . . o. Utor ex Principiorum est Gilbertus Porretanus, cuius opusculum introductorium legitur in editione Aristotelis Stagiritae omnia, quae Xtant, opera . . . Verrois CordUbenSi in ea per . . CommentRri . . . Venetiis, Ibba, vol. I, ubi fol. 2 6cap. III , cf. haec: Dissert enim quando ab eo, quod est ubi quoniam in quocumque tempus est vel fuit vel erit, in eo quidem, quando est vel fuit vel erit, quod secundum idem tempus dicitur.
contradictorium positivum, ut non-homo est omne aliud positum ab homine; ideo, quanto posζitivum contra dictorium est striccius est negaci amplior, et econtra, ut non-hoc est omne aliud ab hoc, et non-ens non potest esse; nec differt quo ad predicacionem, sive bnegacio ponitur infinite, sive pure negative secundum
Item ad esse in predicamento sufficit universalitas vel singularitas, sed quidlibet citra Deum est universale vel singulare ergo quidlibet citra Deum est in genere, o et per consequens in predicamento. Minor patet ex hoc, quod omne tale est communicabile vel incommunicabile, et per conseqUens uniVersale vel singulare. Non enim videtur racio, quare est dare speciem hominis vel asini, qui per idem est 15 dare speciem unitatis et puncti, et sic de singulis conVenientibus; nam esse punctum convenit cuilibet puncto qui dilative uni voce et specifice, quod sufncita esse speciei. Punctus ergo convenit specifice cum puncto et differt genere ab instanti vel angulo, cum 2o omnis differen cia sit generis, specie vel numeri cum ergo plus convenit cum puncto, quam instanti, relinquitur, quod una sit conveniencia specifica, et alia generalis; non ergo est racio, quare talia non essent universalia. 25 Pro declaracione istius materi oportet Upponere, quod ens dicatur de omni signabili per complexum, et sic quoddam sit ens actuale vel existen cie, quoddamen potenciale quod habet esse in causis secundis, quepossunt ipsum actualiter producere, et quoddam ens est, o quod solum habet esse intelligibile in Deo. ut omne, quod solum Deus potest producere, et non actualiter existit. Prima pars huius supposicionis declarata est primo tractatu Secunda pars declarabitur in materia de deis. Transition to Ec ista supposicione patet, quod claudit contra 35
conception dic clonem en e S Se Una Vice communius et aua vice
conceived in necessario sit ternum. Secunda pars inferens primam
extende an in patet e hoc, quod Si aliquod ens potest intelligi, ipsum intelligitur, et si intelligitur, ipsum est intelligibile, et Ao
34. Primo tractatu C . rotam in sue cap. IV huiusce tractatus.